Bodybuilding & Junk Food

[quote]daltron wrote:

[quote]MikeManos wrote:
True beans, most pros do eat clean for most part, though let’s not forget that what also separates the men from boys as well is the ability to have access and afford the right combinations and amount of bodybuilding drugs, as well as the required drug tolerance and ability to take that much stuff for years without suffering severe side effects, organ complications and/or failure, or potentially even worse.

And I think that we are all aware that bodybuilding pros never really come off, and just alternate from one drug stack to the next, for years without cessation. Not cheap and certainly not healthy, regardless of how one eats (though eating bad foods, on top of all of those drugs, will almost certainly magnify the negative impact of these drugs on the body).

Just food for thought, no pun intended.[/quote]

lol, OK. No, what separates the men from the boys is their ability to bust their ass as previously mentioned and genetics.

Some people here are crazy, they think you just pop the syringe and blow up…[/quote]

Stop being insulting and making false equivalence arguments. I never said that just popping a syringe in one’s glute is all that is needed to achieve a bodybuilder’s physique, despite what some blowhards may believe.

If you don’t think that you have to have an incredible capacity and drug tolerance to withstand grams upon grams of testosterone, trenbolone, nandrolone, human growth hormone, etc., then I don’t know what to tell you. Few people can tolerate that kind of pharmaceutical overload (no to mention the cost), especially for years and years and without cessation.

That’s a very big advantage that the big boys have, no matter how you’d like to look at it.

[quote]MikeManos wrote:

[quote]daltron wrote:

[quote]MikeManos wrote:
True beans, most pros do eat clean for most part, though let’s not forget that what also separates the men from boys as well is the ability to have access and afford the right combinations and amount of bodybuilding drugs, as well as the required drug tolerance and ability to take that much stuff for years without suffering severe side effects, organ complications and/or failure, or potentially even worse.

And I think that we are all aware that bodybuilding pros never really come off, and just alternate from one drug stack to the next, for years without cessation. Not cheap and certainly not healthy, regardless of how one eats (though eating bad foods, on top of all of those drugs, will almost certainly magnify the negative impact of these drugs on the body).

Just food for thought, no pun intended.[/quote]

lol, OK. No, what separates the men from the boys is their ability to bust their ass as previously mentioned and genetics.

Some people here are crazy, they think you just pop the syringe and blow up…[/quote]

Stop being insulting and making false equivalence arguments. I never said that just popping a syringe in one’s glute is all that is needed to achieve a bodybuilder’s physique, despite what some blowhards may believe.

If you don’t think that you have to have an incredible capacity and drug tolerance to withstand grams upon grams of testosterone, trenbolone, nandrolone, human growth hormone, etc., then I don’t know what to tell you. Few people can tolerate that kind of pharmaceutical overload (no to mention the cost), especially for years and years and without cessation.

That’s a very big advantage that the big boys have, no matter how you’d like to look at it.[/quote]

Then you know what, I apologize. I misread your post and accidentally thought you were referring to drugs being the only thing that separates people with fantastic physiques from the average joe’s in general.

[quote]daltron wrote:

[quote]TheresaACP wrote:
By the way, I’m not a troll or hater or someone trying to spoil the dream. I’d love to look like the Marvel Comics version of Wonder Woman, but since I live on planet earth (and in reality), I’m just addressing simple common sense and logic here. Why do some people still have such a hard time understanding the most important aspect - drugs, drugs and more drugs - of achieving that look? Why rationalize it away constantly by using the “God like genetics” argument?


You just needed an excuse to not be able to achieve your goals and the excuse you came up with is “that can only be achieved with drugs”.

Dani Shugart looks like wonder woman. Probably better. The difference between you and her isn’t drug use (she’s drug free), it’s her ability to push herself and work hard in the gym. THAT is the difference between “wonder woman” and you. Not drugs.

Thank you, you just made my point. Dani looks phenomenal and I respect her for work ethic. And she would be the first to tell you she wouldn’t stand a chance on stage with an IFBB figure pro, because she is drug free. What was that about drugs again? And in one of her articles on this very site she even openly stated that she contemplated Clenbuterol use but thought better of it when her husband smacked some sense into her when she brought it up. Good for her!

And how the hell do you even know what I look like? I train very hard for your information and follow a strict diet year round, even going organic whenever possible. But there are limitations when you are drug free and you should get this by now.

[quote]TheresaACP wrote:
Still not convinced?

The late great Nasser El Sonbaty, before and after serious drug use.

What GOD like genetics!

Somebody may have already mentioned this (didn’t bother reading the whole monotonous thread) but you do realize that part of good bb genetics is the manner in which they respond to drugs…right??

