Entertaining and Interesting British Thread

[quote]lou21 wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:

I thought I did. Labour deliberately flooded the country with millions of immigrants without ever getting the permission of the people to do it. As with any people in this world the British have every right to enforce their borders and determine who gets to live there and who doesn’t. They should send them home.

OK, so any chance of some more detail on your final solution Sifu?

FUCK YOU Guardianista! Enforcing immigration laws and border controls is nothing like the final solution shithead.

You were not talking about enforcing immigration laws though were you Heir Sifu, you were talking about forced repatriation.

Who exactly gets sent home and where to? Also, how do we go about it? Who pays the cost of the extradition? What do we do to the people who resist?

The first ones to go shoud be all the failed and bogus asyum seekers. In the case of failed asyum seekers the British have already paid the costs but they haven’t gone anywhere.

Actually failed assylum seakers are deported. That aside, who goes next then?

Starting example, friend of mine, born in Sweden to Somali parents, currently living in West London, working in Investment Banking.

Where do we send him to?

If he’s Swedish send him to Sweden.

Well no, he has been in the UK for more than 5 years and has applied for British Citizenship so he is not Swedish he is British. But he is brown skinned and worships in a mosque so he probably is on your shitlist.

Also, does this then allow the foreign governments to send back the 5.5 Million British Citizens currently living in other countries?

What about the 4.1 Million US Citizens living over seas, do they get sent back to the US?

If people don’t want them in their country they chould have every right to send them home.

So when Mexico sends me back to the UK, does my wife get to come with me? What about my daughter. Both have dual nationality but neither were born in the UK.

OK just to cut in here. Failed assylum seakers are sent home. ROLFLMFAO Pull the other one someone might believe you. [/quote]

You see Cock, people do not believe you.

Also Sifu unfortunately does have a point in some ways- although the BNP are clearly just latching onto popular feeling and grubbing for votes. Anyway I’ll present four arguments in favour of very stringent border controls and immigration policies. Please try to refute them sensibly. There is no need to resort to Mein Kampf references constantly. (Some of these points are better than others and my arguements are by no means polished (It’s 1:30 in the morning)) [/quote]

That is going to be hard for Cock. He can’t handle dissent without trying to demonise the dissenter.

Britain is a small country. It is fairly full up. There just isn’t room for that many more people here. And does anyone really think the solution to all third world problems is to move everyone poor to a rich country? Do the maths, it just doesn’t work. How do you choose which people to ‘save’ by bringing them to a rich country? If our government really wanted to help poor people they wouldn’t have fought so many wars. They would have a proper minimum wage in the UK. They would push to remove trade imbalances. [/quote]

Not only is it a small country the Northern half is close enough to the artic circle that it is not real pleasent to live in. So everyone crams into the Southern half. A quarter of the populaion lives in the London area.

They cannot save the whole world and if they keep on trying to they will fail and ruin the country so it is another third world basket case. Then the country will be useless to everyone. The world needs first world countries because they are the ones that are developing the new technologies that will help all of mankind.

Minimum wage is way overrated. It is not good to heavily regulate markets. Minimum wage jobs are supposed to be entry level and you work your way up. When mimimum wages are too high it makes it prohibitive for employers to take on new employees. ie Teenagers entering the job martket or they start thinking about shipping jobs overseas. On the other hand I have seen job markets where unemployment was so low that the actual minimum wage that employers were paying was almost double the legal minimum wage.

See how I slipped in the bit about the minimum wage in the UK being a living wage? That brings up another can of worms straight out of a certain Marx’s book about the movement of labour being used by capital to keep labour’s value down… I hate to say it but encouraging movement of workers from one area of the UK to another in the 19th century to another in order to keep wages down is exactly the same as moving Polish people in now and various other groups in the past (the Irish)- it’s big money’s way to keep labour costs down. This does not mean the immigrants are bad. It just means that a responsible government should limit and control immigration in order to look after it’s own population (the people who it should represent). They should not encourage it because business owners who donate to their election coffers want cheaper labour. [/quote]

Exactly. Labours era of mass immigration has screwed working people by lowering their standard of living. The people who have benefitted from it are Labours corporate donors.

