How to Do 'Ok' in Life

Basically, from watching everyone around me screw up, I’ve determined that if you do 3/5 + the mandatory edict of the following, you’re OK in life. If you do more than 3/5, you’re fucked.

  1. Don’t have kids with the wrong girl

  2. Don’t overbuy on a house or a car

  3. Take care of your health first (physical and mental), everything else later.

  4. Don’t study something without a plan for monetizing it down the road (so, you can study philosophy, if, for example, you plan to go teach English and Philosophy abroad…Just don’t do it and be like WTF.

  5. Don’t use credit to buy anything that depreciates other than a car, maybe. So NO LINE OF CREDIT to buy a couch. Fu-k yo couch, ni–a.

And a mandatory one

  1. Don’t get addicted to shit that can ruin your life. Drugs, Warcraft, chasing pussy beyond a reasonable extent, for example.

Basically, you don’t have to do anything else, and you’re good to go. Plenty of time to have fun and enjoy the simple things in life, and it keeps you humble.

Interesting list. I wouldn’t mind hearing from others in the forum about what they learned not to do by seeing its effect on others.

Pretty much follow the ten commendments (less the sabbath) and you’ll do all these things, and more.

[quote]Jewbacca wrote:
Pretty much follow the ten commendments (less the first 4) and you’ll do all these things, and more.[/quote]


What if you can buy the coach at 0% interest?

Agree with most of the list, I’d change overbuying on a house/car to buying anything above your means. Also it’s kind of hard to just “not get addicted”. I mean I doubt most addicts begin their addiction on purpose.

Amending #6… Do not get addicted to any crazy pussy either. One well placed crazy chick can derail your life faster than chasing a hundred “normal” girls

If only things were always that simple.

netflix is to powerful to not get addicted…shitty

How to do OK checklist:

  1. don’t do anything really fucking stupid

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
What if you can buy the coach at 0% interest?

Agree with most of the list, I’d change overbuying on a house/car to buying anything above your means. Also it’s kind of hard to just “not get addicted”. I mean I doubt most addicts begin their addiction on purpose. [/quote]

Great question. The thing with 0% deals is that they’re not really 0% deals. They’re usually 0% for the first X months, followed by egregious interest, for the remainder of the loan. I’d say if you have the money aside already, why not let it sit for awhile and earn interest, and then pay off the loan.

However, the thing I have against this is that 0% interest is basically a crack deal. You get addicted to credit, you start on that slope… 0%, 1%, … 3%… before you know it you’re 50,000 in the hole. I have a friend who keeps moving 35k around from 0% plan to 0% plan, and believe me it still stresses him out.

Which brings me to the second topic: Addiction. We live in the age of information. If you don’t know something is addictive before you try it, in this day and age, you’re probably not the type to hit my 60% compliance factor anyway.

[quote]wswnsc wrote:
Amending #6… Do not get addicted to any crazy pussy either. One well placed crazy chick can derail your life faster than chasing a hundred “normal” girls[/quote]

The girl thing is so important. Honestly, I’ve seen guys totally ruined by the wrong woman. I think one should ask “If I get divorced with this girl can we still be friends” as a question. In other words, is she sane enough to accept the eventualities of life and happy enough to live through them without holding a grudge? If she is, she’s probably a good enough catch to keep around anyway.

As a guy, a serious rite of passage for us is chasing tail. Every single one of us has to go through a player phase or a promiscuous phase or a “Im single and enjoying life” phase. That’s fine - probably even essential. What’s hard is not letting this get out of control - again, I’ve seen guys run up credit card debt to impress girls at clubs (LETS GET SOME GREY GOOSE) or buy sick furniture to try to “close” girls in their sick bachelor pad, only to realize it’s a life quite unfilfilling. You have to come to this point where you’re able to MACK on your own terms.

To touch on #6, you have oversimplified the “dont get addicted to drugs” thing. If it were that simple, than no one would get addicted to drugs. There is a whole lot that goes into it, and it is estimated 60% of drug addictions are the result of the individuals genetics. Pretty hard to avoid your genetics, not saying this as a cop-out, but a large portion of the population does not understand addiction (and make ignorent statements like “dont be a dumbass and get addicted to drugs”). I am an addict in recovery, and I can say with near certainty, that drug addiction was unavoidable for me, and no matter my surroundings it was going to run its course. I am not suggesting anyone who thinks they are an addict should go out and do as many drugs as possible so the addiction can “run its course.” I am saying that it is not a black and white subject, and cannot be simplified into “dont get addicted to drugs.”

I did all of those wrong except the credit for a couch thing and destroyed everything around me.

Fortunately, when I did them right everything became copacetic.

I still don’t have a very nice couch.

[quote]Dt546 wrote:
To touch on #6, you have oversimplified the “dont get addicted to drugs” thing. If it were that simple, than no one would get addicted to drugs. There is a whole lot that goes into it, and it is estimated 60% of drug addictions are the result of the individuals genetics. Pretty hard to avoid your genetics, not saying this as a cop-out, but a large portion of the population does not understand addiction (and make ignorent statements like “dont be a dumbass and get addicted to drugs”). I am an addict in recovery, and I can say with near certainty, that drug addiction was unavoidable for me, and no matter my surroundings it was going to run its course. I am not suggesting anyone who thinks they are an addict should go out and do as many drugs as possible so the addiction can “run its course.” I am saying that it is not a black and white subject, and cannot be simplified into “dont get addicted to drugs.”[/quote]

You’re totally free to disagree with me, but since you haven’t shared your addiction details and exactly how it was that you got addicted, beyond having a pre-disposition to be addicted, your post may lack credibility.