To Daltron & Theresa: OK, you’ve both made your points and this is getting overly personal and childish now. So I will chime in and say that you are both right to a certain degree.

As it regards to genetics, whether it’s the baseline starting point, and the potential to add mass upon mass while staying lean without drugs, or one’s response to these drugs…yes, it’s the most important factor. You can’t turn a jockey into and NBA center with PEDs, you first need the groundwork present. And someone with the right genetics (bone structure, long muscle bellies, etc.) will beat someone with average (and less than) genetics, with all things being equal. And yes, work ethic and dedication play a pivotal role here as well, there’s no understating that.

However, take someone average, who trains and diets properly, and simultaneously load them up with powerful muscle building and cutting drugs (or even moderate doses of these drugs), and they generally will blow away someone who is gifted genetically and trains and diets as hard as humanly possible. It’s equally important here not to trivialize the powerful effects of these compounds; they are not the last 5-10% as some con artists will have you believe, and anyone who has been around trainers that have used these drugs will immediately visually see firsthand just what a profound difference they can make.

And not to complicate things, but there are also average looking trainers, who try steroids for the first time, and simply blow up on relatively light doses, while far more genetically gifted trainers, who looked sensational when they were natural, have a lesser response to these same drugs. And vice versa. Many permeations here on genetics, drugs, response to drugs and variable doses, etc.

And furthermore, it probably is also true that someone who can naturally get away with eating a good amount of junk food frequently, and not get overly fat in the process, may be able to stuff their face with even greater amounts of junk food, while on drugs, and successfully build substantial amounts of muscle while not gaining (and even losing) fat simultaneously. Rare but possible.

Finally, it is also true (for both males and females, respectively), that there is a great deal of confusion nowadays, over what is and isn’t possible without the use of drugs, with regards to male/female physique development. Virtually 95% of models used on muscle magazines and even fitness magazines are on and have been on something, and that doesn’t include the photo shopping and air brushing that also goes in the final presentation of these images for advertisement purposes. Sure, we can say “what do we care?” and “why does it matter?” all we want, though one could also see how a newcomer to the fitness trend can get confused about what is and is not attainable.

I have been training naturally for well over twenty years now, and I am still learning the nuances of tweeking my diet and training to improve my health, body and performance. There is no doubt that I am light years better developed and healthier now than when I first started, and that’s what counts. I bring it up because after years of dedication, a realistic image did form about what I could attain (and, in a general sense, what virtually any human being can attain) without the use of chemicals, and I was fine to leave it at that. That’s the difference between me and a newbie, though we were all one at one point. And while I will still stay dedicated to training hard and living an active life, I’m under no false illusion that I will one day look like someone who is dabbling with bodybuilding drugs, and that’s far less about selling myself short than accepting what is naturally possible (especially now at 43 years of age).

In short, all that matters is that if you found what works for you and makes you happy, you’ve won. Be open minded and try things, but also listen to your body and analyze your individual results. Don’t waste your time listening or arguing with someone who thinks the opposite and does what they think works for them, or what other people do that have no similarities to you and your goals.

I can’t help but thinking “who cares?” If they want to eat crap, why not let them? It’s not like you can make them change their diets by ranting on page after page on tnation. Also, it’s not like Kali or any one else are gonna change their advice. And if some pro’s lie about their diets, who cares? They are forced to lie about pretty much everything and whoever cannot figure out what the truth is doesn’t deserve to know it.

My personal diet? Normal food. Not clean, not junk. I eat meat, potatoes, bread and pasta every day. I drink whole milk which I mix with cream because it’s cheap and because a high fat diet keeps my stomach fat down. Carps make me bloat noticeably. My go-to fast food is half a fried chicken with fries, which I eat once or twice a month. I only eat candy and cake very seldom, but I do like a coke once in a while. When I have some days off, I often have a few beers but I’m rarely drunk. Pretty normal, but in quantities big enough to make me grow. When I get too fat once or twice a year I cut little.

This approach goes for everyone in my group of bodybuilders/power lifters. None of us are on gear.

Edit: Mostly just hate disguised as public service. They go as far as to claim Scooby is on gear. You know, this guy:

Wow, this thread’s still going.

Yogi had a great post on the previous page so let’s make sure it’s on this one too:

[quote]Yogi wrote:
Funny, as I actually work with real bodybuilders and have experience using the drugs.

People like you want to believe that bodybuilders half ass workouts and eat like shit, but the drugs build these superhuman physiques regardless of what they do.

If that were true, everybody who used the drugs would look like a pro bodybuilder. No, what separates the guys who look really amazing from the guys who look average is busting their ass consistently in the gym, and being diligent as fuck in the kitchen.

