Bodybuilding Magazines

[quote]FightingScott wrote:
I never understand how Brandon Curry and Frank McGrath aren’t competing in the Olympia, Arnold, or other major shows (maybe I’m wrong).

He probably doesn’t get mentioned much on this site because he’s sponsored by BSN, not Biotest. I wounder if Biotest ever contacted him. Once I saw his myspace page and his backround banner was a T-Nation design. [/quote]

Most bodybuilders try to conquer the NPC contests before they turn pro (this is how they turn pro, I believe). That is why I focus on those contests more than others. Before Phil Heath turned pro, he was competing in NPC. He then turned pro from the NPC contests and is now accepted into the Olympia.

I consider NPC contests the closest thing to ideal bodybuilding before they get corrupted by the judges into building size upon size upon size. Even that, though, seems to be changing as many of the people winning now show none of the signs of distention that pros were showing a few years ago.

Melvin Anthony, Phil Heath and others are shining examples of this.

Things have changed recently.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
One more…simply because I am still amazed he gets such little recognition from this web site.


The symmetry in his upper body in that picture is amazing.

I agree, it would be nice if T-Nation had an author writing a column to cover the bodybuilding scene. Doesn’t have to be the Olympia, I think the NPC and “new Pro look” fit in better here. There must be a tonne of writers out there covering these, grab a free lance writer (or two) and have them write a monthly column. Or even have it posted directly to the Bodybuilding forum.

I had no clue about what Gifted had done until I started reading this thread…there should be an interview on this site with him. Why not acknowledge what this man has accomplished, especially since he’s been posting on this site?

Same thing with Old Navy in the Over 35 Lifter forum. The guy was just profiled on CBS’s Sunday Morning show. We should read about these things somewhere on the site.

[quote]Djwlfpack wrote:
I had no clue about what Gifted had done until I started reading this thread…there should be an interview on this site with him. Why not acknowledge what this man has accomplished, especially since he’s been posting on this site?

Same thing with Old Navy in the Over 35 Lifter forum. The guy was just profiled on CBS’s Sunday Morning show. We should read about these things somewhere on the site.[/quote]

But we get no answer from the guys running this place.

There NEEDS to be more focus on bodybuilding as a sport on this bodybuilding forum. This irrational hatred of it that some of these authors express is tired and outdated.

When guys like these start shocking the entire world, it should make us feel shamed that we didn’t shine the spotlight on them first.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Djwlfpack wrote:
I had no clue about what Gifted had done until I started reading this thread…there should be an interview on this site with him. Why not acknowledge what this man has accomplished, especially since he’s been posting on this site?

Same thing with Old Navy in the Over 35 Lifter forum. The guy was just profiled on CBS’s Sunday Morning show. We should read about these things somewhere on the site.

But we get no answer from the guys running this place.

There NEEDS to be more focus on bodybuilding as a sport on this bodybuilding forum. This irrational hatred of it that some of these authors express is tired and outdated.

When guys like these start shocking the entire world, it should make us feel shamed that we didn’t shine the spotlight on them first.[/quote]

X, I’m right with you. Even though I don’t compete in bodybuilding myself, I am still interested in what’s going on in the current scene. I know not all of it is bad. Like you said, there’s some encouragning new faces out there that appear to be bringing the sport back to a time where not everyone was carrying distended bellies on stage.

The people on this site that are actually accomplishing something should definitely be recognized here first, before we hear about them in other places.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
FightingScott wrote:
I never understand how Brandon Curry and Frank McGrath aren’t competing in the Olympia, Arnold, or other major shows (maybe I’m wrong).

He probably doesn’t get mentioned much on this site because he’s sponsored by BSN, not Biotest. I wounder if Biotest ever contacted him. Once I saw his myspace page and his backround banner was a T-Nation design.

Most bodybuilders try to conquer the NPC contests before they turn pro (this is how they turn pro, I believe). That is why I focus on those contests more than others. Before Phil Heath turned pro, he was competing in NPC. He then turned pro from the NPC contests and is now accepted into the Olympia.

I consider NPC contests the closest thing to ideal bodybuilding before they get corrupted by the judges into building size upon size upon size. Even that, though, seems to be changing as many of the people winning now show none of the signs of distention that pros were showing a few years ago.

Melvin Anthony, Phil Heath and others are shining examples of this.

Things have changed recently.[/quote]

Now I wounder no more. Do you need to qualify in an Amature show before doing NPC? Or can I go out there and get my ass kicked by these guys right now?

[quote]FightingScott wrote:
Professor X wrote:
FightingScott wrote:
I never understand how Brandon Curry and Frank McGrath aren’t competing in the Olympia, Arnold, or other major shows (maybe I’m wrong).

