Castro's Net Worth

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
It usually takes savages a long time to realize that…[/quote]

And you view yourself as the enlightened ones who have the moral obligation to hasten that realization process?

With such mindset, it’s little wonder that the world would be in the mess it is today.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
It usually takes savages a long time to realize that capitalism and free enterprise are GOOD things.

Cuban people are not savages.

[quote]Moriarty wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
It usually takes savages a long time to realize that capitalism and free enterprise are GOOD things.

Cuban people are not savages.


They were at the time. They thought capitalists were evil and that America was Satan. Eventually, they learned that communism doesn’t work. I have the highest admiration for those who abandon everything, get on a makeshift raft, and try to make a desperate bid for freedom.

They need to shoot Fidel and all his cronies and adopt American or Eastern European civilisation.

As an aside to Lixy: if Morocco was 90 miles away like Cuba, how many of those folks would gamble their lives to come here? One whole hell of a lot I’d bet.

Interesting to note that in two posts from right-wingers, the people of Cuba go from poor people tortured and murdered by and evil dictator to savages who don’t know what’s good for them.

Do they deserve the suffering, or not? Make up your minds.