Glucose Drink after Training?

Think about this from an evolutionary standpoint: why would your body function that way? How does it benefit you that it needs an extra step/ingredient in the process?

Itā€™s just what I read, not everything on the Internet is correct I guess.

This crap works only if you are fasted. If you have eaten anything before it all goes out the window.

Then what the fuck? When cutting your goal is to cut all the sugars, especially the ones that are not filling(like liquid ones). Drinking glucose while cutting is like trying to stop a fire by sprinkling gasoline on it.

Doesnt work outside the lab. All this shit is written to sell ads on websites and they need to get your clicks for it.
All the science on glucose is done on FASTED individuals.
Also, you can drink your 150kcal or you can eat half a kilogram of watermelon. What would be more filling for someone on a cut, huh?

Also, if you cut, forget about strenght or recovery. These 2 things are the opposite of each other.
You are at the very beginner level of knowledge, soā€¦ just not complicate it all - eat as little as you can, do 1-2 hours of cardio daily, minimize all the gym crap you can and just try to maintain some strenght.
Be done with a cut in 2 months and then start a quality bulk.

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Good. Then forget about that drink, cuz thatā€™s all it is.

where do you buy that

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Iā€™m very beginner level for nutrition. Not so much on training though.

Okay, will do.

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Local corner shop.

And take a look at that link I posted. It does a pretty good jog through glycogen utilization.

:+1:Good luck.

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Replying because I agree wholeheartedly.

I also think some of that stuff on drinking glucose or eating sourpatch kids works well for elite guys who are on a lot of gear including GH and insulin. They donā€™t have to worry as much about fat accumulation with their genetics and gear, so why not.