Jtown's Offseason 2

[quote]jtownlax wrote:
ill try that. Db or BB?[/quote]


Ya im not giving up on 6x a week yet, but i will when progress stalls.

waist-34.25 bloat

Db row- 45x15, 50x12, 60x8 PR

Cable row- 80x15, 100x12, 120x8 PR

CG lat pulldown- 75x15, 90x12, 110?x8 ish

2 curls movements

15 min on treadmill at 3.5 incline 3.5 speed.


Squat- 45x5, 135x3, 185x3, 205x2, 225x5 PR

RDL- 135x10, 155x10, 175x10

1 leg curl- 3x15

calfs- 3x15

10 min elliptical.

Cant fucking wait till my sled comes in so i can do some real conditioning.

I need to start varying the % i work at with the big lifts. Just not sure how.

Also need to start doing more mobility work lower backs being a bitch again

Bench- 45x10, 95x5, 115x3, 155x3 PR

CG Bench- 125x6 PR, (125x5) x 2

flys- 3x15 normally wouldn’t do this but pecs were tight

Facepulls- 3x15

tri pushdown- 3x15

side raises- 3x15

Making all kinds of gainz.

very good

[quote]jtownlax wrote:
I need to start varying the % i work at with the big lifts. Just not sure how.

Also need to start doing more mobility work lower backs being a bitch again

don’t worry about %'s, just go in and do what you can that day. if you have a pr, you better get the damn pr. if you are doing shit, work for a rep pr

I’ll just keep on pushin then.

It has been all happening in here! Lol.

I know your sick of everyone telling you what to do and when and how to do it, but I just want to add the point that you should be concentrating on playing lax. Also make sure to spend time for conditioning. You are required to run and sprint while playing lax, so you might as well be good at it.

Any work in the gym is a bonus, but at the end of the day your game will be better if for example you can improve your 400m runs by a few seconds, more so than if you improve your bench from 160 to 190.

Uncle Bird.


Bird your right. I have slacked on conditioning but only because it a long ways away from the season. Although i did order a sled which will give me a form of hard conditioning. I will be setting aside time to condition 3x a week.



DB row- 50x12, 60x10 PR, 65x6 PR

HS rows- 90x15, 110x12, 130x8

HS pullover- 3 x15

2 curl movements

Just trying to keep everything balanced.


Squats- 45x5, 135x3, 185x3, 205x2, 235x3 PR

RDl- (135x10) x 3 lower back hurt just took these easy

Leg ext- 3x15

calf/abz- 3x15 each

Damn it feels good to be a gangster.

Sled came in. Thanks shred godz


  • Training -


Bench- 45x10, 95x5, 115x3, 160x2 PR ehh wanted 3

CG- 125x6/5 Was feeling week.

Pushups- bwx20/15/10

side raises- 3x15

Face pulls ss tri pushdown- 3x15

  • Conditioning -

sled+45 x 20 yards x 15 times (10 front pulling, 5 backwards dragging)


Fuck me and my lazy ass.

[quote]jtownlax wrote:
Damn it feels good to be a gangster.[/quote]


[quote]jtownlax wrote:
Damn it feels good to be a gangster.[/quote]


No liftings


A) sled + 1 plate x 20 yards x 15 trips (10 front drags, 5 back drags)

B) Circuit- 20 yard sled drag then 15 pushups x 3 rounds

really kicked my ass

“a snitch nigga thats the shit i don’t like”



Db row- 55x12, 65x8, 70x5 PR

Cable row- 85x15, 100x12, 120x8

CG lat pull- 3x15

6 sets of bi’s ss 6 sets calf

15 min elliptical cause i am deh shred god.



Squat- 45x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x3, 235x4 PR

RDL- 135x10, (155x10) x 2

Leg ext- 3x15

calfs- 3x15

no conditioning.