Before you that your story “it’s personal”, it’s something you may want to consider next time you wade into a discussion with vague anecdotes.

I’m pretty sure most addiction is a combination of CHOICE and GENETICS. Obviously being exposed to addictive substances (like High Fructose Corn syrup) as a kid maybe me allowable as “excuses”, you know, general environmental type stuff, but it’s not like we can surmise this being the case in your post. And even once addicted, you can STILL choose to break the addiction. I am speaking from personal experience, I was addicted to food and once was 48% BF. (See that’s my story).

At any rate, congratulations on seeking treatment. I hope things work out for you. You’re oddly proving that doing “OK” in life is pretty much a choice.

[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
I did all of those wrong except the credit for a couch thing and destroyed everything around me.

Fortunately, when I did them right everything became copacetic.

I still don’t have a very nice couch.


Its ok Bro, my couch sucks too. GF complains constantly. Waiting for my Christmas bonus before buying a new one.

[quote]Samir wrote:

[quote]Dt546 wrote:
To touch on #6, you have oversimplified the “dont get addicted to drugs” thing. If it were that simple, than no one would get addicted to drugs. There is a whole lot that goes into it, and it is estimated 60% of drug addictions are the result of the individuals genetics. Pretty hard to avoid your genetics, not saying this as a cop-out, but a large portion of the population does not understand addiction (and make ignorent statements like “dont be a dumbass and get addicted to drugs”). I am an addict in recovery, and I can say with near certainty, that drug addiction was unavoidable for me, and no matter my surroundings it was going to run its course. I am not suggesting anyone who thinks they are an addict should go out and do as many drugs as possible so the addiction can “run its course.” I am saying that it is not a black and white subject, and cannot be simplified into “dont get addicted to drugs.”[/quote]

You’re totally free to disagree with me, but since you haven’t shared your addiction details and exactly how it was that you got addicted, beyond having a pre-disposition to be addicted, your post may lack credibility.

Before you that your story “it’s personal”, it’s something you may want to consider next time you wade into a discussion with vague anecdotes.

I’m pretty sure most addiction is a combination of CHOICE and GENETICS. Obviously being exposed to addictive substances (like High Fructose Corn syrup) as a kid maybe me allowable as “excuses”, you know, general environmental type stuff, but it’s not like we can surmise this being the case in your post. And even once addicted, you can STILL choose to break the addiction. I am speaking from personal experience, I was addicted to food and once was 48% BF. (See that’s my story).

At any rate, congratulations on seeking treatment. I hope things work out for you. You’re oddly proving that doing “OK” in life is pretty much a choice. [/quote]

“I am pretty sure most addiction is a combination of CHOICE and GENETICS.” This is pretty much agreeing with what I am saying. SImply telling people “dont get addicted to drugs” isnt likely to help anyone out. If someone had told you to not get addicted to food, would that have saved you from being addicted to food? Probably not. My point it simply isnt that easy to just not get addicted to things, and many addicts are genetically predispositioned, making it much more complicated than “dont do drugs.” Your statement was about as helpful as “Drugs are bad mmmk.” I congratulate you on overcoming your eating issues, but I am sure you can agree that had someone told you “not to eat so much” in the midst of your food addiction, if wouldnt have made a difference.

I don’t buy the addiction is genetics bullshit at all. Perhaps with food etc, because we all have to eat to some extent, and healthy food is more expensive and less convenient and some people get caught in a cycle of overeating and depression. I was a fat kid, I know what that was like.

But crack and Crystal Meth? Come the fuck on. I’m sure I would be addicted to crystal meth if I had ever been dumb enough to try it.

Crack and Crystal Meth are bad, Mmmmkay. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM AND PEOPLE WHO USE THEM. Few things in life are simpler than that.

[quote]Uncle Gabby wrote:
Crack and Crystal Meth are bad, Mmmmkay. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM AND PEOPLE WHO USE THEM. Few things in life are simpler than that.[/quote]

One of the few things i can actually remember learning in 2nd grade…

Chances are if you’re regularly logging into a ‘health/fitness’ site like T-Nation, then you’re probably doing “OK” in life.

Better question:

How to do EXCEPTIONAL in life?

[quote]Uncle Gabby wrote:
I don’t buy the addiction is genetics bullshit at all. Perhaps with food etc, because we all have to eat to some extent, and healthy food is more expensive and less convenient and some people get caught in a cycle of overeating and depression. I was a fat kid, I know what that was like.

But crack and Crystal Meth? Come the fuck on. I’m sure I would be addicted to crystal meth if I had ever been dumb enough to try it.

Crack and Crystal Meth are bad, Mmmmkay. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM AND PEOPLE WHO USE THEM. Few things in life are simpler than that.[/quote]

Agree completely. I do think there a few exceptions, such as alcohol, where genetics MIGHT play a bigger role and this isn’t a hard drug and isn’t as avoidable, so fair enough.

But the best prevention for addiction is to never try it once obviously, which double applys to all the stupid shit that people clearly know is fucking stupid when they first embark upon it.