'First Dibsies'

[quote]on edge wrote:
This story has to be made up. There’s no way someone yelled “first dibbles” from across the gym espescially when you had already stepped into the rack.[/quote]

hahahahahha! Made up stories on the net!?! That’s rich boy-o! If you believe people are lying on the internet I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn you could buy for a song.

[quote]flipcollar wrote:
just curious: Was this at a chain gym? A YMCA? An independent gym? Your garage (was this a story about your dad)?[/quote]


You should have licked the bar and said “want it now?”

[quote]on edge wrote:
This story has to be made up. There’s no way someone yelled “first dibbles” from across the gym espescially when you had already stepped into the rack.[/quote]

It indeed happened. “First Dibsies” - yelled from a distance. All while I had not only stepped into the rack, but had started repositioning the bar.

I figure I was due. I read all the “gym loser” threads, and always felt lucky that I rarely ran into the nutjobs described in them. It was my turn.

[quote]flipcollar wrote:
just curious: Was this at a chain gym? A YMCA? An independent gym? Your garage (was this a story about your dad)?[/quote]

LOL! My dad is ancient. Wouldn’t even know what “squats” were - would probably refer to them as “weight-augmented bends of knee” and pull out his copy of “Sir Titus Samson’s Booke of Physical Culture and Phrenology” circa 1890 to correct my sloppy form.

It was at a small chain gym.

^ that’s awesome

my great gramps had a gym in India

bunch of dudes oil themselves up, roll in the dirt, then wrestle. After that they did weird weight lifting, bodyweight stuff, swimming, and running. overtraining…

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

[quote]on edge wrote:
This story has to be made up. There’s no way someone yelled “first dibbles” from across the gym espescially when you had already stepped into the rack.[/quote]

It indeed happened. “First Dibsies” - yelled from a distance. All while I had not only stepped into the rack, but had started repositioning the bar.

I figure I was due. I read all the “gym loser” threads, and always felt lucky that I rarely ran into the nutjobs described in them. It was my turn.[/quote]

Ah, I did not make the connection…

Its january…

Dont worry, april at the latest it will all be good.

[quote]gregron wrote:
You should have licked the bar and said “want it now?”[/quote]

Now that takes me back to my student days.

It was also a scene in ‘The Young Ones’.

Thats my lump of green mould Vyvian, and I’ve spat on it - so I wouldn’t eat that if I was you.

This story just made my smile. The word Dibs alone is comical.

By the way Dibsies only works if he runs across the gym an licks the bar before you get into the rack