But it suits the armchair, youtube commentators to be like “hmmph I could look like that if I took what they took” as they tuck into yet another bag of cheetos. It feeds the egos of these average looking people who don’t train as hard or eat as well as they should.

But hey, don’t believe me? Take some drugs then! Take the drugs, eat like shit, half ass your workouts and see where it gets you. Anyone who knows what they’re talking about - which isn’t you, sadly - will be able to tell you it doesn’t work.

And yes, guys like Rich Piana or whomever you follow on youtube ARE lying to you because if they don’t post sensational videos then no one will give a shit about them. That’s why Bostin Lloyd is so popular. He told the crowd who cry “it’s all drugs!” what they want to hear, and made himself a ton of money because of it.

Do yourself a favour and join a forum where the real pros hang out. I can’t obviously link to them here but they’re easy to find. Start a thread about how bodybuilders eat shit and half ass workouts and see what the general consensus is among people who actually live it every day.

Or better yet, actually ask some pros. They’re easy to contact through social media.

Guys like Lee Priest have the genetics of GODS. Do not think they are typical. 99% of bodybuilders cannot get away with doing what he did, but they try, which is why gyms are full of big fat guys on steroids, but very few dudes who look as incredible as he did…

…The dietary discipline is insane, and effects every other aspect of your life. It’s not a sacrifice I’d make.

[quote]TheresaACP wrote:
she would be the first to tell you she wouldn’t stand a chance on stage with an IFBB figure pro, because she is drug free. What was that about drugs again?

I’m not sure why you’re making this so black & white. You pump me full of what Kai Greene is taking and it would’d get me on the Olympia stage. I wouldn’t have the mass of the other guys, I would still have high, shitty calves. My back is good but it wouldn’t block out the sun like those guys, etc.

Yes, the right combination of drugs could have me looking like a guy who lifts more than casually without getting my arse of the couch (assuming I eat semi sensibly) but it won’t turn me into an IFB pro just by having me turn up at the gym and do a few sets here and there either.

[quote]tsantos wrote:

[quote]TheresaACP wrote:
she would be the first to tell you she wouldn’t stand a chance on stage with an IFBB figure pro, because she is drug free. What was that about drugs again?

I’m not sure why you’re making this so black & white. You pump me full of what Kai Greene is taking and it would’d get me on the Olympia stage. I wouldn’t have the mass of the other guys, I would still have high, shitty calves. My back is good but it wouldn’t block out the sun like those guys, etc.

Yes, the right combination of drugs could have me looking like a guy who lifts more than casually without getting my arse of the couch (assuming I eat semi sensibly) but it won’t turn me into an IFB pro just by having me turn up at the gym and do a few sets here and there either.[/quote]

Tsantos, I wasn’t trying to be purposefully contentious with that statement you quoted, but you have to look at it in the context in which it was made in.
I was given the example of how Danielle looked in that remark, and remarked myself about how sensational a build you can achieve without drugs. And that’s the key thing - YES, without drugs, and there very much is a limitation to that!

As a similar example, Rachel McLish likewise looked sensational without drugs in her competition days…but again, did her look equal the superhero, inter galactic, photo shopped build you get when you add powerful chemicals into the mix? Drugs that figure pros today have to use to be competitive? The arguement is very much black and white in that respect, because you have to compare apples to apples in that discussion, you can’t compare apples to chemically engineered GMO grapefruits, they are two completely different things.

So I was essentially called a lazy hater, and I was accused that I was using my lack of drug use as an excuse to not look my best and achieve my full potential, which is the furthest thing from the truth actually. I bust ass in the gym and kitchen virtually 100% of the time (yes, even on holidays when most splurge). Go back and read what I wrote if you’d like, I never made such an excuse. I specifically said that you can’t achieve that unattainable comic book look naturally, not that you can’t fill out your potential naturally. You can build a great physique without drugs, obviously, but let’s not drink the koolaid and not mention that a drugged physique is a different animal altogether. Am I being lazy or a hater saying that, or am I just being blunt and real here?

I fully understand your example too, so I get where you are coming from. But if you did have the genetics to stand next to those guys on stage (if you too used their drugs and trained and dieted equally hard), could you do it naturally even with one in a billion genetics + hard work + strict dieting? No.

That was the message, so as a rule, let’s never claim that someone is dogging it (or making excuses), with respect to their diet and hard work in the gym, just because they are many steps down from that level as drug free trainers.

[quote]chillain wrote:
Wow, this thread’s still going.

Yogi had a great post on the previous page so let’s make sure it’s on this one too:

[quote]Yogi wrote:
Funny, as I actually work with real bodybuilders and have experience using the drugs.

