In Celebration of T-Men

What is the T-Men : Vixen ratio??

On the other hand…it is much easier to find a nice piece of ass than it is a Man with an impeccable body. Once again you men have it easier than we do.

If I were to start a beer belly and Mullet thread it would be easier to fill up.

by the way…I am not done…still waiting on permission to post pics of some of my friends.

If more of the T-men here would post their pics it would be greatly appreciated. I am pretty sure every Vixen that participates has shared her pics…what are you men hiding? All those hours in the gym and nothing to show for it???

Quit being shy and anty up!!

Did someone say mullet?:slight_smile:

Compliments of

And, let’s not forget my personal favorite…

"toxicmullet: loveble and cuddly yet deadly, the toxicmullet can spew blood from his eyes when attacked.

most women fear it; those who don’t, will assuredly achieve the ultimate orgasm.

Mulletude: 5

Aggressiveness: 5

Hobbies: porn shops, shopping malls, Mickey D’s.

Sightings: facilities.

Favorite Band: Meatloaf."

A close second: karaokemullet.

This mullet can carry on in society with little aggressiveness. however, when this stallion is under the spotlight, he’s like a lion in the jungle. king of his territory…dominant. The microphone is his antelope, hunting it and tearing into it’s plastic flesh. Be sure to encourage the karaoke mullet. Although his stage presence displays confidence, his emotions are innocent and frail, like that of a child. If he doesn’t get praise, expect this gentle creature to cry himself to sleep.

Mulletude: 6.5

Aggressiveness: 3 (8 on stage)

Hobbies: groping cattle, serenading the ladies, watching re-runs of Dallas (impersonating J.R. Ewing).

Sightings: karaoke night at Bert’s Place, cousin Duke’s wedding, combing the nursing homes for new squack.

Favorite Band: Screwdriver

EC: You’re an evil bastard. (I mean that in the nicest way possible.)

IM: If the boys aren’t going to play nice with our lovely thread, shall we go play not-so-nice with their’s? I’m sure there’s plenty of Krispy Kreme gobbling, blue spandexed whales we could find and make “meaningful contributions” with. Whatcha say?

And yes, it’s fucking shocking how hard it is to find non-gay-looking (not that there’s anything wrong with that) HOT, FIT, men on the web. Part of the problem is that I get all dry in the mouth and wet in other places when I’m trying to learn stuff here on T-mag and am then confronted with something like the pic above.

Okay Iron Madien I’ll put mine up.

~karma~, good point about finding the non-gay-looking drool-worthy guys. I was going to make a comment about the guy in your “yum” post earlier. It’s funny how many women end up drooling over something they could never even have.

Same thing with male strippers. Many gay men do well dancing for women (and many straight men do well dancing for other men).

Jared: Are you trying to tell me that “yummy” boy is gay?! Oh please don’t! Please, leave me my illusions.

Gay. Straight. It’s not like I’m gonna fuck 'em so it doesn’t matter. As long as they don’t LOOK gay. It’s all good. And the whole “drooling over something they can never have” bit can very, very easily be applied to the straight women posted on diesel’s thread that straight men drool over too. 99% of guys wouldn’t stand a non-mosquito-bitten-'Cake’s chance in Winnipeg of actually hitting that shit. But it’s really nice to dream, isnt it…

Well, since I havn’t seen the inside of a gym in two month (PLEASE let this summer end!), you’re getting nothing out of me.

In a month or two, I promise. :slight_smile:






Ya know, it just occured to me (as flashes of brilliance usually do) that I seem to recall Khellandros somewhere saying that neither he, nor his partner, were the effeminate sort. That being said, he probably has some good resources for “manly” looking men (regardless of orientation). Hhhmm, perhaps we could collaborate?


You’re all dead.

Mac n it Mr. Marion

Due to the stunning lack of T-men posting their accomplishments…

Lonnie and his Lats!

My freind’s L to R Steve (ex) Todd