Let's Set Some Goals

Deadlift 405 on the Olympic bar - done already on trap bar - May/June

One Arm Barbell Power Snatch 115 - currently 30 - August

Hang Clean 200 - currently 154 - July


10kgs from shoulder press goal
2.5kgs away from db rows lol (for 10 reps)
30kgs from leg press goal

Achieved bench press goal :slight_smile: for 5 reps

Not sure on size gains hwever ive never had the muscle to show for my strength increases :frowning: Have started to incorporate more volume so hopefully that should make some difference…

The bad news is i failed both my bench and deadlift goals! The good news is i hit my 4 plate deadlift goal 10 days later. Updated the list with a bunch of other fails because nobody responded, which probably means they all failed. Wonderful


I don’t tend to set goals like that. You can’t predict it, not only that but it gives you kind of the wrong mindset - you should make strength gains (something that tends to happen in spurts, and dependant on diet/recovery), but don’t let it play with your head like that. Muscles grow at their own pace. If you go in the gym every day thinking “I’ve got to get more reps/weight!!!”, your form and TUT etc is probably going to get worse and worse, and you’re gona be pretty miserable if you don’t reach the target. Strength gains should be earned (you should “own” the weight), not forced unreasonably.

If you don’t get a certain weight, don’t fret it. Maybe you’ll get it next time, maybe you won’t. If it’s a consistent pattern (stagnation), modify things and don’t get frustrated.

Hey, why not!

By August 23 (two months)

Military press 150 lb
Bench 215 lb
Regain my beautiful athleticism.

Only notable progression in the One Arm Barbell Power Snatch - up to 90lbs - even felt comfortable enough to get someone take a picture - bring on 115

Cool thread, Ill join. Accountability always helps me out huge.

My first PL meet is Oct 29, so thats the date on all of these goals

Squat: 455 (current 400 pr)
Bench: 405 paused (current 365ish, I don’t train paused)
Deadlift: 550 (current 470 pr)
Bodyweight: 198 (currently a chubby 225ish)

[quote]its_just_me wrote:

I don’t tend to set goals like that. You can’t predict it, not only that but it gives you kind of the wrong mindset - you should make strength gains (something that tends to happen in spurts, and dependant on diet/recovery), but don’t let it play with your head like that. Muscles grow at their own pace. If you go in the gym every day thinking “I’ve got to get more reps/weight!!!”, your form and TUT etc is probably going to get worse and worse, and you’re gona be pretty miserable if you don’t reach the target. Strength gains should be earned (you should “own” the weight), not forced unreasonably.

If you don’t get a certain weight, don’t fret it. Maybe you’ll get it next time, maybe you won’t. If it’s a consistent pattern (stagnation), modify things and don’t get frustrated.[/quote]

I strongly disagree with you. Going in to the gym every day to set a new record on something has been the biggest single reason why i’ve made the progress that i have made. Lifting just isn’t as fun when i’m just going through the motions and not trying to hit a certain number.

And i do “own” the weight. Yeah my last rep includes a slight bit of grinding, but beyond that, it’s like any other rep. Form may be slightly worse than rep 1, but that’s to be expected.

I just go into the gym to lift as hard as I can and when I do so I am satisfied whether I reach a PR or not…With that mindset I PR very frequently…

I used to also be wrapped up in a number game…I must bench X weight for X amount of reps and it was very depressing when it did not happen and I stalled and plateaued often…So I can agree with its_just_me.

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
I just go into the gym to lift as hard as I can and when I do so I am satisfied whether I reach a PR or not…With that mindset I PR very frequently…

I used to also be wrapped up in a number game…I must bench X weight for X amount of reps and it was very depressing when it did not happen and I stalled and plateaued often…So I can agree with its_just_me.[/quote]

That’s an interesting approach. For me i tend to lose focus and lose track of what i’m shooting for without concrete goals. This applies to most things in my life. To each his own i guess.

