Fitness Modeling Portfolio

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
I mean you should start injecting anabolic androgenic steroids into your body[/quote]


it’s not for everyone.

question: how old are you?[/quote]


[quote]DanielDJ wrote:

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]DanielDJ wrote:
Unless you have cut in the past, no one can predict what you would look like if you lose 10 pounds.

Does this help? This was about 2 years ago. Bodyweight 170, and I’d guess around 12% bodyfat?? It was at that time I stop cutting because I realized I wasn’t big enough and spent a good 16 months gaining size. [/quote]

Nice gains. Doesn’t seem like you have trouble losing fat in the abs region so that’s good. Ideally you want to send in pics at a condition a bit leaner than your 10% pic. Doubt you would be that lean at 200. You should see what you look like at 190.

  • IMO don’t get caught up with numbers, cut down to desired leanness that you’re happy with and then hire a photographer.[/quote]

Thanks. I’m optimistic, because at the time I took those pics, I was able to get that lean on my own, no coaching, and not counting macros or anything. This time around I’m working with Shelby for nutrition counsel and have become more meticulous about the details. I should have no problem getting a bit leaner than that and not feeling like crap all day…or at least let’s hope! Ijust hope he never zero carbs me!

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]DanielDJ wrote:

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]DanielDJ wrote:
Unless you have cut in the past, no one can predict what you would look like if you lose 10 pounds.

Does this help? This was about 2 years ago. Bodyweight 170, and I’d guess around 12% bodyfat?? It was at that time I stop cutting because I realized I wasn’t big enough and spent a good 16 months gaining size. [/quote]

Nice gains. Doesn’t seem like you have trouble losing fat in the abs region so that’s good. Ideally you want to send in pics at a condition a bit leaner than your 10% pic. Doubt you would be that lean at 200. You should see what you look like at 190.

  • IMO don’t get caught up with numbers, cut down to desired leanness that you’re happy with and then hire a photographer.[/quote]

Thanks. I’m optimistic, because at the time I took those pics, I was able to get that lean on my own, no coaching, and not counting macros or anything. This time around I’m working with Shelby for nutrition counsel and have become more meticulous about the details. I should have no problem getting a bit leaner than that and not feeling like crap all day…or at least let’s hope! Ijust hope he never zero carbs me!

im gunna be working with shelby too next year, cant wait

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
im gunna be working with shelby too next year, cant wait[/quote]

Cool! Off-season? Fat loss? Contest prep?

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
im gunna be working with shelby too next year, cant wait[/quote]

Cool! Off-season? Fat loss? Contest prep?[/quote]

get me into shape for fitness modeling

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
im gunna be working with shelby too next year, cant wait[/quote]

Cool! Off-season? Fat loss? Contest prep?[/quote]

get me into shape for fitness modeling[/quote]

aw man, now you’ve just given it away that your trollin’ my thread…thanks for playin. At least you’re fun and not a dick.

Why worry about the weight? Get down to 8-10% while of course holding on to as much muscle as possible.
You have a good look, nice structure and when lean you’re a handsome kid (not that you are ugly now, just saying :). Focus on getting lean enough, no matter what you end up weighing. You have obviously added a lot of muscle. Bodybuilding/fitness is all about illusion, you know that. Get to 8%, get a tan and I think you will do just fine. And hey, the camera adds 15 lbs anyway :slight_smile:

All the best.

Update: 9-19-12
Bodyweight: 202.8


Looking good man. Doing a physique show will help keep you on track. What show are you doing?

You have a good back. It is good to be well rounded and work on all weak points, but fitness modeling and physique are really about abs. You need super defined abs, serratus, and obliques. It’s not just enough to get lean from my own experence. you need to train these areas on the regular. That is what I am working on myself.

Anyway great work. Both the amount and way you gained, and they way you are dropping are super impressive. Keep on grinding you will do great.

[quote]BlakeAJackson wrote:
Looking good man. Doing a physique show will help keep you on track. What show are you doing?

You have a good back. It is good to be well rounded and work on all weak points, but fitness modeling and physique are really about abs. You need super defined abs, serratus, and obliques. It’s not just enough to get lean from my own experence. you need to train these areas on the regular. That is what I am working on myself.

Anyway great work. Both the amount and way you gained, and they way you are dropping are super impressive. Keep on grinding you will do great. [/quote]

Thanks for the input. I’m doing a show in Santa Barbara in April. It’s actually a “classic physique” comp, so sort of a throw back to the Steve Reeves aesthetic. We’ll have the old cutoffs and everything. There’s a maximum weight for each height so I don’t have to worry about competing against any monsters. I believe for my height of 5’10" weight cutoff is 190, and I’ll have absolutely no problem getting in under that. I’ll be working with Shelby through April too, so I think I should gain some fullness back (he’s had me practically keto for a few weeks now and is just starting to give me a higher carb day.)

As far as abs, unfortunately I’m not lean enough to really tell how they’re going to look yet. What do you recommend in terms of frequency and exercise selection? Right now I’m hitting them 1x/week with back, 1 exercise for front (like cable crunches on an incline bench), 1 for lateral (1-arm oblique crunches on lat pulldown). Pretty high reps (20-50 depending on loading.) I have a feeling you’re going to tell me to up the frequency and volume though =)

Should I be hitting them at home maybe on my days off from training?