Britain is indeed a mongrel country. HOWEVER it does take about 3 generations for immigrents to fit into any new country (and the general population also adapts in part to the new cultural influences). The rate of immigration over the last 50 odd years and especially the last 10 has been just too high to sustain without massive social problems especially with the crazy idea of multiculurism. Some of these are already being manifested. We can only hope more don’t follow. [/quote]

The British were not a mongrel people. They were mainly Celts, Saxons then Normans. They had a handful of fairly distinct peoples who were not all that different from one another and had many centuries to homogenize. The rate of immigration has overwhelmed the indiginous peoples ability to absorb them. What they have created is a patchwork of multiple tribes that are in competition with one another.

An important fact of life to point out is just because some of the tribes never had problems with each other in the past because they have been geographically seperated it doesn’t naturally follow that they will have no problems when you cram them in to compete for the same patch of new land. ie In Los Angeles, African Americans don’t always have the best relationship with Koreans. Which became very evident during the LA riots.

British cities could very well erupt into some very nasty tribal warfare because years of multi culturalism have left the society very fragmented.

Another agreement is that the British government takes money by force off it’s citizens partially to provide a sound state. Their immigration policies are threatening the people living in that state’s welfare (I don’t mean dole checks). The immigration policies are therefore immoral. [/quote]

The immigration polcies are being pursued for reasons other than the best intersts of the British people. The cheap labor helps big business suppress wage growth in the labor market. While large immigrant communities allow Labour to gerrymander and create slient communities.

So however much I’d like to agree with you and have free movement of people all around the world it just isn’t possible or practical at the moment. [/quote]

The free and unfetered movement of labor along with manufacturing is bound to create big winners and big losers. Because of the worldwide disparities. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist tofigure that one out. So you are right, the world is not ready for that to happen without workers in the first world losing out big time.

[quote]lou21 wrote:
Sifu wrote:
That is a load of crap. I can trace my family back to Normandy prior to 1066. When the Normans invaded we slaughtered the Saxons. The English are almost purely Norman. The British are a homogeneous enough of a people that many of us share similar facial features. I’ve had British people come up to me and ask me if I’m English. My father has ahd the same thing happen to him also. A mongrel people who have no common ancestry are not going to be able to recognize one another like that.

Really? You really believe this? If you can trace your ancestry back that far then well done have a cookie. It doesn’t make you a better British citizen than anyone else. You could try judging people on what they are not their parents and certainly not their distant ancestors.[/quote]

Well I can’t trace my whole family tree. My whole point is a people are not that much of a mongrel people when they are interrelated enough to have similar enough facial characteristics that you can tell where they came from. ei Even here in the US which is definately a mongrel nation, I know Irish Americans who I can readily tell are Irish. You are not going to get that with a bunch of intermixed mongrels. The mongrel people myth is a lie the politicians tell the British so they can turn them into a mongrel people.

British politicians will talk a real nice sounding speal about racial equality. But when it comes down to it they will ruthlessly use race and identity politics for their own ends. They even implement policies under the guise of doing one thing that could very well have a secondary purpose that they don’t tell you about of manipulating the racial make up of the country in a way that will benefit them.

ie The country side is very white. If they can force people out of the countryside and into the cities they become much more likely to interbreed with minorities and expand the pool of minority voters which is a labour bastion. How do you drive people out of the countryside? You destroy the economy. So you go after the industry of the countryside. ie Foxhunting.

The Fox hunting industry employed a fair number of people. Once that entire industry was wiped out the loss of revenue would trickle down the rest of the economy of the countryside.

What Labour is trying to do is destroy the traditional ties that have bound the British together for over a thousand years by manipulating the racial identity in a way that they can take advantage of.

