Bug: THAT Guy

[quote]bugeishaAD wrote:
Why can?t I just have shredded abz pls? [/quote]

You are like the anorexic girl who walks around claiming to be fat. I seent teh shredding in yo last pic. I SEENT IT WIV MY OWN EYES.

[quote]bugeishaAD wrote:
That Nutella last night was gooood. Maybe the high fats are why I?m looking a lil softer today, not sure. [/quote]

LOL I would guess it was the 100+g of sugar in the half jar of Nutella

merrysailor – I sure have. Definitely works well, I just wanted to try something with a little more “kick”. :slight_smile: Was a good run, but I’m glad it’s over.

bigmac – haha, at night, in good lighting, with good angles, I can make myself appear lean. I’m really not that lean. Also my waist is still stupidly wide (for what I consider to be good, aesthetically), and my abs hardly ever show through. I’m probably 10-11% bf. Which is fine, but maybe this summer, I’d really like to break well into the single digits. We shall see.

Had a fun delt session today! Felt like myself again (able to actually do some volume and not get tired after 2 exercise ffs). Looked and felt good in the gym.


Seated lateral raises (very strict, hold squeeze) / Seated bent-over rear delt raises / seated DB press – used this triset as a warmup. 45sec between trisets, got some blood into my shoulders. Sex.

Seated DB press – been awhile since I’ve given these a go. The movement was a lil unnatural since DBs have a bit of a learning curve when taking time off, but they felt good. Weight was lolz, but it will bounce back.
40s x 10
60s x 10
75s x 10
90s x 10 - not failure, but not super easy lol

Standing BTN press / band pullaparts (with a hold)
65 x 15 / 10 reps
95 x 15 / 10 reps
115 x 12 / 10 reps DROP 95 x 20 regular military – dat pump.

Meadows partial laterals / full ROM laterals (more like 3/4 ollol) / top 1/4 ROM squeezes
70s x ~20 / 30s x ~12 / 10s x ~10 → 3 times through.

2 sets per arm of rear delt raises, one arm at a time, with a 20lbs DB. Weird to describe… like standing to the side, reaching over with non-working arm to feel rear delt contracting, and make that motherfucker squeeze. Just a nice finishing move I guess.

DB shrugs w/ 2 sec hold – rough
100s x 15
125s x 12, 10

Seated calf raises / BW donkey calf raises superset – inspired by an old TN article
2plates x 12 / 30 reps → 3 times through. THAT PUMP cot daym.

Leg press calf raises.
3 sets of w/e, held squeeze.

Decline weighted situps w/ 45 on the head
3 sets of 10, last set dropped to BW and banged out a few more.


Just a thought!

Keep killin it!

sucks your supps got stolen but your getting new ones!!!

RFL is my secret weapon. Saving it for when I’m ready to strike.

What were your results on it?? Im sure you just do the 11-12 day stint?

merry – thanks girl. I sure plan to

MIM – howdy and welcome back! RFL is a great tool. I did 2 weeks cat2, then a week and some change cat1… though not really, because I was so depleted and effed up by then i didnt really do it properly. So was about 3 weeks total, and dropped about 12lbs. If I were to do it again, prob would just jump into 1 all out cat1 blitz and see how that goes.

my parents are visiting me this weekend, and have been incredibly helpful with helping me decorate my place. It’s gonna look amazing when its done. we ate at this AMAZING BBQ place and I ate a TON (1.25lbs of brisket, plus sides and more… lolll), 5 hours later I’m still full as f. Attempted an arms workout about an hour ago, but wasnt happening (felt like hurling doing barbell curls), so I just kept it to pump bicep work, and I’ll nail tris tomorrow.

Pressdowns / cable curls warmup – lol. stomach going “bloop bloop”

Straight bar curls - 3 sec negative
55 x 10
85 x 8
105 x 8

Two-armed hammer cable curls / 2 DB Preachers / Pulldown overhead curls triset
3 rounds through.

Meadows hammers
35s x 10 LR x3

Done. Want this fullness to pass so I can eat dinner plz. Luv

Exccuse me but I like other people to figure things out for me… and then just tell me what to do.

Does the RFL not have a buolt in “transition” phase where they tell you shat to do next?

I think he recommends basically doing the same thing, maybe increase protein a little, and maybe slowly start adding in carbs. Basically what i’ll be doing. the next few weeks will be pretty experimental. but this weekend I’m not giving a f00ck! its amazin.

Did triceps fasted this morning. Was good. went like this:

Pressdowns – dat squeeze
50 x 15
70 x 15
90 x 15 – first 3 sets with rope, then switched to straight bar
120 x 12
150 x 14 - goin hard in da paint

Close grip bench – felt oh so sexy. going HAM on pressdowns sapped strength, but I enjoyed
95 x 15
135 x 10
185 x 8
225 x 6
275 x 6 - lol
185 x 10 slow neg, paused

Reverse grip pressdowns / Incline DB skulls / OH rope extensions triset
3 times through. goddd. Incline DB skulls rape. Last set of OH extensions, couldn’t even do 8. Lol.

Cordova extensions
3 sets of 15, LR

Tricep volume. boom. Might break out Bis and Tris up like this for next few weeks for shits and giggles. Why not.