Dang that sounds like a fun show. Never seen that.

Yeah for abs most of the physique guys do every day or every other day. Most the guys I talked with at the show I did earlier this month also said sprints were critical. I have not trained abs directly in years so it is a struggle making time while at the gym and still hitting the volume and total exercises in a reasonable amount of time. Between cardio and lifting I can be thee 1:30 to 2hrs so to add 15-20 min of abs is a stress. I am married with a new baby so my time is streched. Probably going to have to get up earlier and do them in the morning seperate from my normal training session.

I have no doubt you will be ready for your show. Getting a coach was a good decision and something I can’t stress the inportance of enough.

When your finished with your show you are going to have to figure out how to stay lean while bringing up and lacking areas. I am struggling with finding this balance point.

I’m doing some FMC cardio every morning anyway, so perhaps I’ll just hit 5 min of abs when I get home after that each morning for starters. I own an ab wheel, so I could get some use out of that.

Oh and thanks for the positive support! There’s alot of emotional turmoil that goes with changing your body so rapidly and much of my time is spent second guessing if I’m just wasting my time.

Staying lean after the show will be a challenge, but hopefully somewhat easier than getting that lean. I’ve never been naturally lean.

i wasnt trolling im working with shelby after i stop bulking in january

if you want help with aas send me a PM

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
i wasnt trolling im working with shelby after i stop bulking in january

if you want help with aas send me a PM


Cool. I thought you were just teasing me for wanting to do physique.

Thanks for the offer but that’s not for me at this time.

You look good in your pics.

What is your goal with all this? Is it just for fun or do you want to seriously pursue magazines like Men’s Health as a cover model/ the guy demonstrating the exercises inside the mag etc?

If it is in order to earn an income, I think you need to be realistic about AAS - they all are clearly using, as demonstrated on other boards where a large number of these guys post. Same goes for all the Physique shows etc.

Still if it’s all just for fun, keep going and good job so far.

[quote]yolo84 wrote:
You look good in your pics.

What is your goal with all this? Is it just for fun or do you want to seriously pursue magazines like Men’s Health as a cover model/ the guy demonstrating the exercises inside the mag etc?

If it is in order to earn an income, I think you need to be realistic about AAS - they all are clearly using, as demonstrated on other boards where a large number of these guys post. Same goes for all the Physique shows etc.

Still if it’s all just for fun, keep going and good job so far.[/quote]

Definitely not in order to earn an income. I’m working on my PhD in physics right now, so that’s my intended career path for the time being. This is just something I really wanted to try. I guess you could say for fun. I’m doing the physique show in April. I’ll see how I like it and if I want to get serious about trying to land some photo shoots. Men’s Health cover model: probably not…haha. But I’d be happy to say I was the guy demonstrating lunges on pg. 79. If 10 years down the road I look awesome, I’m certified as a part-time trainer with some loyal clients, and I can say I was in that one magazine that one time I’d say it was worth it.

That’s where my head’s at now. Like I said, I’ll reevaluate come April. Maybe I’ll be ramped up about it and decide to reach a bit higher. We’ll see.

As far as the AAS discussion, that’s something I’d like to invest alot of time into researching before it’s a blip on my radar. If it ever comes down to it, which I think is unlikely right now, I shall make sure I’ll be doing it right.

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]EmarosaZ89 wrote:
you can’t be a male fitness model w/out a six pack… Idk about what fitness models get down too, but i’d imagine around 6-7%. At that bf, if you can keep all your mass you should look pretty good… .Might wanna bring up your hams and glutes though cuz you’ll lose some mass when you cut.[/quote]

thanks for posting nothing relevant to my original question…lol[/quote]
why are you so rude?
also u need nice, attractive face and atleast 183cm…i beleive those things arent your best attributes

[quote]Dorian12345 wrote:

[quote]jskrabac wrote:

[quote]EmarosaZ89 wrote:
you can’t be a male fitness model w/out a six pack… Idk about what fitness models get down too, but i’d imagine around 6-7%. At that bf, if you can keep all your mass you should look pretty good… .Might wanna bring up your hams and glutes though cuz you’ll lose some mass when you cut.[/quote]

thanks for posting nothing relevant to my original question…lol[/quote]
why are you so rude?
also u need nice, attractive face and atleast 183cm…i beleive those things arent your best attributes[/quote]

Wasn’t meant to be rude, just being a smartass I guess.

My face is just fine. You’re basing your opinion of off pictures taken first thing in the morning…even Olivia Wilde looks like shit right out of bed. Not too mention I still have several lbs of bodyfat to drop which gives my face a very different look. I’d post pics to prove my point, but that would just come off as desperate I think.

I think people forget that being ripped is down to the amount of fat on your body… you can be ripped at different ‘body fat percentages’ and if you gain lean mass the you’ll need a lower ‘%’ of body fat.

7% @ 200lbs = 14lbs of fat on your body
7% @ 180lbs = 12.6lbs of fat on your body