Fist Bumps: Am I the Only One?

[quote]Stronghold wrote:
I dont fist pump but I do sometimes do the forearm bump if I am carrying something or if my hands are wet, etc.[/quote]

Or when you hit a home run and are crossing the plate, the only place where real men can do such things.

after a killtacular or better in halo, the fist bump is perfectly acceptable if still in mid game.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
So, let’s get this straight. You fist bump AND wear a bandana?[/quote]

Fuck you man! I made it clear about the occasional use of my bandana.

my girlfriends and I don’t really do that… we don’t shake hands and I REFUSE the girly squealing hug or the fake peck on the cheek, we just say HI and nod

[quote]tom63 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Anyone else notice how many guys have weak ass handshakes now?

Old guys know how to do it.

Younger guys do some pathetic semi-slapping hands limp wristed bitch handshake.

I lose respect for them almost immediately, and it’s nearly gauranteed that I’ll mouth off to them at some point in the night after that.

My dad actually taught me how to shake hands like a regular person. Not to hard, especially with a gal, but firm. I’m 44 btw and I’d agree with you.

It seems like fellows under thirty haven’t been taught a lot of important stuff. Important things like how to handle your liquor, grill a steak or burger or lobster, fix stuff or people. I’m better with people but can do the basic fix it stuff.

It’s just the modern world. they’re to worried about how to buy the right ripped jeans or some silly ass hair cut when they should learn something about whiskey and meat.


Hey now, there’s just as many fruity ass sensitive men your age as there are mine, 29. So let’s not get into the whole “the next generation is pussies” thing.

[quote]Reef wrote:
SouthernGypsy wrote:
A while back, I was hanging out with one of my buddies, and when I left I put my hand out to shake and he put his out to do the pound thing. It ended up being weird, so I called him a fucking asshole.

Then you end up switching to the pound while your friend switches to a handshake and he ends up shaking your fist, lol. Been there, done that.[/quote]


[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
tom63 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Anyone else notice how many guys have weak ass handshakes now?

Old guys know how to do it.

Younger guys do some pathetic semi-slapping hands limp wristed bitch handshake.

I lose respect for them almost immediately, and it’s nearly gauranteed that I’ll mouth off to them at some point in the night after that.

My dad actually taught me how to shake hands like a regular person. Not to hard, especially with a gal, but firm. I’m 44 btw and I’d agree with you.

It seems like fellows under thirty haven’t been taught a lot of important stuff. Important things like how to handle your liquor, grill a steak or burger or lobster, fix stuff or people. I’m better with people but can do the basic fix it stuff.

It’s just the modern world. they’re to worried about how to buy the right ripped jeans or some silly ass hair cut when they should learn something about whiskey and meat.

Hey now, there’s just as many fruity ass sensitive men your age as there are mine, 29. So let’s not get into the whole “the next generation is pussies” thing.


% of pussies is getting higher and higher as we go on. doesn’t mean all younger guys are, but more likely. But you’ll find a higher % in my age bracket than say 20 years before me, and so on. But if you go much farther, they’re dead, hahaha!

[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
tom63 wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Anyone else notice how many guys have weak ass handshakes now?

Old guys know how to do it.

Younger guys do some pathetic semi-slapping hands limp wristed bitch handshake.

I lose respect for them almost immediately, and it’s nearly gauranteed that I’ll mouth off to them at some point in the night after that.

My dad actually taught me how to shake hands like a regular person. Not to hard, especially with a gal, but firm. I’m 44 btw and I’d agree with you.

It seems like fellows under thirty haven’t been taught a lot of important stuff. Important things like how to handle your liquor, grill a steak or burger or lobster, fix stuff or people. I’m better with people but can do the basic fix it stuff.

It’s just the modern world. they’re to worried about how to buy the right ripped jeans or some silly ass hair cut when they should learn something about whiskey and meat.

Hey now, there’s just as many fruity ass sensitive men your age as there are mine, 29. So let’s not get into the whole “the next generation is pussies” thing.


Dude I’m 23.

My generation is full of sandy vaginas.

[quote]OctoberGirl wrote:
my girlfriends and I don’t really do that… we don’t shake hands and I REFUSE the girly squealing hug or the fake peck on the cheek, we just say HI and nod[/quote]

Wow. You just got even more attractive for being like that.

You fist bump your friends and shake hands with people who aren’t that close to you.

I do hate the bump vs. shake thing. I also hate dead fish handshakes. And I’m under 30.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

Dude I’m 23.

My generation is full of sandy vaginas.[/quote]

Yeah, and half of them post on T-Nation. ha.

[quote]Stronghold wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:

Dude I’m 23.

My generation is full of sandy vaginas.

Yeah, and half of them post on T-Nation. ha.[/quote]

Sure do.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Stronghold wrote:
I dont fist pump but I do sometimes do the forearm bump if I am carrying something or if my hands are wet, etc.

Or when you hit a home run and are crossing the plate, the only place where real men can do such things.[/quote]

That’s the secret handshake to get into “Club La Clear”.

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
who finds “pounding it” where you bump fists with another person as a hello, goodbye or whatever, to be totally retarded? what happened to old fashioned hand shakes?[/quote]

I think it’s retarded to pretend this is an EITHER/OR type of thing.

You can’t shake hands on the hoop court or football field any more than you can’t bump fists after an interview.

I don’t like it, it always throws me off when I go to shake someone’s hand and they throw out their fist instead…if I’m at practice and wearing gloves its a little different because it is expected.

The other moment where I’ll get caught off guard is when someone I don’t really know to well wants to give the chest/shoulder bump hug while shaking hands. Sometimes I’ll get caught in between the two…awkward.

[quote]chillain wrote:
jehovasfitness wrote:
who finds “pounding it” where you bump fists with another person as a hello, goodbye or whatever, to be totally retarded? what happened to old fashioned hand shakes?

I think it’s retarded to pretend this is an EITHER/OR type of thing.

You can’t shake hands on the hoop court or football field any more than you can’t bump fists after an interview.


I would likely echo this. It is a difference between who you know and what company you’re in. In my old training buddies airborne unit the common greeting was a helmut/head butt. I would say that in spaces such as the work place the fist bump will not takeover. It will be an informal thing I’d say.

Handshake will always rule in non-sports settings and formal settings where impressions must be made.


[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
I think I’m just going to start patting everyone on the ass[/quote]

You should give em’ a nice cock grab too.

[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
I think I’m just going to start patting everyone on the ass[/quote]

The mainstream citizens are not worthy of that amazing football tradition.

[quote]OctoberGirl wrote:

my girlfriends and I don’t really do that… we don’t shake hands and I REFUSE the girly squealing hug or the fake peck on the cheek, we just say HI and nod[/quote]

And straight to the real lesbian mud wrestling, right?

The only time a hand bump is okay, is during knuckles or never. Otherwise you get some dick weed who thinks he’s cool by punching your knuckles and screws your hand up.

Like what happened today mid-game of bowling, and I couldn’t even grab the bowling ball because my hand swelled up past getting my fingers in the hole. So I had to just hold the ball in my palm, which still hurt like a bitch.