Hamstring Injections?

I’ll see what I can come up with. I haven’t been counting calories. I eat enough to stay on the thicker side. I count protein, and try to stay well over 200 grams a day. Researching how much, say, Arnold consumed, is difficult at best. Some say he kept it at 200 grams. Some say he ate much more. If I go well over 300, my piss smells, and I don’t wanna kill my kidneys. Also been trying to only consume roughly 25 grams an hour, since supposedly the body can’t absorb much more than that. I can post my workout, which I’ve been tweaking and altering. I have a basic routine, but, for instance, in the past I did back and chest one day, and arms another, and when I got back to back and chest, my arms would still be sore, but with these higher test and estrogen levels, this is no longer true, so I find I might even be able to throw in a 3rd light hypertrophy day, and my arms are growing as a result. My original plan kept arms and chest/back separated so c/b sunday, arms Wednesday, c/b again the next Sunday.

What Arnold ate has no bearing on what you should be eating.
This is telling me you don’t know how to eat.

I’m not sure what this is telling me You train 2 days a week and maybe a third?? I’m not seeing a leg day in there??

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There’s also one leg day, sometimes two, and a shoulders day. I was giving an example of items I’ve tweaked/changed.
I’m really not looking for advice, though, and it looks like you’re just hunting to put me down and pick a fight as so many do here. I mostly wanted to say that I pin my hams and like it. I don’t want to look like you, and am finding my way in looking how I want. Once I get the size I want, I will lean down.

Also, regarding Arnold, what he consumed does pertain to me. There are many opinions out there regarding how much protein to consume, but, unfortunately, there are also multiple opionions on how much Arnold consumed. If he did in fact consume 200 grams of protein a day, at his peak size, that tells me that 200 grams is also very likely sufficient for me to make gains, since I’m shorter and considerably smaller than he was. If I’m also maintaining enough calories throughout the day, then I should be able to grow. Remaining factors are how well my body responds to gear, how well I sleep, my training technique, etc.

yes, yes we do.


ht and wt in this pic please. thanks.

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I was sleeping on this thread.

@td1238 I think you should up your dose - gains are not immediately present so more gear is the answer.

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Been on gear for over 2 months after my last bridge with minimal gains. Dbol was the mistake for the first 5 weeks. Works for some, not for others. Dropped it. Started seeing minimal gains. Most recent dose increase was kind of an experiment. Liked how it felt, and I like how I’m growing. As always, tons of opinions out there. Tons of different results. I’m almost sorry I mentioned gear dosage at all. Main original point is that I’ve been pinning hams with good results. Will not be touching Dbol again, nor Anadrol. Both don’t work for me. I will continue this cycle through June, reducing if sides get too much, and stopping if gains stall. Gonna take a longer bridge than I have been. Some say 4 to 6 weeks is enough. Others say not. I kinda feel like my receptors haven’t been resetting in that time. Others say that they don’t need resetting. Some even have less sensitive receptors to begin with. :v:

511, 230, 34" waist, 17.75" arms, 27" thighs, 17" calves, forgot my chest/back size.

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Wish I could throw tren in. :grin: I may in June. Took tren a long while back, and loved it. Might be what blew up my shoulders (relatively compared to what they were). Had to bite my tongue a lot, though, and insomnia was a big issue, as was lethargy. Became super lazy.