There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

[quote]Sifu wrote:
lou21 wrote:
Sifu wrote:
That is a load of crap. I can trace my family back to Normandy prior to 1066. When the Normans invaded we slaughtered the Saxons. The English are almost purely Norman. The British are a homogeneous enough of a people that many of us share similar facial features. I’ve had British people come up to me and ask me if I’m English. My father has ahd the same thing happen to him also. A mongrel people who have no common ancestry are not going to be able to recognize one another like that.

Really? You really believe this? If you can trace your ancestry back that far then well done have a cookie. It doesn’t make you a better British citizen than anyone else. You could try judging people on what they are not their parents and certainly not their distant ancestors.

Well I can’t trace my whole family tree. My whole point is a people are not that much of a mongrel people when they are interrelated enough to have similar enough facial characteristics that you can tell where they came from. ei Even here in the US which is definately a mongrel nation, I know Irish Americans who I can readily tell are Irish. You are not going to get that with a bunch of intermixed mongrels. The mongrel people myth is a lie the politicians tell the British so they can turn them into a mongrel people.

British politicians will talk a real nice sounding speal about racial equality. But when it comes down to it they will ruthlessly use race and identity politics for their own ends. They even implement policies under the guise of doing one thing that could very well have a secondary purpose that they don’t tell you about of manipulating the racial make up of the country in a way that will benefit them.

ie The country side is very white. If they can force people out of the countryside and into the cities they become much more likely to interbreed with minorities and expand the pool of minority voters which is a labour bastion. How do you drive people out of the countryside? You destroy the economy. So you go after the industry of the countryside. ie Foxhunting.

The Fox hunting industry employed a fair number of people. Once that entire industry was wiped out the loss of revenue would trickle down the rest of the economy of the countryside.

What Labour is trying to do is destroy the traditional ties that have bound the British together for over a thousand years by manipulating the racial identity in a way that they can take advantage of. [/quote]

Again showing your lack of knowledge about the UK. The hunting industry has not been destroyed in the UK. My Sister still regularly goes foxhunting. The only difference is that now they have to shoot the fox instead of letting the dogs kill it or they drag hunt.

Even were Foxhunting stopped completely this would not cause a flood of people moving to the city. What a retarded statement.

Your paranoia is now starting to kick in if you think the UK government is together enough to come up with a huge conspiracy to promote mixed race children in order to drive up the vote. Any new children born wouldn’t be voting for another 18 years, hardly something that a politician cares about. They are only worried about the next election.

Finally, if you think you can tell someones geneology just by looking at their facial features then you are again deluded. Where genetic studies have been done British people have been amazed to discover the amount of African and Middle Eastern Heritage in their bloodlines dating from ancestors hundreds if not thousands of years ago.

A lot of this dates back to the Roman times when large numbers of African and Middle Eastern slaves were brought into the UK.

[quote]TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London. [/quote]

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.[/quote]

Ah, I understand, finally. The native born English are the Neanderthals! That explains a lot, or as Sifu’s Daily Mail put it “Hooray for the Blackshirts” or another good one:

“I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful distracters of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.”

Just wait a moment while I go and vote for Sir Osw…er Nick Griffin.

[quote]TQB wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

Ah, I understand, finally. The native born English are the Neanderthals! That explains a lot, or as Sifu’s Daily Mail put it “Hooray for the Blackshirts” or another good one:

“I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful distracters of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.”

Just wait a moment while I go and vote for Sir Osw…er Nick Griffin.[/quote]

LOL. There is actually a video on YouTube of the senior members of the BNP giving Nazi salutes and singing Nazi songs. Can’t link it as I am at work, will hook it up when I get home.

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:
lou21 wrote:
Sifu wrote:
That is a load of crap. I can trace my family back to Normandy prior to 1066. When the Normans invaded we slaughtered the Saxons. The English are almost purely Norman. The British are a homogeneous enough of a people that many of us share similar facial features. I’ve had British people come up to me and ask me if I’m English. My father has ahd the same thing happen to him also. A mongrel people who have no common ancestry are not going to be able to recognize one another like that.

