Dairy Increases Disease


The conclusion in Dr. Colgan’s article is that there is a definitive causal link between milk consumption and the diseases I mentioned. I can’t speak on behalf of Dr. Colgan’s conclusions nor can I comment on the efficacy of the studies he used to draw them as I have not read them.

I drink milk infrequently so whether cow’s milk is the evil substance it is made out to be in the article does not have much relevance to me.

My point is that if I were a regular milk drinker and I read this article, I would make a dilligent effort to learn more.

Off topic, one of the biggest changes I made after reading a Colgan study was switching to drinking only distilled water. I have a home distiller now and the tap water residue that is left behind after a boiling cycle is astounding.

I guess what is or is not nutritional overkill varies from person to person.

i recently heard that some are adding antibiotics to milk to keep it from going bad during shipping. anybody heard of this? what’s the likely hood of this being true? would this affect us from consumption the same way that taking medicinal antibiotics would?

[quote]gdm wrote:

The conclusion in Dr. Colgan’s article is that there is a definitive causal link between milk consumption and the diseases I mentioned. I can’t speak on behalf of Dr. Colgan’s conclusions nor can I comment on the efficacy of the studies he used to draw them as I have not read them.

Then stop trying and simply post his evidence. There are several studies showing this or that is increased in a particular sub-group. What they leave out are the several hundred other causes for similar findings.

[quote]wufwugy wrote:
i recently heard that some are adding antibiotics to milk to keep it from going bad during shipping. anybody heard of this? what’s the likely hood of this being true? would this affect us from consumption the same way that taking medicinal antibiotics would?[/quote]

That would have to be on the label if they did.With peoples alergy to certain antibiotics, folks would be dropping dead with anaphalactic shock after a few sips of milk. I have a bro that turns all purple and quits breathing from penicillin. I’m sure he’s not the only one.
On the other hand, if they started using irradiation to kill active enzymes or bacteria that would contribute to spoilage, the shelf life would probably increase a great deal.
Then the tinfoil hat club would be up in arms about “radioactive milk”.

They do not put antibiotics in milk. There is A LOT of talk of giving antibiotics and hormones to livestock to make it grow faster and yield tastier meat. I would not really be all that surprised. If this occurs, what if anything it does to milk, I don’t know. I suspect nothing because milk cows and those slaughtered for beef are almost never the same cows.

EDIT-someone posted on another thread that milk cows are also given antibiotics and hormones. I’m not sure this is true. But if it is, does it automatically mean that milk is laden with antibiotics? Prof. X-you could probably answer this one. I’m specifically thinking of breastfeeding mothers. If a mother gets sick to go on an antibiotic and is breastfeeding, do they have her stop breastfeeding her baby for fear of it getting unecessary antiobiotics? If not, I don’t see why it would hugely affect cows milk either.

I used to drink a 1/2 gallon for fat-free chocolate milk after every workout. I made great gains. I like to use 2% though during bulking times. Milk puts muscle on me like nothing else I used or eaten.

Well, just a quick point, I suspect that anything you eat, which causes an insulin response, can be positively shown to increase risk of disease.

If someone could point to a study which shows that milk specifically, via means other than simple consumption of food and insulin response, is causing harm, I’d really like to see it.

However, and unfortunately, we’re all going to die, whether it is from carb consumption, meat consumption, fat consumption or whatnot. Almost all food is associated with risks based on the food type.

Lets see some real studies instead of the generic food Y will kill you. In the manner of Jerry McGuire, SHOW ME THE STUDIES!

[quote]jsbrook wrote:
EDIT-someone posted on another thread that milk cows are also given antibiotics and hormones. I’m not sure this is true. But if it is, does it automatically mean that milk is laden with antibiotics? Prof. X-you could probably answer this one. I’m specifically thinking of breastfeeding mothers. If a mother gets sick to go on an antibiotic and is breastfeeding, do they have her stop breastfeeding her baby for fear of it getting unecessary antiobiotics? If not, I don’t see why it would hugely affect cows milk either.[/quote]

No, and often antibiotics are presribed to cows due to infections of the mammary tissues. Pregnancy can slow down the rate of clearance of antibiotics (or in some cases speed it up), however, those antibiotics don’t just sit there unchanged. They are metabolized. I know that in this study post-pregnancy:

the determination of whether the bacteria were affected by treatment was based on bacterial cultures from the glands, not based on excretion of whole antibiotics.