Hey bro, it seems like you were on some kind of crazy diet. Do you mind telling me what it was, I guess it’s in your other thread but itll take me forever to find it lol

[quote]myself1992 wrote:
Hey bro, it seems like you were on some kind of crazy diet. Do you mind telling me what it was, I guess it’s in your other thread but itll take me forever to find it lol[/quote]


Good looking tricep session.

Very happy with my RFL results 8 days hard 2 days a bit more mild then i jumpep farily quickly back up to about 450g carb and 3500-4000cals. End of the diet was 10days ago and i am 3lbs lighter. Waist is down an inch but no other measurements are down. I think that means i lost a lot of my waist and pretty much no muscle (not that there was much to lose but hey).

RFL is legit if done correctly. I hope you had even better results

myself – yeah, RFL = rapid fat loss, a Lyle McDonald diet. Lots of info out on the net. basically a protein-sparing modified fast, extreme low cal/no carb diet. Not fun.

Ryan – nice dude! I went quite a bit longer than you (3 weeks total), dropped 2.5in off the waist (though after a week of parent-influenced binge eating, it’s back up .75in of bloat lol. will go back down), and 12lbs ighter at my driest. its def legit, just not easy.

Had a very long day at work, but still killed it tonight in the gym. I’m giving a presentation and doing an in-office training (eek, my first) for a client that is flying in some of their analysts. I’m not nervous about the speaking and stuff, just that I’m shaky enough as-is on the material. Oh well, guess it’s sink or swim time, and obvi I’m gonna doggie paddle hard as fuck.

Anyways, didn’t come in with a plan, and this is what went down:

Warmup. Felt boss. All the carbs from the weekend heyoo. When I weighed in after, I was 208, lol. bloated fuck.

Neutral grip pullups - these felt amazin. handles about shoulder width, and I could really pull myself all the way up and hold the contraction, and control the negative down. Felt a pump from the first set. Stretched lats between sets.
BW x 12, 10, 7, ~5.

Pulldowns - nothin’ fancy. Regular grip
120 x 12
160 x 10
200 x 10
220 x 8

Deadstop DB rows - thx Mountain Dog
125 x 10 LR x 3. Each set got progressively easier, just started gettin winded.

Deadlifts - hamstrings were still very sore and shaky from Thursday’s destruction. Had the itch to DL regardless
135 x 3
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 8 - lol. I coulda gotten a few more but form was starting to break down and I was exhausted by now. fellow BOI’er DOHCrazy pulled 585x8 this past week, so I pretty much hate myself atm.

Cable EZ row/shrug/midback thingy
3 sets of 12, squeezed, with the stack. So leet.

Squeezed DB shrugs / Rear delt DB flies
115s x 15 / 15s x 20 x 3 - lol rape.

Extensive back stretching, cool down.

Sex. That took a smidge over an hour. Gotta get to work early tomorrow so I’m cooking dinner and hittin the sack.

hmm I actually had the book stored in my HD lol I’m leaning down so i’m gonna give it a look and see whats up…

caught up. good job.

[quote]Hallowed wrote:
Exccuse me but I like other people to figure things out for me… and then just tell me what to do.

Does the RFL not have a buolt in “transition” phase where they tell you shat to do next?[/quote]

I’m sorry but I found my thumbtypos above completely hilarious.
just cracked myself up reading this.
god I’m entertaining.
to myself.



cool day at the office, but was pretty tiring b/c I had to be on good behavior all day.

went in to gym with no plan and it turned out pretty decent.

Warm up

Decline bench press - something felt a lil off on top sets, but not stressin
135 x 15
185 x 12
225 x 10
275 x 6
315 x 6 - lolz. Would like to get this back to 10+ reps before bumping up.

Low-incline smith press - elbow started getting a little tender on 275, idk why. no biggie
135 x 15
205 x 12
275 x 10
295 x 8 drop 185 x 20~

Medium-low cable flies / one-armed DB chest raise squeeze - basically think of raising a DB from your side up and across your body, squeezing upper chest.
4 sets of maximum squeezage.

Rope pressdowns - 45sec rest
60 x 20
70 x 20
80 x 14 - lol pump
90 x 12 - lol pump x2
90 x 11

Incline DB curls - arms together, elbows in but curling OUTWARD (so the inner portion of bicep is visible in mirror), hold squeeze rly hard. These were ungodly sexy
20s x 14ish
20s x 12ish
25s x 10~
30s x 10~

Decline longhead skulls / Low-cable rope curls
70 x 15 / 70 x 15
70 x 15 / 80 x 12
80 x 12 / 90 x 12
90 x 14 / 110 x 10~ drop 50 x some drop 35 x some

Stretch, more shoulder mob work.

15 min HIIT stairmasta. Lookin fat but not givin a fukkkk. 207 PWO.

abs pretty much totally smoothed over most of the time, especially after heavy liquid consumption PWO.

anyways, will be manipulating training and food intake to try to maintain best condition possible while have good workouts.

Word is you are going to the Arnold this year. Omg iz can meat u? Do want :slight_smile:

Looking sick right now…very lean.

…I’m here for the gangbang?

Looking diesel man. Also in for Arnold meetup. lol.

Have been considering making a get-lean push. Would you recommend RFL? I usually eat sub 140 carbs a day anyway, so maybe a low carb diet would be easier for me… hmm…