"Let's Go Brandon" - Bidens Trolled During Christmas Program

I didn’t focus exclusively on network news. I include shit like The Atlantic, Time, NYT, WaPo, The New Yorker, etc. all as part of the corporate propaganda machine dedicate to lying en masse. And unfortunately, most people, especially those who have little to no interest in politics still turn to network news and mass media conglomerates as their main source and treat those resources as authoritative. And those are most people and the swing voters.

They don’t pay attention so it’s very easy to perpetuate a mind virus like wokeness or post-modernism, by incrementing in like chinese water torture, into the daily lives of most folks.
I check things, you check things but how many people verify? Most read headlines or turn on CNN, unknowing what it has become.

The best thing CNN ever could have done is go after Joe Rogan. If anybody can ruin their reputation it’s him. The size of his regular audience is larger than theirs and he reaches the people who don’t pay attention. It does seem that CNN has become a bit of a joke in the common spaces. And that’s good thing.

And the party of slavery and Jim Crow is failing miserably at everything. Name one thing the current administration is actually succeeding at?
Don’t make me defend republicans, but facts and reality matter and if you just make shit up, you get called out.

This is the 2nd time you’ve responded to my post. I can’t believe you bothered to read it again. I had no intention of living rent-free in your head, but here we are.

Non-sequitors and whataboutisms? Is that all you have? I don’t have to defend Democrats, and I don’t give a fuck about Biden’s feelings, legacy (or lack of thereof). But if you think some conspiracy-fooled passive-aggressive troll is a hero, then you’re fucked in the head. So is everyone else who sees it that way.

That’s the topic here, you celebrate a childish dickhead, and all your lame tangents can’t change that.

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lol… I love this reaction. You can’t stand it, can you?

Fucked up isn’t it

You think that’s “fucked up”? Really?

Awfully strong reaction to two people choosing to kiss in a way you wouldn’t. Man, your world must be vanilla.

Dude, do you not realize how ridiculous that scenario is, and that believing you need the mask but getting so close you actually rub yours against another COMPLETELY defeats the purpose of having it in the first place? It’s not just fucked up, it’s preposterously stupid. That’s not “kissing” by any reasonable definition of the word. This is 3rd grade common sense stuff.


Those are all printed versions of network news. You gotta relax, man.

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It’s dumb. Might elicit a wry half-grin from me.

I find it odd how it elicits such a strong reaction from you and the other poster.

Where did I write, or even imply that I had a strong reaction? I wrote it blew my mind due to how stupid it is. And it is really, really stupid. The other poster just wrote that he thought it was fucked up. He didn’t flip out or cause a scene as far as I can tell. Seems you’re the one having a strong reaction.


My guy, read your last post for what constitutes a strong reaction.

I don’t need to read it, I’m the one who wrote it. And nothing in there should be confused for a “strong reaction”, unless you’re inherently hypersensitive, “my guy”.

Are you Italian or are you just this passionate about everything? Haha

Says the guy who got his feelings hurt and keeps needing to get the last word in. Enjoy California, you clearly fit.


Please, stay out. Too many people there already, don’t need another person getting their mind blown and denigrating folks minding their own business.

There you go being sensitive again. Who here denigrated anyone? You yourself agreed that it was dumb. So does that mean you’re part of that denigration, or do you just have nothing else to say and are trying to get the last word in yet again? Don’t worry, you couldn’t pay me to visit California, and by the droves of people fleeing there, seems like more than a few agree with me.


Awesome. Keep the flow going. Might consider moving back if enough people (especially of your ilk) leave!

Haha, you just can’t control yourself, can you? People of “my ilk” would never have moved there in the first place. Good luck with that last word, my guy.

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y’all silly.


Why are you so sensitive…did the word “fucked” upset you…lol…

Kissing with a mask on is just plain dumb, stupid or fear…but I would rather say fucked up, :laughing:

And that’s not a strong reaction