Really? You really believe this? If you can trace your ancestry back that far then well done have a cookie. It doesn’t make you a better British citizen than anyone else. You could try judging people on what they are not their parents and certainly not their distant ancestors.

Well I can’t trace my whole family tree. My whole point is a people are not that much of a mongrel people when they are interrelated enough to have similar enough facial characteristics that you can tell where they came from. ei Even here in the US which is definately a mongrel nation, I know Irish Americans who I can readily tell are Irish. You are not going to get that with a bunch of intermixed mongrels. The mongrel people myth is a lie the politicians tell the British so they can turn them into a mongrel people.

British politicians will talk a real nice sounding speal about racial equality. But when it comes down to it they will ruthlessly use race and identity politics for their own ends. They even implement policies under the guise of doing one thing that could very well have a secondary purpose that they don’t tell you about of manipulating the racial make up of the country in a way that will benefit them.

ie The country side is very white. If they can force people out of the countryside and into the cities they become much more likely to interbreed with minorities and expand the pool of minority voters which is a labour bastion. How do you drive people out of the countryside? You destroy the economy. So you go after the industry of the countryside. ie Foxhunting.

The Fox hunting industry employed a fair number of people. Once that entire industry was wiped out the loss of revenue would trickle down the rest of the economy of the countryside.

What Labour is trying to do is destroy the traditional ties that have bound the British together for over a thousand years by manipulating the racial identity in a way that they can take advantage of.

Again showing your lack of knowledge about the UK. The hunting industry has not been destroyed in the UK. My Sister still regularly goes foxhunting. The only difference is that now they have to shoot the fox instead of letting the dogs kill it or they drag hunt. [/quote]

They tried to kill it off. That is what is important.

Even were Foxhunting stopped completely this would not cause a flood of people moving to the city. What a retarded statement. [/quote]

Maybe not a flood of people from just that one policy but there are others that also hurt the economy of the countryside. ie Common Agricultural Policy limtis on crop size.

You obviously don’t know much about the country side. Those fox hunts do employ people and not only when they are hunting either. First thing is they bring people with money out of the city and into the countryside where they make use of a variety of services from food to lodging.

Then there are the horses, they require breeders, handlers, stable hands, people to build, maintain and repair the stables, feed, lodging, transport, veterinary care. That stuff adds up horses aren’t exactly cheap. Then there are the hounds, they require breeders, handlers, kennel hands, people to build, maintain and repair the kennels, feed, lodging, transport, veterinary care. The dogs cost money too. Those animals need to be cared for all year long with no breaks.

Those fox hunts represent an entire industry that keeps people employed in the countryside. If Labour had succeeded in wiping out that entire industry they would have ended the transfer of a fair amount of money from the cities into the countryside. The loss of an entire industry like that does not just affect the people who are directly employed in it. It ripples through the entire community because people who make money from the fox hunts spend it in their community.

Wrecking a community’s economy is a very effective way to drive people out of it.

Your paranoia is now starting to kick in if you think the UK government is together enough to come up with a huge conspiracy to promote mixed race children in order to drive up the vote. Any new children born wouldn’t be voting for another 18 years, hardly something that a politician cares about. They are only worried about the next election. [/quote]

So you don’t think that Labour has anything to gain from increasing the size of the “ethnic minorities”? So you don’t think they are capable of long term planning? Why would they not make long term planning. 18 year olds who vote in the next general election were only 3 or 4 when NuLabour came to power in 97. And five years on from the next election toddlers who were in the post post 97 immigrant flood will be able to vote. You are so in denial.

Finally, if you think you can tell someones geneology just by looking at their facial features then you are again deluded. Where genetic studies have been done British people have been amazed to discover the amount of African and Middle Eastern Heritage in their bloodlines dating from ancestors hundreds if not thousands of years ago. [/quote]

Again you are in denial. National Geographic has published maps of the world with drawings of peoples faces based upon anthropological data from various groups of people across the globe. There are distinct looking groups across Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas.

