How Unhealthy Is It To Drink A Can Of Rockstar/Monster Week?

I use that same logic to eat children’s breakfast cereal.

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Me too. Frosted lucky charms. They’re magically delicious!

(Kiddo gets all of the marshmallows.)

Go further down the spiral,

Cookies , protein shake and multivitamin for breakfast!

I would love to see a photo of “part of a complete breakfast!” to include like 47 bran muffins and a syringe full of insulin.

Do the muffins contain any magic? If so, no need for the insulin.

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I can’t have cake in the house in the morning or it will be my breakfast. To me, nothing is more nutritionally perfect in the morning than cake.

Zero prep time also a bonus.

I stay artificially stimulated pretty much all day. I go through spurts where I quit cold turkey, but I have a problem maintaining it.

On average… 2 zero monsters before lunch, and diet soda while I’m home. I try to balance it with water first thing in the morning. And probably 1 1/2 gallons throughout the day.

Exactly, one a week? Really. One a day for me and I have gone up to 2. Actually switched to Bang now, better pre-workout