BP Very High, 170/110, From High Estrogen?

I know this is an old thread, but did you ever get this figured out?

I only saw potassium mentioned one time in this thread. Do you eat an adequate amount of potassium? A poor sodium:potassium ratio can cause crazy blood pressure issues. That along with frequent walks can help lower blood pressure as well.

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Hi, I still have no idea why it was so high back then, I did indeed eat a ton of food at the time and I did not really supplement with potassion other than like a banana every day, could that have been it?

After I quit the cycle and went just on T BP went down to 120/70ā€™ish, now I am on a cycle again but half of what I was running back then (wich was 500 test and 400 deca) so now 250/200, and bp elevated a bit again it is now around 130/90 sometimes 140.

It could have been from the potassium, itā€™s hard knowing for sure. In many people with high blood pressure they eat a ton of sodium but not nearly enough potassium. A good sodium:potassium ratio is crucial for BP (among other things).

I read one study just yesterday that said the ratio of K:Na is like 5:1 or something like that (maybe it was the opposite?). But the daily recommendation for Potassium is 4700 mg. Red meat, spinach, potatoes, bananas, fruit, greek yogurt are all great sources of potassium

I am running Test and NPP (525/350 mg/wk) and my blood pressure has been ~120/65 for my entire cycle.

Uhmā€¦ i have had whole Life bp like 150/90. no problem. And IT IS not ā€œhighā€. One of My friend who have Been 6 years on grams of stuff sometimes have like 200/110, Alive no problem, but yes that IS high. Seems like peoplw freak out from BP as much as estrogenā€¦

What makes you believe that 150/90 is normal?

I have heart disease and seen very best of cardiologs, If you take like normal 80/130 or something like that, there is like no differense in 150/90

Iā€™m not going to pretend to be a cardiologist, so I am genuinely asking this as a question.

The equation for Blood pressure (or more generically, pressure) is P=F/A. If you have higher blood pressure, that means either the force is increased or the area is decreased. The area of all your arteries can be treated as static for simplicity sake (yea, I understand that arteries expand and contract, but during maximal pressure they could be assumed to be the same area). So if area is not decreasing, that means that the force your heart has to put out has increased in order to increase blood pressure.

With that said, do you not believe it is harder for a personā€™s heart to CONTINUALLY have to put out an increased force? I ASSUME this would cause cardiac hypertrophy as well as lead to increase in heart attacks. Yea, every person is different, and maybe 150/90 is ok for you specifically, but Iā€™m not sure that I would just wholesale agree that 150/90 is not considered high blood pressure.

Just a thought, not trying to argue, but I do enjoy healthy debate, as it is a good way to learn.

I agree what you say, true. But honestly i would start to worry about BP when your face and chest are red like tomato all the time. And like heart beat, My rest heart beat has allways been 90-100 and it is still on normal range.

For The betablockers, where i live you get description for those just askin them. And you can buy them as much you ever want.

You smoke donā€™t you?

Even with limited knowledge I would be quite confident in saying that a bp of 150/90 and a rhr of 90-100 is not conducive to good long term health.


Not particularly. 60-100 is ā€œnormalā€ although there is a body of data indicative that higher heart rates within this designated range of normality are associated with a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac death. Granted the causation is likely an association as opposed to causation.

There is a large genetic variability regarding heart rate and some otherwise healthy people with excess autonomic instability may have a RHR above 100, this is a condition known as inappropriate sinus tachycardia, and it can be quite debillitating. Youā€™ve also got conditions like POTS that can be associated with elevated resting heart rate (generally sitting to standing, though youā€™ll find some people with POTS complain of an elevated RHR too).

Some have elevated RHR on gear, beta adrenergic receptor up-regulation/cardiac autonomic dysfunction induced via AAS use is culpable here.

It isnā€™t, 150/90 isnā€™t healthy and over time (esp in conjunction with AAS) will induce maldaptive cardiac enlargement.

Firstly, if you have pre existing heart disease 130/80 is a little on the high side. Secondlyā€¦ There is a pretty fat difference between 130/80 and 150/90. Independent risk for stroke and heart attack differ tremendously between those two readings.

Great, letā€™s see if he makes it to 60.

Itā€™s not. Iā€™m not a doctor, but tobacco + AAS + high blood pressure and pre-existing heart disease isnā€™t a good combination. Each to their own, but at this point Iā€™d be very careful. Youā€™d seriously be playing with fireā€¦ at some point youā€™re going to get burnt.

Tobacco if Iā€™m not mistaken is the single most preventable cause of premature death worldwide. One cigarette per day roughly triples lifetime risk of heart disease (if intake is chronic/lifelong, though admittedly these meta analysis are somewhat flawed).

Tobacco harms just about every organ in the body, it isnā€™t just the lungs that acquire damage. I can go in depth regarding mechanisms (and thereā€™s MANY) but itā€™s not all that exciting. Iā€™m not telling anyone what to do, just be aware of the damage you may be inducing taking X, Y or Z.


This. Iā€™m too busy typing it out but just look at the SPRINT study. I donā€™t know how you come up with the idea that 150 is no different than 130. Be aware of the risk you are taking, donā€™t be surprised if 150 wasnā€™t healthy after all.


At times, discussing a topic with a context like this you really dont have to be a dr to know its simply unhealthy and the person in question needs to see a dr and get it sorted out.

I dont like it when my bp reaches 130/85 while on cycle running not far off a gram a week. I honestly cant believe people walk around with a bp of over 150/90 and think its okay.

Man you must have an amazing heart. My bp doesnt go that low even when im not on any gear at all. Also on the potassium thing, well i guess then i shouldve been getting plenty since i eat about a liter of greek yoghurt a day and i eat potatoes every day its part of the cuisine in my country hehe.

I guess maybe its in my family to have a weaker heart? my grandma died from a heart attack, my grandfather as well, 2 of my aunts have have had a heart attack but survived, and one of my other aunts has a pacemaker, they all live quite healthy and never smoke.

My bp goes that high even when not on gear lol, you guys are lucky.

Holy sh*t, I donā€™t think heā€™ll be old though thatā€™s pushing it to extremes.

Do you have a familial history of high cholesterol by chance?

Are you Greek? Iā€™ve been to Greece once and I LOVE that place. I donā€™t often travel to the same place twice but Iā€™d go to Greece 100 more times.

Do you have a health condition?

Im almost obsessive about my health, especially now that ive chosen the enhanced route.