A lot of this dates back to the Roman times when large numbers of African and Middle Eastern slaves were brought into the UK. [/quote]

Actually all it takes is one very prolific father who had a lot of children and he could literally be father of his own nation. ie Ghengis Khan had hundreds of children who in turn had lot of children. Today millions of Mogolians can be genetically traced back to Ghengis Khan.

For eons the norm has been for a region to be controlled by a warlord who would have wives, concubines, slaves. He had a lot of fertile soil to sow his seed and his offsrping would be in a priviledged position that enhanced their chances of survival. It is theorized that everyone can trace their lineage back to a handful of warlords like Ghengis Khan.

Because of that it makes perfect sense that people in a particular region of Europe or elsewhere would bear a resemblence to each other because they all could very well be distantly related.

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.[/quote]

You are such a liar. When the Normans invaded in 1066 they slaughtered entire villages all across England. That is why there are not a lot of Saxons left and the Celts are around the edges in Scotland and Wales. The bulk of the English are Norman.

Just how many Indians from India amounts to a massive immigration of Indians? Just how in the 1600’s onwards did large numbers of Indians make it all the way to Britain? They had to sail all the way around the horn of Africa to get there. They didn’t have labour governments or benefits back then so where did they get the money for it?

You are totally full of shit about the Africans too. Many years ago when my grandmother was still alive I watched a show on the BBC with her where they discussed Britain’s African descendant population. Up until world war two there were only a few thousand in the entire country. With most of them concentrated up north in one of the port cities like Liverpool. They were all descended from a handful of slaves who had been aboard a slave ship that was in the harbor when Britain abolished slavery in the early 19th century. They were too cheap to ship them back so they ended up stuck in Britain.

My grandmother told me that first time she had ever seen a black person was when she was a child. It was such an oddity for a black man to walk through the neighborhood that people were coming out of their houses to see him because they had never seen one before.

[quote]Sifu wrote:

Again showing your lack of knowledge about the UK. The hunting industry has not been destroyed in the UK. My Sister still regularly goes foxhunting. The only difference is that now they have to shoot the fox instead of letting the dogs kill it or they drag hunt.

They tried to kill it off. That is what is important.


No, this is another example of you making a sweeping statement then tucking your dick the second the facts are presented.

Given that I grew up mainly on farms, my family breeds horses and my sister is a member of a hunt I would guess that I know a little bit more about it than you do. Posting walls of text doesn’t hide the fact that you are wrong.

Yes it is all a big conspiracy, you are right. Politicians actually think in 20 year cycles, they are not really more busy fiddling their expenses and trying to ensure they survive to the next election. Also why would Labour gain from an increase in ethnic minorities. A lot of the immigrants into the UK have a naturally conservative leaning in their politics.

Yes you can see a stereotypical trend however this doesn’t tell the whole story of the genetic background.

A lot of this dates back to the Roman times when large numbers of African and Middle Eastern slaves were brought into the UK.

Actually all it takes is one very prolific father who had a lot of children and he could literally be father of his own nation. ie Ghengis Khan had hundreds of children who in turn had lot of children. Today millions of Mogolians can be genetically traced back to Ghengis Khan.

For eons the norm has been for a region to be controlled by a warlord who would have wives, concubines, slaves. He had a lot of fertile soil to sow his seed and his offsrping would be in a priviledged position that enhanced their chances of survival. It is theorized that everyone can trace their lineage back to a handful of warlords like Ghengis Khan.

Because of that it makes perfect sense that people in a particular region of Europe or elsewhere would bear a resemblence to each other because they all could very well be distantly related. [/quote]

OK so what you are saying is that the bloodlines in the UK come from those well known Asian, Indian and African warlords that used to rule the country. Care to give me some examples as my history books seem to have forgotten to mention them.

[quote]Sifu wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

You are such a liar. When the Normans invaded in 1066 they slaughtered entire villages all across England. That is why there are not a lot of Saxons left and the Celts are around the edges in Scotland and Wales. The bulk of the English are Norman.

