Everybody, How Do You Train?

How I train

I started by long distance running. I found it relieved my stress and lowered my blood pressure significantly. I also felt “cleansed” after a good long run. Then I realized my body had a soft layer surrounding it. Also known as fat. This began my cycle of running more. I would run and do pushups and I thought I was one strong ass dude. Then one day I felt really tingly and neary died and was put into a hospital for sinus bradychardia. The docs said no running for at least a year. I didn’t run, but I had an oppurtunity to gain some much need weight. After what some might call an annorexic weight of 106 pounds at 5’9, I began my weightlifting journey. There was a constant struggle to put on weight. Not because of any distorted thinking, but moreso because when your body is not getting the nutrients it needs, there are some cases (like mine) when everything you eat is metabolized rapidly. Hence, a good start for building muscle. I came to this site and realized thatI needed to change my ways of eating if I wanted to make any real progress. So i took three nutrition courses, ate until I literally felt sick, and lifted with a high volume 5 day split. The goal was to whale on every bodypart until I couldn’t anymore. Which being new only took about an hour. Then I slowly climed up to 120, 130, 140, 150, 160.The first50 pounds were easy. After a while my progress began to stall and I got tired of wating so much. SO I took about a month off and when I came back to it I was ready to go. The only problem was, after creating my own routine and then using a 5X5 template, I was still stuck. I was listening to a podcast where they began talking about doggcrapp. I did my reaseach and that is where I am today. Hoping for some serious stregnth gains, and with strength should come mass.

[quote]Vegita wrote:

what a fag, stop being a doucher, ya … Doucher…


hey man if you wanna PM me as well its no problem at all.

EDIT: send me pics as well man.

[quote]stringer wrote:
Vegita wrote:

what a fag, stop being a doucher, ya … Doucher…


hey man if you wanna PM me as well its no problem at all.


I would only PM you to further insult and ridicule you, and it’s more fun to do it in front of everyone. It proves to everyone else that I’m cool and not a doucher. Also I don’t want to catch any gay coodies off you in the intimate setting of PM. Thanks for the offer though gay boy.


[Edit] I’m not sending you any pics, you would most likley use them for mastrubatory material and the thought of that alone would keep me from getting an erection for a solid month. My Fiance would be very pissed.

Ã?Ã?, in my native country we attend primary school between ages of 7 and 15. and i graduated with massive mass, hehe.

[quote]Vegita wrote:
stringer wrote:
Vegita wrote:

what a fag, stop being a doucher, ya … Doucher…


hey man if you wanna PM me as well its no problem at all.

I would only PM you to further insult and ridicule you, and it’s more fun to do it in front of everyone. It proves to everyone else that I’m cool and not a doucher. Also I don’t want to catch any gay coodies off you in the intimate setting of PM. Thanks for the offer though gay boy.


[Edit] I’m not sending you any pics, you would most likley use them for mastrubatory material and the thought of that alone would keep me from getting an erection for a solid month. My Fiance would be very pissed. [/quote]

lol either you are extremely unintelligent or you have no sense of humour. or both.

tbh you seem so stupid that i actually think your post is serious. in which case i would like to just say that this line in particular:

“I would only PM you to further insult and ridicule you, and it’s more fun to do it in front of everyone. It proves to everyone else that I’m cool and not a doucher.”

makes you sound so cool and hardcore that i think if you dont start to tone it down some the whole internet might just explode. im pretty sure its not made to take such a hardcore attitude. in fact, you might just be the toughest Forum Thug on the whole of the internet.


I train…like a Boss!
