Broken Down, but Not Broken

Things look like they’re going well for you. Glad to see the surgery is holding and the hamstring is behaving. It’s obvious you really know what you’re doing.

Lol…ty eco, although I don’t know about that. Most of what I’ve learned has been from trial and error and probably more by making mistakes than anything. Hope your training is going well.

[quote]bigbumpy wrote:
Lol…ty eco, although I don’t know about that. Most of what I’ve learned has been from trial and error and probably more by making mistakes than anything. Hope your training is going well.[/quote]

Things are going well thanks. I’m trying to drop some flab and build up the core and flexibility right now (both weak spots). I’ll be back powerlifting in a while and hope to hit the numbers you’ve put up. I’m a little behind you in all three lifts.

Not now you’re not. I’m just trying to get back to some respectable numbers. I’ve been following your progress and I’ll be expecting some big numbers out of you this year. Best of luck to you my friend.

6/01/09 (ME Lower)

A. DL from Rack: 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3, 495x3, 525x3 Weights are still very light, continue to progress by 30# session

B. Zercher SQ 225x3, 275x3, 295x3 Hamstring felt pretty good, weights not bad. Up to 315 next week

C. HS Curls 3x10

D. Abs

6/03/09 (RE Upper)

A. DB INC BP 55x12,12,11 (Decided to drop the individual arm work and justlet my weights be limited by whatever the Right shoulder can handle)…still pretty weak here

B. Lat Pulls 200x8,8,8

 Superset with

C. Band Pull Aparts x 15,15,15

D. DB Side Laterals 30x8,8,8 Left and 8x8,8,8 Right

E. DB Shrugs 115x8,8,8

F. DB Preacher Curls 45x8,8,8

G. Grip

Nice work BB, good luck on getting back up to level. Injuries suck.

Thanks Pete…yes they do

BB, your workouts are looking great. Does the right shoulder have pain or is it just weak? Are you doing rehab stuff on top of the workouts you post?

Yeah eco…a lot of ER work, Blackburns, posterior delt, upper back work. Tryin to keep about a 2:1 ratio of posterior to anterior upper body work. No pain in the shoulder at all which is a blessing because before my tear I was eating advil like candy throughout the day.

Still just very weak. I could handle more on my pressing movements than I am, but there are some glaring shoulder weakness issues that make me a little afraid to push the weights too fast, too soon.

6/4/09 (RE Lower)

A. SB Box Squats (2" below parallel): 65x10,155x8,245x8,8,8 (Hamstring getting better every week. Probably will up around 30#/week to continue to allow it to heal and get used to squatting again. After my RTC tear, I haven’t squatted since November until recently and have obviously lost a great deal of strength)

B. GHR’s 3x8 (Will start adding weight next week. Surprisingly, I don’t feel these as much in my hamstring as the eccentric part of my squats)

C. Calf Raises

D. Abs

Usually do split squats after Box squats on this day, but that’s what I was doing when I tore my hamstring. Probably will add these back in and just start back with bodyweight next week and work my way back up slowly)


Prowler Pushes: 40 yds. (20 down high handles/20 back low handles) - 90# x 8 sprints

6/7/09 (ME Upper)

A. BP Rack Lockouts (5" off chest) 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x1, 315x1, 330x1 (No problem with weights)

B. BP Reverse Band Lockouts (Greens) 335x3, 345x3

C. DB Floor Press left 105x5, 120x5 right 85x5, 100x5

D. DB Row left 115x8,8,8 right 105x8,8,8


E. DB Rear Delts 20x8,8,8 (Really easy…will go up)

F. Trap Bar Shrugs 255x8,8,8

G. DB Curls 50x8,8,8 (up to 55’s)

H. Grip work

I. RTC rehab

An addendum…all my upper body pressing movements are about 100# or slightly more down from last year pre-tear. Although this is a little discouraging, I know that RTC tears take about a year to regain full strength and I’m less than 6 months out now and this is only my 13th week of training since surgery…and I mean lifting anything including the weight of my own arm, so overall I’m fairly pleased with my progress so far.

Nice rehab work BB… had my RC done (repaired) 3 1/2 years ago. Your progress is amazing, keep it up!

Thanks bunny. I appreciate the encouraging words. How long did it take you to gt your strength levels back up after your repair? I actuly tore 2…supra- an infraspinatus. The supra- was repaired completely, but the infra- could not be fully repaired. MD told me I would never get back full strength, but I never liten to them. They told me that after my triceps rupture an quad rupture too and they were wrong.

[quote]bigbumpy wrote:
Thanks bunny. I appreciate the encouraging words. How long did it take you to gt your strength levels back up after your repair? I actuly tore 2…supra- an infraspinatus. The supra- was repaired completely, but the infra- could not be fully repaired. MD told me I would never get back full strength, but I never liten to them. They told me that after my triceps rupture an quad rupture too and they were wrong.[/quote]

I had the same… torn rotator cuff, supra spanitus, infraspanitus (don’t mind the spelling), partially torn trapezius, bicep tendon hanging on by a thread. The rotator cuff was so bad they did not know if they could repair it… the infra was apparently hiding somewhere behind my scapula… they had to take out a chunk of my collar bone and then put 2 screws in the humerus bone and 2 screws in the shoulder girldle with a bunch of wire holding it together.

It took me about a year and a half to two years before I was back up to full strength (where I was prior), but I started powerlifting last Oct/ November and am stronger now than before… so piss on them and their complacent attitudes.

Lol…love your attitude bunny! That’s my sentiment exactly…someone telling me I can’t do something is the surest way to get me motivated to prove them wrong. I figured as much on your timelines. It took me about 18 months exactly after my quad tendon tear and triceps rupture to get to the point I was setting PR’s again. Funny thing is that both the elbow and knee feel much better now than before I tore either of them.

6/8/09 (ME Lower)

A. Zercher SQ 135x10,225x5,275x2,315x1,335x1 (All were easy…stopped just to be safe cause I was feeling it a bit in the hamstring)

B. Speed Deads with quaded minis 250x3x8 (Easy as well, but hamstring was feeling it)

C. Hamstring curls 100xa million (couldn’t walk after these…lol)

D. Calves

E. Abs

Since you are a PT, I have nerve damage in the C5,C6 space of my spine. I lost a lot in the right side. In particular, I now cannot do one pull-up with body weight where I used to do reps with 45 pounds strapped on. My scapula is the biggest problem which makes the entire shoulder region weak. Can you suggest how to regain the strength with damaging things. I am 52 and still work out 6 days a week and play racquetball 4 days a week. I can’t accept the neurologists statement that I will not regain all my strength, in fact I won’t. Again, have any suggestions?


Looks like your healing up

nice work