Just how many Indians from India amounts to a massive immigration of Indians? Just how in the 1600’s onwards did large numbers of Indians make it all the way to Britain? They had to sail all the way around the horn of Africa to get there. They didn’t have labour governments or benefits back then so where did they get the money for it?

You are totally full of shit about the Africans too. Many years ago when my grandmother was still alive I watched a show on the BBC with her where they discussed Britain’s African descendant population. Up until world war two there were only a few thousand in the entire country. With most of them concentrated up north in one of the port cities like Liverpool. They were all descended from a handful of slaves who had been aboard a slave ship that was in the harbor when Britain abolished slavery in the early 19th century. They were too cheap to ship them back so they ended up stuck in Britain.

My grandmother told me that first time she had ever seen a black person was when she was a child. It was such an oddity for a black man to walk through the neighborhood that people were coming out of their houses to see him because they had never seen one before. [/quote]

OK so all the established facts as backed up by UK Census data and historians is actually false because Captain Dick Tuck’s Granny hadn’t seen a Black Man.

Just to bring back this to Earth again: There is only one example of proven genocide on the British Isles. It was when my ancestors, the Vikings, exterminated the inhabitants on some of the Outer Hebrides and occupied their dwellings. Otherwise the method used by Vikings and Normans alike, was to replace the ruling class and adapt to local conditions.

Thus the Swedes who founded Russia were devout Orthodox, the Normans who ruled Sicily were either Muslims or Catholics, depending who you ask and the Viking rules of Northumbria and the later Norman rulers of England are genetically indistinguishable from their subjects. Sorry Sifu, You are as much of a mongrel as the English in general, as am I, proudly sporting a red beard I probably received from my Irish ancestors, brought as slaves from Ireland, but now part of being Swedish.

Pure Normans, Bollox.

[quote]TQB wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

Ah, I understand, finally. The native born English are the Neanderthals! That explains a lot, or as Sifu’s Daily Mail put it “Hooray for the Blackshirts” or another good one:

“I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful distracters of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.”

Just wait a moment while I go and vote for Sir Osw…er Nick Griffin.[/quote]

Fuck you and your bullshit about the Nazi’s. Brussels is about to become a muslim majority city. I am sure the grand mufti of Jerusalem and the muslims he recruited to the Waffen SS would be proud of you Belgians.

You live in a little piece of shit country that doesn’t count for anything. If it wasn’t for the EU you Belgians would really not matter. So I am sure you would love to see Britain a country that actually does matter destroyed. Your attitude whos why the british need to get out of the EU. The EU is not made up of people who love the British. In fact the EU has a lot of haters like you who will use the EU to destroy Britain.

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

You are such a liar. When the Normans invaded in 1066 they slaughtered entire villages all across England. That is why there are not a lot of Saxons left and the Celts are around the edges in Scotland and Wales. The bulk of the English are Norman.

Just how many Indians from India amounts to a massive immigration of Indians? Just how in the 1600’s onwards did large numbers of Indians make it all the way to Britain? They had to sail all the way around the horn of Africa to get there. They didn’t have labour governments or benefits back then so where did they get the money for it?

You are totally full of shit about the Africans too. Many years ago when my grandmother was still alive I watched a show on the BBC with her where they discussed Britain’s African descendant population. Up until world war two there were only a few thousand in the entire country. With most of them concentrated up north in one of the port cities like Liverpool. They were all descended from a handful of slaves who had been aboard a slave ship that was in the harbor when Britain abolished slavery in the early 19th century. They were too cheap to ship them back so they ended up stuck in Britain.

My grandmother told me that first time she had ever seen a black person was when she was a child. It was such an oddity for a black man to walk through the neighborhood that people were coming out of their houses to see him because they had never seen one before.

OK so all the established facts as backed up by UK Census data and historians is actually false because Captain Dick Tuck’s Granny hadn’t seen a Black Man.[/quote]

I would not trust anything that has been recently produced by the liberal establishment. Because they are engaging in revisionist history.

So how about this, why don’t you prove me wrong. I want to see you produce photographic evidence to support your belief that Britian has always had large numbers of black people.

