How Unhealthy Is It To Drink A Can Of Rockstar/Monster Week?

I average a can of Rockstar a week…sometimes two weeks. Would like all the health nuts to weigh in. I weigh about 185lbs/83kg and I train 4-5 times a week. Currently it’s 5x. I don’t have any known allergies and I haven’t really gotten a full blood test in such a long long time (I should probably get to that though lol) I also drink as much water as possible I’d say about half a gallon a day sometimes 3/4 a gallon although this varies day to say.

Probably fine. I have 1 a day. 2 on bad days. Although I drink the zero sugar ones.


Read the label and you can work it out.

sucks because i mostly drink the fruit punch kind. I’ll drink the zero calorie but my work only have the original one with like 30-40g of sugar/carbs lol

1 can a week? Don’t sweat it.

There are people that drink literal poison (alcohol) daily for years and are completely fine.


Eat some whole fruit instead and drink coffee without sugar. Gives you energy without the preservatives.

I bring my own. I like the fruit punch too.

I used to drink up to 2 Monster cans a day few years ago.
Then something hit me and I can’t tolerate caffeine at all, it makes me out of breath and overall makes me feel exhausted.
So I’m currently avoiding caffeine like it’s the devil.

After that, I was drinking 1 beer a week, but few months ago I just stopped that too (still don’t know why, I just don’t feel like it) and I’m currently not consuming anything LOL.

But single can a week is nothing. The same goes for beer, 1 can a week is nothing.

So you are human!

@OP, I used to have a 500ml can every day for about 6 years until one day I had a massive pain in my stomach. It didn’t last all that long but holy shit it hurt. Turns out these energy drinks can make holes in your stomach lining. I cut down to 2-3 a week and as of the start of this year I haven’t had one. I don’t like the idea of being addicted to anything and they are very addictive for me.

I take amphetamines 2-3x/day (prescribed for legit reasons) and drink strong coffee 2x a day. I’m still alive. And I’m fitter and look a lot younger than the vast majority my age.

I’m proud of myself that I made it through undergrad and my masters without ever touching the stuff, but once I had a kid it was all over. And now I’m just an addict, but I think addictions are good things.

Like, think about it: when you’re having a bad day and you’re an addict, you can just satisfy your addiction and then things are better again. When you don’t have that addiction, you just have to keep having that bad day. How awful.


Probably one of the best things I’ve gotten from T-nation is the different perspectives you bring. Makes me think about things haha.


what an awesome philosophy!!


I’m pretty addicted to stims. I drink a brain candy every day, I’ll have a monster/red bull/whatever a few times a week. And I drink regular sodas every day on top of all that. Buuuuuuuut I also had a stomach ulcer earlier this year. Not saying the drinks were the cause, but they probably didn’t help anything.

So all that being said, I can’t imagine 1 rock star a week, assuming no other similar products on top of that, would have much of a negative effect on you at all.

The new Rockstar flavor that’s only available at Arco is fucking amazing. It’s 9am and I’ve had two.

On another note, I used to buy ten every time I got gas. That’d last me a week. Now that I have a diesel and Arco doesn’t have diesel I feel like it’s a walk of shame to get my 10 rockstars.

How is all that, man? Are you better?

I think the dose is the poison. One a week will do you no harm at all.

It is probably more unhealthy to worry this much about an energy drink a week than it is to drink one.


more or less, lol. I’ve only got a few weeks left til I compete in Strongman Nationals, and then I can put more effort into taking care of myself. But yea, I’m ok.

I thought that the energy drinks all had extra vitamins and whatnot.

How can that be bad?