He probably doesn’t get mentioned much on this site because he’s sponsored by BSN, not Biotest. I wounder if Biotest ever contacted him. Once I saw his myspace page and his backround banner was a T-Nation design.

Most bodybuilders try to conquer the NPC contests before they turn pro (this is how they turn pro, I believe). That is why I focus on those contests more than others. Before Phil Heath turned pro, he was competing in NPC. He then turned pro from the NPC contests and is now accepted into the Olympia.

I consider NPC contests the closest thing to ideal bodybuilding before they get corrupted by the judges into building size upon size upon size. Even that, though, seems to be changing as many of the people winning now show none of the signs of distention that pros were showing a few years ago.

Melvin Anthony, Phil Heath and others are shining examples of this.

Things have changed recently.

Now I wounder no more. Do you need to qualify in an Amature show before doing NPC? Or can I go out there and get my ass kicked by these guys right now?[/quote]

Every single competitor I have ever seen in NPC looks impressive. I get the videos from Repetrope. They cover the actual contest and pumproom footage pretty well even though I don’t like the lay out of their website (most of this shit is available in clips on youtube). While I am sure it is open to most people (I don’t know the specifics of this), I doubt very much that most of these “doing it for the experience” jackasses would be brave enough to step on stage with them without looking way better than the average trainer.

These shows are where guys like Heath, White and even guys like World Harris competed before they got their pro card.

[quote]FightingScott wrote:
Professor X wrote:
FightingScott wrote:
I never understand how Brandon Curry and Frank McGrath aren’t competing in the Olympia, Arnold, or other major shows (maybe I’m wrong).

He probably doesn’t get mentioned much on this site because he’s sponsored by BSN, not Biotest. I wounder if Biotest ever contacted him. Once I saw his myspace page and his backround banner was a T-Nation design.

Most bodybuilders try to conquer the NPC contests before they turn pro (this is how they turn pro, I believe). That is why I focus on those contests more than others. Before Phil Heath turned pro, he was competing in NPC. He then turned pro from the NPC contests and is now accepted into the Olympia.

I consider NPC contests the closest thing to ideal bodybuilding before they get corrupted by the judges into building size upon size upon size. Even that, though, seems to be changing as many of the people winning now show none of the signs of distention that pros were showing a few years ago.

Melvin Anthony, Phil Heath and others are shining examples of this.

Things have changed recently.

Now I wounder no more. Do you need to qualify in an Amature show before doing NPC? Or can I go out there and get my ass kicked by these guys right now?[/quote]

You usually have to enter and qualify through regional shows at the junior level, then to the national NPC or USA’s to qualify for a pro card.

[quote]FightingScott wrote:

He probably doesn’t get mentioned much on this site because he’s sponsored by BSN, not Biotest. I wounder if Biotest ever contacted him. Once I saw his myspace page and his backround banner was a T-Nation design. [/quote]

He may have a Weider contract, which according to past stories from pros is an exclusive contract where they are only allowed in AMI publications or websites. Darrem Charles did an interview with muscle mag not too long ago only because Weider didn’t renew his contract. But X is right as far as focusing on NPC competitors, they are usually free agents and would most likely welcome the attention.

[quote]Qaash wrote:
FightingScott wrote:
Professor X wrote:
FightingScott wrote:
I never understand how Brandon Curry and Frank McGrath aren’t competing in the Olympia, Arnold, or other major shows (maybe I’m wrong).

He probably doesn’t get mentioned much on this site because he’s sponsored by BSN, not Biotest. I wounder if Biotest ever contacted him. Once I saw his myspace page and his backround banner was a T-Nation design.

Most bodybuilders try to conquer the NPC contests before they turn pro (this is how they turn pro, I believe). That is why I focus on those contests more than others. Before Phil Heath turned pro, he was competing in NPC. He then turned pro from the NPC contests and is now accepted into the Olympia.

I consider NPC contests the closest thing to ideal bodybuilding before they get corrupted by the judges into building size upon size upon size. Even that, though, seems to be changing as many of the people winning now show none of the signs of distention that pros were showing a few years ago.

Melvin Anthony, Phil Heath and others are shining examples of this.

Things have changed recently.

Now I wounder no more. Do you need to qualify in an Amature show before doing NPC? Or can I go out there and get my ass kicked by these guys right now?

You usually have to enter and qualify through regional shows at the junior level, then to the national NPC or USA’s to qualify for a pro card.[/quote]

Thanks for that. I wasn’t sure how it worked. It is clear that most NPC competitors are at the top of their game.