[quote]Sifu wrote:
TQB wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

Ah, I understand, finally. The native born English are the Neanderthals! That explains a lot, or as Sifu’s Daily Mail put it “Hooray for the Blackshirts” or another good one:

“I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful distracters of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.”

Just wait a moment while I go and vote for Sir Osw…er Nick Griffin.

Fuck you and your bullshit about the Nazi’s. Brussels is about to become a muslim majority city. I am sure the grand mufti of Jerusalem and the muslims he recruited to the Waffen SS would be proud of you Belgians.

You live in a little piece of shit country that doesn’t count for anything. If it wasn’t for the EU you Belgians would really not matter. So I am sure you would love to see Britain a country that actually does matter destroyed. Your attitude whos why the british need to get out of the EU. The EU is not made up of people who love the British. In fact the EU has a lot of haters like you who will use the EU to destroy Britain. [/quote]

Ooh, captain dicktuck gets angry when people don’t agree with him. I take it you have never been to Belgium Sifu. Awesome place with great beer!

[quote]Sifu wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

You are such a liar. When the Normans invaded in 1066 they slaughtered entire villages all across England. That is why there are not a lot of Saxons left and the Celts are around the edges in Scotland and Wales. The bulk of the English are Norman.

Just how many Indians from India amounts to a massive immigration of Indians? Just how in the 1600’s onwards did large numbers of Indians make it all the way to Britain? They had to sail all the way around the horn of Africa to get there. They didn’t have labour governments or benefits back then so where did they get the money for it?

You are totally full of shit about the Africans too. Many years ago when my grandmother was still alive I watched a show on the BBC with her where they discussed Britain’s African descendant population. Up until world war two there were only a few thousand in the entire country. With most of them concentrated up north in one of the port cities like Liverpool. They were all descended from a handful of slaves who had been aboard a slave ship that was in the harbor when Britain abolished slavery in the early 19th century. They were too cheap to ship them back so they ended up stuck in Britain.

My grandmother told me that first time she had ever seen a black person was when she was a child. It was such an oddity for a black man to walk through the neighborhood that people were coming out of their houses to see him because they had never seen one before.

OK so all the established facts as backed up by UK Census data and historians is actually false because Captain Dick Tuck’s Granny hadn’t seen a Black Man.

I would not trust anything that has been recently produced by the liberal establishment. Because they are engaging in revisionist history.

So how about this, why don’t you prove me wrong. I want to see you produce photographic evidence to support your belief that Britian has always had large numbers of black people. [/quote]

Hey, Dicktuck, that is not what I said, try reading my post again but this time take your cock out of your own arse so you can concentrate!

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:
TQB wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

Ah, I understand, finally. The native born English are the Neanderthals! That explains a lot, or as Sifu’s Daily Mail put it “Hooray for the Blackshirts” or another good one:

“I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful distracters of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.”

Just wait a moment while I go and vote for Sir Osw…er Nick Griffin.

Fuck you and your bullshit about the Nazi’s. Brussels is about to become a muslim majority city. I am sure the grand mufti of Jerusalem and the muslims he recruited to the Waffen SS would be proud of you Belgians.

You live in a little piece of shit country that doesn’t count for anything. If it wasn’t for the EU you Belgians would really not matter. So I am sure you would love to see Britain a country that actually does matter destroyed. Your attitude whos why the british need to get out of the EU. The EU is not made up of people who love the British. In fact the EU has a lot of haters like you who will use the EU to destroy Britain.

Ooh, captain dicktuck gets angry when people don’t agree with him. I take it you have never been to Belgium Sifu. Awesome place with great beer![/quote]

I’ve been to Belgium. Don’t know about the beer, but I had some awsome seafood in a restaurant near the Grand Place in Brussels.

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
Sifu wrote:
Cockney Blue wrote:
TQB wrote:
There will be a lot more room in the UK if you send the Saxons back to Saxony, and the people from Lincolnshire and Yorkshire back to Scandinavia. I have a daughter in Scotland and a son in Wales so their real estate prices will go down as all their Celtic neighbours rush to occupy balmy London.

