Deadlifting Conundrum

You signed up for a free forum in which literally anyone with an internet connection can respond. You didn’t purchase a “product.” You aren’t entitled to anything. You should consider yourself lucky that anyone even bothered to respond at all, let alone someone as knowledgeable as Th3Pwnsher.

You don’t like his suggestion? Well shit, I guess you get what you pay for. Free advice brought to your doorstep on demand just isn’t what it used to be, I guess. He doesn’t have to explain anything to you, or find studies for you, or prove his theories to you. He offered a helpful suggestion (to his mind, anyway) at your behest, and you are shitting all over it because it’s not up to your standards. Go somewhere else with your nonsense.

Better yet, go tweak your back again by deadlifting with your superior style, and when the EMT is carting your ass out the door, ask him how he feels about touch-and-go. You’ll get a nifty bill a few weeks later, and you can feel like you got your money’s worth.[/quote]

First off, I used the quotation marks indicating that I know this is not a product that I purchased. But if I wanted to train my poodle I’d go to a dog training website. I was under the impression that this is a reputable lifting website and forum. But I guess you said it all with “literally anyone with an internet connection can respond.”

Furthermore, I didn’t realize everyone had such a crush on Th3Pwnsher, I’m sure he’s flattered. But that doesn’t excuse the crap “advice” he decided to give, then never respond to again. I don’t care what his resume says or how many of you he’s helped in the past, he put in zero effort to help me. I guess I can’t be surprised, after all maybe he’s just another “literally anyone with an internet connection.”

[quote]AnytimeJake wrote:
This post was always about one thing, WOW you can deadlift 455@175 thats amazing. Thats what you were fishing for all along, have a nice day[/quote]

Somehow I get the feeling that your “contributions” always end up something like this. Nothing to offer so you just criticize trying to get some likes from the internet trolls. If you actually read the posts you’d know that I’m not bragging, just trying to inform Th3Pwnsher that I’m not a novice and could use something a little more substantial than the crap he offered.
Then Leave? Maybe this site isn’t for you.

I apologize if you feel my advice was crap, as that was not my intent. I have been where you are and got to where you want to be (601 dead at 181 at a meet last Dec, and some higher gym lifts since), and wanted to share with you how I personally got there so you could make use of that info.

I feel as though I am one of the few peiple on this site that took the time to answer all of your questions, and I am unsure what more you wanted from me. If all you wanted was studies, I feel like Google is a much better resource than a forum. Forums tend to be much more about the human experience, rather than about delegating research.

601@180, Thats just luck, you can’t possibly have any real knowlage to offer. i knew you were sdtrong from other threads, but thats some high level shit. I’d be happy with 600@250 :slight_smile:

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
I have been where you are and got to where you want to be (601 dead at 181 at a meet last Dec


That there IS damn impressive!

[quote]Highlander4 wrote:


I agree with the sentiments of several other posters; you seem to consider yourself spartan for avoiding any type of “equipment,” if that makes you feel good about yourself and accomplished, then more power to you. But don’t get all butthurt when someone suggests there is a time and place for other methods

[quote]pushharder wrote:

I agree.

Inevitably my form suffers, i.e., my lower back rounds, when I start to focus on not losing my grip. Touch and go exacerbates this and I agree touch and go’s should be used (not exclusively though).[/quote]

Exactly. I have a very distinct memory of a back tweak occurring on a set of RDLs where I started losing my grip and I completely lost focus on my form. Ever since I started using straps, my form has been dialed in.

Jake/USMC: Thanks for the kudos.