Female, 24, I'm at That Point in My Life

[quote]rubberducky7o3 wrote:

  • Peanut butter is a must for me. I’m willing to try “healthier” peanut butters but when it comes to needing a quick snack to curb salty or sweet or both cravings, this does the trick. Not saying it has to be like this forever. But at least for now so I don’t go off the deep end while I’m still adjusting to cleaner eating.[/quote]
    Fair enough, just remember how calorie-dense it is. A spoonful can be fine, spoonfuls, not so much.

Gotcha. Straight coconut can actually be a decent snack because the fat isn’t the same as, like, the fat in butter. Your body processes it differently. If the chips are store-bought, just obviously double-check for any sugar.

Less of that longer duration cardio, not less exercise overall. If you do drop it, make up for it with higher intensity lifting and faster-paced cardio (complexes or HIIT would work great).

Either Surge Recovery or Surge Workout Fuel would be fine. Immediately before, during, and immediately after training your body can put carbs “to work”, so it’s fine and even encouraged to knock back some quality protein and quality simple carbs in that proverbial window. A Sprite and a Slim Jim isn’t what we’re talking about here. Whey or hydrolyzed casein and a fast-acting carb will do fine.

BCAAs, depends who you ask. If your protein intake is on-point throughout the day, I’d say there’s not a real “need”, unless you’re on a specifically-designed overall low carb approach. Fat burners - we’re nowhere needing to discuss those now. They’re one of the last-last steps you might add as you approach the finish line and, even then, they’re certainly not always necessary.

This is the right mindset, hands down. You’re doin’ good, duckster.