[quote]Nick_Graham wrote:
Only notable progression in the One Arm Barbell Power Snatch - up to 90lbs - even felt comfortable enough to get someone take a picture - bring on 115 [/quote]

Aside from the awesomeness of one arm barbell snatching, is there any reason for this goal?

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
I just go into the gym to lift as hard as I can and when I do so I am satisfied whether I reach a PR or not…With that mindset I PR very frequently…

I used to also be wrapped up in a number game…I must bench X weight for X amount of reps and it was very depressing when it did not happen and I stalled and plateaued often…So I can agree with its_just_me.[/quote]

I have the mind set right now of I must hit a PR each workout. It goes to plan 10% of the time but the rest it is as you say depressing. How did you break out of this? Did you start setting other goals for the workout? Say none performance related ones?

Whoa! Seeing all those FAILEDs on the main post really lights a fire under me.

Got about 2 months before I see FAILED next to my own name unless…

[quote]hastalles wrote:

[quote]Nick_Graham wrote:
Only notable progression in the One Arm Barbell Power Snatch - up to 90lbs - even felt comfortable enough to get someone take a picture - bring on 115 [/quote]

Aside from the awesomeness of one arm barbell snatching, is there any reason for this goal?[/quote]

I’m not gonna pretend its built masses of muscle but my speed has got better. That and as you say the sheer awesomeness. Lol

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
I just go into the gym to lift as hard as I can and when I do so I am satisfied whether I reach a PR or not…With that mindset I PR very frequently…

I used to also be wrapped up in a number game…I must bench X weight for X amount of reps and it was very depressing when it did not happen and I stalled and plateaued often…So I can agree with its_just_me.[/quote]

Exactly. I’d only recommend that after more experience; if a newbie were to ask for advice, I’d say beat the log book with all your might because they need to learn intensity etc and can make big gains more consistently. It’s not about having no direction/drive, quite the opposite, it’s about being prepared, or dare I say, being intelligent about your training

[quote]Nick_Graham wrote:

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
I just go into the gym to lift as hard as I can and when I do so I am satisfied whether I reach a PR or not…With that mindset I PR very frequently…

I used to also be wrapped up in a number game…I must bench X weight for X amount of reps and it was very depressing when it did not happen and I stalled and plateaued often…So I can agree with its_just_me.[/quote]

I have the mind set right now of I must hit a PR each workout. It goes to plan 10% of the time but the rest it is as you say depressing. How did you break out of this? Did you start setting other goals for the workout? Say none performance related ones?[/quote]

Hope Austin doesn’t mind me butting in here, but…you can set goals that don’t have to centre around linear gains all the time (although in the long run, that is the goal to get stronger lol). Take 531 for example, the set up is something like this (oversimplified):

Exercises are ramped up to specified rep targets, over 3 sets

Week 1 - Last set 5+ reps with 85% 1RM
Week 2 - Last set 3+ reps with 90% 1RM
Week 3 - Last set 1+ reps with 95% 1RM
Week 4 - Last set 5 reps with 60% 1RM (deload)

Next cycle the weights start heavier

As you can see, the workload is not greatly more difficult from week to week; it’s more gradual and prevents stagnation. Also, you are still reaching goals each workout.

A more “bodybuilding” way to look at it could be this:

You spend 2-3 weeks ramping up to a top set or two, beating PR’s (building up intensity), then the next 2-3 weeks you use extra sets that are normal/straight (building up volume). Each phase builds upon the other, and gives you the much needed mental break or simply better progression.

I’m really trying to hit 300 lbs bodyweight by christmas, SO MUCH FOOD I HATE IT SO MUCH!!!

Goal: Military Press 260x1 by whenever

Feb- probably 135
Now- 160 or 165

Damn the MP increases slowly =(

After what Im doing now I want to do my first slow bulk for as long as i can, Im done with this 1lb every 1-2 days bulking bs

[quote]Blackaggar wrote:
After what Im doing now I want to do my first slow bulk for as long as i can, Im done with this 1lb every 1-2 days bulking bs[/quote]

That a typo? You gained 3-7lbs every week?