How Fast Can You Deadlift 20,000 Pounds? Try this Challenge

You forgot belts. They let you lift more weight if used properly, so clearly an advantage.


I get your point, but you’re doing some serious straw-manning there. I just made some general rules to negate a couple of things that could make it easier. The idea is to use rest time as strategy, not find ways to make the actual lifting easier.

Well you’re the expert and this is your challenge thread, so the rules are up to you of course!

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that’s really fast recovery between sets, very impressive. I think I could knock it out in 4 sets, 3 would be a stretch. In 1 minute, I’ve done 17 reps at 405, and strapless. So adding straps may get me where I need to be, but I would need a longer break than 1 minute between sets.

Can you guys do this anyway? However you want. I would find it really cool to see what you all manage.


To be fair that would be pulling sumo so wouldn’t count lol


I’m about 96.8% certain my spine would vacate my body via my anus, but to each his own I suppose.


I’ll do it today with a trap bar, as it’s something I need to train anyway. It would be 45.5 reps with 440, might not be too bad.

I find using rest times as a strategy DOES make the lifting easier though. You get to rest, haha.

I will probably do what I outlined this weekend, since it is a deload for me.

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Did 420 for 60 reps on a trap bar in just under 9 minutes. So at rep 48 I hit the 20k total(somewhere between 7-8 minutes in, i assume) albeit as a cheater cheater pumpkin eater.


You mean we’re not even allowed to eat pumpkins in this game?

I’m out.


did you use the high handles or regular height ones?

High. All the cheating for me


yea… as disinclined as I am to flame on this challenge for deviations… that’s some major cheating lol.

I have a frame deadlift coming up, so it was already on the training schedule. I accept my lack of real participation :smile:

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Hands too small. Straps not allowed. FAIL!

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I’ve got a truck deadlift at Nationals in June. But apparently the handles will not be on the sides, it’s going to be a front bar. Sucks because I love trap bar deadlifts. I’d be happy to train that lift for the next 5 months.

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