Get Your Act Together

I can’t imagine you having two inches to spare.

Ha thanks, in a way I do, normally my waist can get a bit tinier compared to the rest of me.
I do have lots of inches off the hips though, but those are so stubborn 2 inches in 3 months is a bit more pushing than I want to do, I’ll set them for my next goal.

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Percentage difference upwards trend from 1st workout.

|64.29%|Squat (page 157)|
|31.82%|Push-up on bench (page 191)|
|54.55%|Seated row (page 202)|
|50.00%|Step-up (page 171)|
|60.00%|Prone jackknife (page 215)|

Put it more down to trying to get some of my previous strength back. I mean 20-lbs for squats was pretty much nothing from before, even if they were DBs. But anyway improvement, is improvement. Sigh push-ups not so much.

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Watched this the other night and thought of you. He talks a lot about the glute medius.

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@ChickenLittle Thanks, I’ve seen him before, on pull ups.

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Meh on the DB press, I thought for sure I was going to get more reps, but just felt unstable for some reason. Plus legs on DL felt ok but something felt off.

Lunges I was happy about especially since I was pretty shakey the first workout, from the bad hip this year.

|66.67%|Deadlift (page 164)|
|25.00%|Dumbbell shoulder press (page 185)|
|50.00%|Wide-grip lat pulldown (page 199)|
|64.29%|Lunge (page 173)|
|73.33%|Reverse Swiss ball crunch (page n/a)|

And that’s the end of a long Stage-1, now to Stage 2. Need to scope out the equipment again for each exercise.

Actually, I forgot, I did film during big DL sprint of 2015 & some in 2016. The setting up & moving the phone at a busy gym really annoyed me though.

Having a buddy would’ve helped. Have the camera circle around me to get all angles.

No real lifting to report. Had to go for another funeral, having relatives/friends on 3-continents/2-hemispheres used to be fun but not anymore. Not really the place to dwell on it here but…

Anyway I found a good med glute where I can really get a mind-body connection. It’s a squat, then kick out to the side & back (ensure you don’t use your back). And yes one leg goes out a little further, identifying the weaker one.

Also wrist is getting better with push ups, I’ve been slowly increasing the time I can spend on it, in push up form, low & high.

At least those exercises are easy to do no matter where. But the eating has been way off, I’m actually eating added sugar stuff but I was trying to avoid. All I want to do is sleep.

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Frankly, I don’t know where to mentally, let alone physically get back to where I was. I’ve been debating coming back here or not, but they say it’s all about who you hang out with.

Long story short, hiking accident descending from the majestic mountains in NZ. At the end of the hike, just walking normally at the foot of this mountain :roll_eyes: Had to be carried. Broken ankle (the other one this time), sprained hip, both wrists, and neck, put me out of action for a long while.

Worst was my ankle which was in various casts for 3 months, drove me mad. Started performing exercises ballet dancers use to keep their strong but very freaky feet in shape (not the ones whose feet are destroyed). Who knew engaging the foot & toes were the secrete I was missing to having calves. They have some shape now, better than I’ve ever had. Rest of me well…

I have a feeling this log is going to be the least exciting log but I’m ok with that. WTF do I even do or log keeps going through my brain.

UGH, I found out what it really means to not have any independence. Going to the bathroom or taking a shower was horror-endous. Did nothing to help with my depression. I actually missed being able to clean & pick things off the floor. But I tried to do things anyway. I can see I’ll be like my mother, a stubborn old woman who will try to do things even when I shouldn’t.


Wow! This all sounds tragic! Sorry to hear about all the injuries. Looking forward to seeing you kick some ass and get back after it.

Actually coming out the other side of it, taught me a few things. Compared to some people’s problems I’ll take mine. And like everyone else over the past 12 months, I have been practicing mental fitness. There’s a great app I’ve been using for journaling but this lets me link notes in more of a database structure. I forget that I sometimes have great ideas and thoughts.

Bought two kettlebells, played around with them to see what feels ok but think mainly core and swings for now. New rules of lifting for life looks interesting. Not groundbreaking or anything but the warmup looks like fun. I think my brain needs structure.

Really annoying red box pops up over the comment box on the iPad, only 2 lines then blank. Don’t like using my work computer either.

The other day:
Pretty much like the below but, 1 set each and added a few hip thrusts with bands and light KB swings

Ramp up (Lou’s newish pet name for warm ups)

Metabolic: 10 mins low energy hip hop…was supposed to be at end and more metabolic but…

Core stability: Plank 30 secs x 2
Dynamic Stability: KB around handshake (cant remember name)
Lower body power: my attempts at a jumps
Squat: BW w/ hold (hip not ready for weight)
Pulls: Band pull downs, turned more into a tri thing
Single leg: Step ups
Push: Push ups & “tried” a few chaturangas :baby_symbol:

Ended with a few warrior poses for some stretching.

Anyway thats the start of NROL4LIFE.

Gratitude ending: I have a room to exercise in & its on the ground floor so I can bang around all I want. Oh and started some cycling :biking_man: again, need new seat.


Apr 25
Ramp ups

Core stability: Plank 30 secs x 2
Dynamic Stability: KB around handshake
Lower body power: jumps
Squat: BW w/ hold and booty band
Pulls: Band tri pull downs
Single leg: Step ups (oops made this more aerobic)
Metabolic: Got distracted with music and did metabolic in between set
Push: Push ups

Getting first shot tomorrow

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Apr 22

Ramp ups

Core stability: Plank 30 secs x 2

Dynamic Stability: KB around the world
Lower body power: jumps

Squat: Hipthrust w. booty band
Push: KB OH
Pulls: Band tri pull downs
Single leg: Reverse lunge

Metabolic: KB Swings and Hip hop

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:dark_sunglasses: I’m blind, the new TNation is way too bright & cheerful looking for my taste.
Felt tired, sluggish and foggy from 1st vac shot so took it easy.

Ramp ups

Core stability: Plank 30 secs x 1

Dynamic Stability: KB around the world
Upper body power: push push ups

Squat: Hipthrust w. booty band
Push: KB OH
Pulls: Band pull downs
Single leg: Reverse lunge

Metabolic: KB Swings (uh yeah probably only 1 - 2 minutes)

Got a new seat for the :bike:, feels much better.

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If you click on the little guy in the bottom right corner, scroll down, you can select “dark” contrast. It will turn the background black. And you can play with the other stuff and change colors. But the Mary fucking Poppins Spike ad is still blazing.

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You write down whatever you want, it’s your damn log. Writing sometimes my ramblings has helped me.

Anyway, I know your pain, I’ve been there for both knees who’ve been in casts for months. It was 6 years ago.

This is the hard path you’ve taken, the choice of movement, of action, of not accepting your fate. This is the good path!

Trust me, keep working out, keep moving, at some point your body will feel better, even though the road ahead is long.

Keep this spirit. Sometimes what you think you shouldn’t be doing is exactly what you should do.

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Thank you both , c an’t really enter in anything from iPad, have 2 sessions to enter. Stupid big red T nation footer

Something like the below but only 1 set. Copyapasted from last. Vac shot still with me. Tired headache
Ramp ups

Core stability: Plank

Dynamic Stability: KB around the world
Lower body power: jumps

Squat: Hipthrust w. booty band
Push: KB OH
Pulls: Band tri pull downs
Single leg: Reverse lunge

Metabolic: KB Swings

Thank you very much for the encouragement, I needed it that day.