Experiences Wearing Masks in the Gym?

I know it’s muddy because there’s some overlap, but this thread should stay more focused on your experiences with masks in the gym - its original topic - and not general opinions on the need/benefits/complaints about masks and those types of related issues.

That discussion belongs in the long-running Coronavirus thread here: Coronavirus - What Happened?

On topic, I have no experience lifting in a mask since I haven’t been in a commercial gym in over a year (cancelled my membership just a few months ago, actually, one reason being their “loose” [to put it generously] safety protocols).

I’ve had the mask on during quick-paced half-hour walks, 2+ hour shopping trips pushing a loaded wagon, and recently a few Home Depot trips pushing an overloaded flatbed cart with a metric shitton of rock and sand across the parking lot a’la Prowler work. No, the double-mask (disposable mask under a cotton mask) did not cause me to become more winded than usual.

I worked out in a mask for quite a while

Ten rep deadlifts, squats, benching, power cleans etc. Never had an issue

Oxygen saturation doesn’t change when wearing one mask, or ten for that matter.

I’m sure the masks become ineffective from all the panting/heavy breathing though. The surface would become porous when in constant contact with saliva.