Half of all antibiotics that are sold in the United States are for use in beef, poultry and dairy production. There are something like 1200 legal chemicals that can be given to cattle and…it is not uncommon for people to mix wet cement in the cows feed just before they go the market-the reason being is that it adds a couple of pounds that will not be eliminated and therefore will add to the price.

I say this based on research and personal experience with having grown up on a farm and having worked in a slaughterhouse, though that was many years ago.

I will try and find a good website for you all to look at, I just cant find it at the moment.

There is a steroid used in the cows that produce non organic milk that increases breast cancer in women, and my nutrition prof said there may a growth factor in dairy that triggers tumour genes generally. He also stated that we are the only species that consumes the milk of others so maybe we are not supposed to; dont count casts, we give it to them and they have nine lives anyway. Cancer patients and recovering cancer patients are usually told to drop dairy products.

As for heart disease and OP I am not sure of the link at the moment. And the allergies are aparently caused by many of the substances, not just lactose.


Vroom - quit shouting. You are taking yourself too seriously again.

Well here is a good site. It has loads of articles many with lots of refs:


Here are just a few articles from the site if youve not got time, they may not be the best, I just skimmed through for examples:


Prostate cancer:

General disease:


Heart disease:


You know, I think there is some reason to be concerned about dairy. It can be highly allergenic for some people and not just cause of lactose. And there is some reason to be concerned about what our cows are ingesting. But this is true for every food. There are always potential risks. Don’t eat excess animal fat; you’ll get heart disease. Fish and fish oil is a good substitute. Oh wait, it has PCB. You’ll get cancer. Don’t eat sugar. Use a sugar substitute. Sugar substitute. No! You’ll get cancer. So, what the hell are we supposed to eat?! There are disadvantages to everything. I think the best policy is moderation. Both for general health and lifting, I think this is the best diet: a good amount of unrefined whole grains, fruits and vegetables. lots of lean protein. fish. healthy fats in the form of olive oil, nuts, avocado. some fish oil pills are good. some saturated fat in animal protein is fine. moderate amounts of dairy. Just my take.

Yeah, I don’t think those pages are going to cut it… just taking a quick peek at the moment.

And Gonta, did you never see that movie? You are totally missing the mark.

Concerning this topic:

The anti-milk campaign has been going on for quite some time.

These studies are filled with confounds and holes. The most glaring being a lack of differention in most of them between full-fat diary products and low-fat or fat-free dairy products. One of the studies actually discusses how some research shows a correlation with consumption of low-fat dairy products and a reduced risk of heart disease. Some of the background information is off too such as a low-fat vegetarian diet being healthiest in reducing factors that contribute to heart disease. Fact: replacing excess saturated fat and trans fat with carbohydrates lowers both LDL and HDL (good)BUT replacing excess satruated and trans fat with mono and poly unsaturated fat lowers LDL and RAISES HDL (better).

This website is full of bad, good and very good information. Come on guys, you’re either not too famililar with sifting through scientific (if broken down for the lay person) information or you’re just being naive because you love drinking milk!

There are 1000’s of refs there anyway if you want the journals, vroom?


I’m sorry, but I went to one of your links… and it is just plain weak. Sure, there are a ton of “references” at the end, but the article really just mentions some scary words and tries to convince me I’ll get cancer.

Good lord.

Do you know how many things interact with our genes and cause some type of bodily reaction?

Sure, in those who are unhealthy or succeptible to cancer, there may be some conceivable risk. However, to use that as a way to say that milk causes cancer is irresponsible at best.

You are pointing to propaganda.

Also, read above, in another reply you see that the site feels that vegetarian diets are the most healthy way to achieve some goals. Please. There are a host of health risks with the pursuit of a vegetarian diet as well.

Find something approaching a scientific site or scientific journal that makes the claims that these simple pages claim, and people will be much more likely to pay attention.

You guys want some proof…well here you go:


Basically says that there’s a strong correlation with milk and Crohn’s disease. The bacteria which they believe causes Crohn’s also causes a similar disease in cattle called Johne’s Disease.

Reef, that’s pretty interesting. It’s not the same as the other stuff cited, but certainly cool – it may help a lot of people!

I’m also snickering a bit, because you aren’t going to be making friends with the crowd the says milk is no good unless it isn’t pastuerized…