Decent Program Outline

wednesday= deficit deadlifts 5x5 230 (wasn’t too hard, but i don’t know if i’m a fan of these, doesn’t feel right on my body
thursday bench 5 x 195 (honestly was pretty sluggish, wasn’t feeling it at all)
friday squats 245 3x5 (easy-medium)
today i hit 195 7 times for strict penally rows, doubling the most i’ve ever done before. felt good as hell.

Dialing back on trying to progess every week on my lifts. going to follow prilepins guide on my deadlift and squat days to even the stress out. if i can add 20 pounds to my squat and deadlift by the end of the deployment, i will consider my program a success and will follow something else once i get back to home port.

Been awhile since i posted, but training is going great. I love/hate lifting around 80%+ of my max without a belt but i know the carryover once i start using one again will be good though. Hit 275 for 3 sets of 2 on squat this week, and 325 for 5 sets of 2 on conventional deadlift. on my first set of each i felt great, could of easily added 2 to 3 more reps. all of these are beltless pr’s for me so I’m stoked. Next week will be the halfway point for this deployment so i got 3 more months to get some progress in. hoping to hit the states weighing 180, squatting 315, deadlifting 385, benching 235, pendley rowing 225, and military pressing 145. i might test my maxes with a belt before i start another “cycle” to see where i stand.

Why do you use belts?

Increase pressure in my core+ lift more. I notice a big difference squatting with a belt

went for a max yesterday on squats, first time putting over 300 on the bar and hit 315 pretty easy beltless. i struggled with 295 with a belt before i started my own program… 20 pounds in a month and a half? I’ll take it

been awhile since i posted. still training consistently and loving it. Started throwing in heavy farmers carries twice a week so we will see how that goes. hit 205x 6 on bench tonight and that got me going good. have two months on deployment left so i plan on finishing one prilepins cycle for deadlift and squat. right now my diet is pretty big. extremely high fat and not as much carbs as before. gaining weight but getting chubby. at around 180 in the morning, if i leave at 185 i’ll be happy. planning on weighing my food out when i get back to homeport and doing a clean bulk at like a 400-500 calorie surplus and gain muscle slowly till around febuary then cut a little before i take a month of leave. hoping to be around 175-180 pretty lean, squatting 375, deadlifting 425, and benching 285 by next deployment

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