HCG Caused Massive Gyno Response

The intense sensastion, itch, burn, yes. I had tissue buildup before the HCG that I had removed via surgery. I then started on the HCG after and got all the symptoms listed earlier in this thread somewhere. At the 50-70iu EOD, I have been free and clear. Of course, thats assuming you keep estrogen in check.

My doctor put me on serms to counter the gyno. Apparently only certain ppl are susceptible to gyno. I didn’t want to take the risk.

I know this is an old thread but I have to comment.

I have the exact same prob. On 200mg test cyp a week (Mon and Thurs dose) and everything was fine, UNTIL I added hcg. 200iu 2x a week and crazy gyno symptoms. Estrogen and prolactin are both well within the normal range.

I can attest that hcg clearly has an affect on breast tissue regardless of e2 and prolactin levels. I have had a vasectomy so don’t really need it, however I feel it helps sensitivity. I’d love to hear more people chime in on this thread.

How long had you been taking HCG before symptoms appeared? What was your e2 and prolactin level while on 200mg/week with and without HCG?

About 2 weeks in. My e2 always floats around 40 and prolactin is mid range. On just T I would sometimes need .5 anastrozole 1-2x a week. I can also say tamoxifen and anastrozole seem TO NOT help. Everything is pharmaceutical grade from a pharmacy as well.

Assuming pg/ml units, 40 isn’t particularly low and this was without HCG but using and AI?

Tamoxifen will help stop the Gyno but won’t lower your E2.

Sounds like you’re not a great candidate for HCG.

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While not unheard of, it is very rare, especially at your dose. Some guys do not respond well to hCG, after all, we’re not supposed to have much of it.

It’s beyond my understanding of the subject but when I take HCG I’m never thrilled about the fact that beta-HCG is a tumour marker for men.

I read somewhere that breast tissue does have LH receptors. Could the HCG be acting on those and causing growth?

Correct. Basically nothing changed as far as e2 and prolactin. I have tried gonadorelin as well in the past and noticed small flare ups. The half life is so quick on that though, I don’t feel like it does anything. Still had atrophy.

In some.

Presence of luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin receptors in male breast tissues - PubMed.

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Hey fellas. I just noticed a few alerts on this thread, which I contributed to long ago.

I was able to continue using HCG, but at a much smaller, more frequent dose. Since 2014 I have been on 24mg testcyp and 50-60iu HCG EOD. Its been 8 years and 2 kids later and that dose still works great.

When I tried anything over 100iu of HCG at a time, my nipples burned almost instantly, despite normal, if even low, E2 readings.

I’m so glad I found this thread. I started TRT 14 months ago and started HCG 200iu twice a week with the protocol right away. I noticed gyno flaring up about 2 months in. E2 and prolactin tested fine and the Dr. kept telling me it was not gyno and unrelated to TRT and I should see a general surgeon.
Couple months later the clinic informed me they can no longer get HCG and will be switching me to enclomiphene which didn’t help my ball size whatsoever.
All nipple soreness and lumps were completely gone but I didn’t think about it being related to the HCG at all, I just figured my body leveled out and settled in with the TRT protocol.
After 11 months I switched clinics and my new clinic has HCG. Almost 2 months back on 200iu twice a week and gyno is back. It’s not extreme but definitely sucks so I’m thinking about dropping it altogether until the gyno is gone and then trying a lower dosage.

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The enclomiphene and clomid is expected to show no pituitary response whatsoever, and in fact Dr. Saya, medical director of Defy Medical to date has seen zero response to enclomiphene of patients on TRT.

This Clinic is scrambling for ways to pick up on lost revenue due to HCG no longer being available.

Why not just get the glands removed?


To counter your hearsay with another hearsay source-


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I’ve seen it increase FSH, it’s still low but in normal range, enough to conceive. Also had guys conceive with TRT and clomid, didn’t check FSH and LH on them at the time as it was successful before we got around to re-checking it. However, also have guys who conceived while on TRT alone.

Regardless, I’d prefer hCG instead. These clomid guys just wanted to use it (probably after consulting with internet experts) or they feel better with it.

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I have tried explaining this to ppl on other boars/forums and they think I’m crazy. SERMs don’t increase LH/FSH while on TRT/AAS. Clinics just want to charge for something and give their patients “hope” so they don’t go someplace else

Have you really? This is the first time I’ve heard of a SERM working while on TRT. Do you happen to have the lab work?

Curious as to why you are so sure of this? I’m not sure either way but by the same logic as using a SERM for PCT, surely taking Tamoxifen with exogenous T will be no different given its greater affinity to the receptor. Body thinks lack of Estradiol and pumps out more GnRH and subsequently LH/FSH from the pituitary.