Giant Douchebag Phone Message

[quote]pushharder wrote:
Do not bring your brother in law.[/quote]

He has his chucks on, clearly he is a powerlifter.

See, you got push so excited he double posted.

[quote]pushharder wrote:
Do not bring your brother in law.[/quote]

This was more the image that was in my head when I posted that. I think there are fewer people that can successfully wear a unitard than can split the atom. I’d have more luck with the atom.

I like his shoes and that fancy bag of onions he’s carrying around though.

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
This was more the image that was in my head when I posted that. I think there are fewer people that can successfully wear a unitard than can split the atom. I’d have more luck with the atom.[/quote]

I’ll be the judge of that. PM me a nude shot too for comparison.