That guy Curry has the genetics of a bodybuilder, but the thing that puts him over the top is his desire as well. I think T-Nation is more worried about improving the “average-man” like myself, not advertising for pro’s.

[quote]triple-10sets wrote:
That guy Curry has the genetics of a bodybuilder, but the thing that puts him over the top is his desire as well. I think T-Nation is more worried about improving the “average-man” like myself, not advertising for pro’s. [/quote]

I fail to see your point. We are all “average” until we build ourselves beyond that. Brandon Curry wouldn’t be where he is right now if he didn’t push himself. He also didn’t make that transformation overnight. I haven’t followed every step of his transformation, but I saw what he started with and that is still a huge leap to where he ended up even though he was ahead of most to start with.

I think too many authors on this site promote a more average mentality which is nothing but self defeating, even if it does lead to more book sales.

Every person logging in until recently thought they were a “hardgainer” or a “FFB”. These name tags are ridiculous.

I have been here long enough to notice the progress people are making and the ones turning the most heads are not the ones running to label themselves as anything but “dedicated” and “driven”.

Losing some body fat has to be the easiest goal when compared to spending years and years actually building more muscle mass than average. There are many who have lost fat. There are very few who have gained significant muscle mass. If that is what the “average man” is after, I can see why I have no desire to be average.

[quote]triple-10sets wrote:
That guy Curry has the genetics of a bodybuilder, but the thing that puts him over the top is his desire as well. I think T-Nation is more worried about improving the “average-man” like myself, not advertising for pro’s. [/quote]

no you are confused with men’s health.

while it is important to do more than focus on the pro’s, a basketball site would not by covering the NBA.

it might be the massive backlash on steroids that has been sweeping the nation that caused this. The sporadic articles covering all types of substances have disappeared.

[quote]triple-10sets wrote:
That guy Curry has the genetics of a bodybuilder, but the thing that puts him over the top is his desire as well. I think T-Nation is more worried about improving the “average-man” like myself, not advertising for pro’s. [/quote]

Are you high? This is a bodybuilding website. Sure, we’re all (below) average when we come here, but we certainly aren’t here to stay that way.

In this pic I am probably 170lb 5% body fat. I sent pics to a magazine I won’t mention just because I was told I should. I am planning on entering a BB Competiton in August my first. A guy that works at the gym I go to has been jocking me every since I joined there. I am probably 15lb heavier know with about the same amount of body fat. I am kind of lazy and unmotivated about this whole BB thing. I am bless genetically so I really don’t have to put in that much hard work or that is at least what I think.

I don’t consider what I do hard. I really need to bare down on my nutrition if I do that I know result will be ungodly I have atempted it for a short time and result were amazing. Like 5 pounds of muscle in a week I suck to my diet hard for two week and keep the weight on for three weeks. So this is I guess kind of a pic to show some kind of progress. Bring it on!
This is what Brandon said himself. You want to follow his lead and see where it takes you ?

This is what Brandon said himself. You want to follow his lead and see where it takes you ? [/quote]

What are you smoking? I don’t think most people have the genetics to build arms over 18"…but I did. That doesn’t mean I didn’t work hard at it. It also doesn’t mean I would expect everyone on the planet to be able to train EXACTLY like me and see the same results.

That doesn’t change the basic concepts when it comes to muscle gains just because everyone doesn’t share the exact same genetics.

I am in and out of the gym most days in about 30min. I am well aware that some people may need to train longer to see results. They might also have to eat less…or more.

Are you that jealous of the man?

You are, aren’t you?

No matter who you are, you still have to find what works for you. Listening to the people who have accomplished the most is the best way to get an idea what works in general.

If your goal was to be the best race car driver, would you listen to the slowest drivers on the lot?

If you wanted to be the best brain surgeon, would you listen to the guy who didn’t graduate college but read a lot about brains?

Is he bigger, and more cut then me right now ? Yes. But I wouldnt trade my body for the world because I made it what it is, and will continue to do so. Im glad he is finally focused, and competing I hope he does well.

If I was a racecar driver that drove nascar, I would listen to a nascar driver, not a formula one.

[quote]triple-10sets wrote:
Is he bigger, and more cut then me right now ? Yes. But I wouldnt trade my body for the world because I made it what it is, and will continue to do so. Im glad he is finally focused, and competing I hope he does well. [/quote]

Who asked you to trade your body in?

Do they allow you to live by yourself?

You said I was jeolous, so that would mean that I wish I could be him…But I dont wish I could be him, so Im not jealous. I guess I shouldnt have skipped the explanation.