Cut or Bulk for Teenager

Wanted to say that i need to lose 15.5lbs to get abs and that would put me at 154lbs at 6’2. Im 18 and i feel like thats rlly skinny but on the other hand i feel like if i dont do this now ill just get fatter and the cut will get so much more harder than it already is.My bf is around 17%.Ive been lifting for about 4 years and have tried cutting multiple times without success because ive underestimated my bf cuz of how skinny i look.

What should i do!? Need advice.Heres a pic of my physique.



DO NOT CUT. Forget about BF%.

No 18 yr should have attempted to cut multiple times, that is what has screwed your progress.

What is your daily intake? Macros.

What does you training look like?

What are your goals?

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Bro you weigh 170lbs at 6’2? Dont even let this word enter into your psych. You look fine just continue and eat more good foods, more meat.


Please GOD not this crap again…
Ok ill bite… since this probably a Troll post and wont hear from the OP again like the 17 year old kid in the Beginner section.

how did you come up with that number?

looks like you have abs in that pic…just not developed.

Because it is… nothing manly about skin and bones

Bullshit…not as long as your not eating like crap and actually working hard

really and actually adding muscle is easy for you?

You estimated it? please tell me you didnt compare yourself to those bullshit picture charts?

So your actually going to question if you should cut again? What do you expect is going to happen ? What would you plan on doing different?

Answer me this in street cloth do you even look like you actually lift.

Don’t do either. Just eat real regular food, lift weights, and sleep adequately.


You are entering your primo growth years. You only get to be 18-25 once. Bear that in mind as you decide what you’re going to do.



At your age, I made the best progress when I wasn’t ‘bulking’ or ‘cutting’, but instead ‘lifting hard 4-5 times per week and eating plenty of healthy food’. Don’t get into a ‘bulk’ or ‘cut’ mindset – you’re currently in an interim phase where cutting will make you feel skinny, and bulking will make you feel fat. Unless you have a crazy resting metabolic rate, you’ll progress just fine with a slight surplus (think 300 calories per day) and gradually increasing your weights over time. This should fill out your frame without causing excessive fat accumulation. Once you’re carrying more muscle, then try a ‘cut’.

Of course, given your post, it seems that a very lean physique is something that you desire. The best training is the training that fits you psychologically (adherence), so perhaps it is best if you do ‘cut’. Pick a great dietary program (John Berardi’s ‘get shredded’ is fantastic) and run it for 6 weeks. Get seriously lean. Enjoy it. Then commit to a long, slow gain. I don’t believe that cutting to very low body fat levels is best for your progress now, but this is a marathon not a sprint. If 6 weeks of dieting satisfies the urge, then go for it. Just one provisor – I think the worst thing that you could do is a series of ‘failed cuts’ (as you mention in the OP) – this amounts to months of a minor deficit and thus won’t lead to more muscle or a very lean physique. So, if you are going to cut, do it hard for 6 weeks to satisfy the urge, then get into a slight surplus.


My maintance is around 3000 cals but im crash dieting so now its around 1000 calories of pure protein. And i dont think im losing much muscle since i deadlifted 410lbs x5 and doing dips with 3 plates added. My goals are mostly strengh and powerlifting but i also wanna be buff and lean. Im crash dieting so i can finish this shit as soon as possible and get back into gaining muscle. Ive tried to bulk at 3600 cals but my weight didnt move a single gram for 3 months.

Looking at people on youtube who have dexa scanned themselves and their leanness levels look similar ro my body[quote=“bulldog9899, post:5, topic:242871”]
looks like you have abs in that pic…just not developed

Nope,i have a 1inch thick layer of fat on my stomach,my abs always are a bit visible since theyre developed from heavy deadlifts (530lbs)[quote=“bulldog9899, post:5, topic:242871”]
really and actually adding muscle is easy for you?

Lol adding muscle is even harder for me,but it always kinda seems like i gain more muscle when im not tracking my cals at all and just eating good food rather than whwn i try to bulk at high calories.

Depends on the clothes but i do look a bit like i lift.

Is a 6 week crash diet cut going to ruin that all tho? I mean,if this works,im gonna go into a lean bulk phase for yeaaars. Isnt that better?

Thars exactly what im doing,thanks

I don’t know if it’s “better.” That said, 6 weeks of dieting isn’t likely to do any harm.

You would be better served actually getting your bf% measured and not going by how someone else looks like on line.

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crash dieting so now its around 1000 calories of pure protein

Please don’t do this. Follow a program. I recommended John Berardi’s ‘Get Shredded’ diet. There are other good programs. Follow one.

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If he will not listen to you guys that are muscular and ripped about how to get there, what more can you say…

well that leaves me out… :frowning:

and on that note…

A 6 week 1000 calorie PSMF diet will mess him up. WHY IS AN 18 YEAR OLD even considering doing a PSMF?