OK so lets look at immigration into the UK:

You start off with Paleolithic Man, then you get the Beakers turning up around 3,000 BC, then around 600 BC you have the Celts turning up, in 55BC the Romans turn up bringing with them people from Italy, France, Spain, Africa and the Middle East over the next couple of hundred years there was large ammounts of immigration from the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

As the Romans started to withdraw the Picts started wandering back in from Scotland, then from the late 7th Century AD we get the Nordic people’s turning up (Britain actually had a Danish King during this time.) Next the French wander in just after the turn of the Millenia.

By the 16th Century we have a large wave of immigration from the Romanis of Central Europe (originally from Northern India and Pakistan), in the mid 17th Century we get around 40 - 50,000 Hugeunots turning up escaping persecution in their homeland, these are followed by a huge wave of immigrants from India throughout the rest of hte century and the start of the following century.

Throughout the 18th Century we get a large number of Africans turning up in the UK. Initially as slaves but following the banning of slavery they continue to arrive (including a large group who fought against the Americans during the war of independence.)

Throughout the 19th Century there is a huge influx of Germans followed by Russian Jews who add to the Jewish community that has been in the UK since Roman times.

So as you can see, Sifu is spot on, the immigration problems in the UK are all caused by the present Labour Government.

You are such a liar. When the Normans invaded in 1066 they slaughtered entire villages all across England. That is why there are not a lot of Saxons left and the Celts are around the edges in Scotland and Wales. The bulk of the English are Norman.

Just how many Indians from India amounts to a massive immigration of Indians? Just how in the 1600’s onwards did large numbers of Indians make it all the way to Britain? They had to sail all the way around the horn of Africa to get there. They didn’t have labour governments or benefits back then so where did they get the money for it?

You are totally full of shit about the Africans too. Many years ago when my grandmother was still alive I watched a show on the BBC with her where they discussed Britain’s African descendant population. Up until world war two there were only a few thousand in the entire country. With most of them concentrated up north in one of the port cities like Liverpool. They were all descended from a handful of slaves who had been aboard a slave ship that was in the harbor when Britain abolished slavery in the early 19th century. They were too cheap to ship them back so they ended up stuck in Britain.

My grandmother told me that first time she had ever seen a black person was when she was a child. It was such an oddity for a black man to walk through the neighborhood that people were coming out of their houses to see him because they had never seen one before.

OK so all the established facts as backed up by UK Census data and historians is actually false because Captain Dick Tuck’s Granny hadn’t seen a Black Man.

I would not trust anything that has been recently produced by the liberal establishment. Because they are engaging in revisionist history.

So how about this, why don’t you prove me wrong. I want to see you produce photographic evidence to support your belief that Britian has always had large numbers of black people.

Hey, Dicktuck, that is not what I said, try reading my post again but this time take your cock out of your own arse so you can concentrate![/quote]

So I guess I should take that as a comfirmation that there really weren’t a lot of blacks in Britain before the era of mass immigration began.

Thanks for proving my point. Britain has not always been like it is today. You are just propagating a lie that is told to gullible Brits to make them believe that what is being done to them has been going on for a long time when it hasn’t.

Seems like my edit didn’t upload before you posted. OK you want photographic evidence of things from the 16th and 17th Century. Anyone want to point out to Sifu why this might be difficult?

Try looking at Hogarth paintings from the era though and you will see plenty of black faces.

Also, you will love this video!

[quote]Cockney Blue wrote:
Seems like my edit didn’t upload before you posted. OK you want photographic evidence of things from the 16th and 17th Century. Anyone want to point out to Sifu why this might be difficult?

Try looking at Hogarth paintings from the era though and you will see plenty of black faces.

Also, you will love this video!

There is no need to go back that far. The ninteenth century will do. That should make it a lot easier for you, because the population should have had a lot more time to grow.

Oh by the way. If anyone would like to explain to Cock why paintings are not useful as evidence like photographs are, I would appreciate it.