People like you want to believe that bodybuilders half ass workouts and eat like shit, but the drugs build these superhuman physiques regardless of what they do.

If that were true, everybody who used the drugs would look like a pro bodybuilder. No, what separates the guys who look really amazing from the guys who look average is busting their ass consistently in the gym, and being diligent as fuck in the kitchen.

But it suits the armchair, youtube commentators to be like “hmmph I could look like that if I took what they took” as they tuck into yet another bag of cheetos. It feeds the egos of these average looking people who don’t train as hard or eat as well as they should.

But hey, don’t believe me? Take some drugs then! Take the drugs, eat like shit, half ass your workouts and see where it gets you. Anyone who knows what they’re talking about - which isn’t you, sadly - will be able to tell you it doesn’t work.

And yes, guys like Rich Piana or whomever you follow on youtube ARE lying to you because if they don’t post sensational videos then no one will give a shit about them. That’s why Bostin Lloyd is so popular. He told the crowd who cry “it’s all drugs!” what they want to hear, and made himself a ton of money because of it.

Do yourself a favour and join a forum where the real pros hang out. I can’t obviously link to them here but they’re easy to find. Start a thread about how bodybuilders eat shit and half ass workouts and see what the general consensus is among people who actually live it every day.

Or better yet, actually ask some pros. They’re easy to contact through social media.

Guys like Lee Priest have the genetics of GODS. Do not think they are typical. 99% of bodybuilders cannot get away with doing what he did, but they try, which is why gyms are full of big fat guys on steroids, but very few dudes who look as incredible as he did…

…The dietary discipline is insane, and effects every other aspect of your life. It’s not a sacrifice I’d make.


I guess I don’t impress as easy as you then, dear friend. The fact is that Yogi took a blatant cheap shot and cop out in that post against Rich Piana, accusing him of creating controversy and sensationalism to attract attention and an audience.

Oh really, is that what he did?

The guy essentially made a fortune outside of bodybuilding (in the stock market), doesn’t need to lie or promote worthless supplements to make $$$, and is one of the most blunt and straight forward straight shooters out there IMO. He also said that supplemental powders are inferior to real food (instead of shelling out to BS supplement sponsors, like most top pro bb’s), and even recently published his drug stack on his YouTube channel (which I don’t agree with, because it can get you in trouble with the law, but whatever).

At least he admits what only the mentally challenged have to force themselves not to believe. You can call all that saying and writing sensationalistic stuff to cater to an audience, but you know what I call it? Telling the truth and being honest.

And again, it’s not all about drugs, obviously. But when you look at pictures, like the one below, how can somebody possibly not believe that, even with LESS than average genetics, unbelievable changes can take place that would be impossible for even the most genetically blessed individual to make in years of training?

Umm…God like genetics perhaps? Please, spare me. Seeing is believing.

(FYI: And the individual shown actually achieved these results within a year’s time, and base on what he claimed, took nowhere near what most pros take.)

[quote]chillain wrote:
Wow, this thread’s still going.

Yogi had a great post on the previous page so let’s make sure it’s on this one too:

[quote]Yogi wrote:
Funny, as I actually work with real bodybuilders and have experience using the drugs.

People like you want to believe that bodybuilders half ass workouts and eat like shit, but the drugs build these superhuman physiques regardless of what they do.

If that were true, everybody who used the drugs would look like a pro bodybuilder. No, what separates the guys who look really amazing from the guys who look average is busting their ass consistently in the gym, and being diligent as fuck in the kitchen.

But it suits the armchair, youtube commentators to be like “hmmph I could look like that if I took what they took” as they tuck into yet another bag of cheetos. It feeds the egos of these average looking people who don’t train as hard or eat as well as they should.

But hey, don’t believe me? Take some drugs then! Take the drugs, eat like shit, half ass your workouts and see where it gets you. Anyone who knows what they’re talking about - which isn’t you, sadly - will be able to tell you it doesn’t work.

And yes, guys like Rich Piana or whomever you follow on youtube ARE lying to you because if they don’t post sensational videos then no one will give a shit about them. That’s why Bostin Lloyd is so popular. He told the crowd who cry “it’s all drugs!” what they want to hear, and made himself a ton of money because of it.

Do yourself a favour and join a forum where the real pros hang out. I can’t obviously link to them here but they’re easy to find. Start a thread about how bodybuilders eat shit and half ass workouts and see what the general consensus is among people who actually live it every day.

Or better yet, actually ask some pros. They’re easy to contact through social media.

Guys like Lee Priest have the genetics of GODS. Do not think they are typical. 99% of bodybuilders cannot get away with doing what he did, but they try, which is why gyms are full of big fat guys on steroids, but very few dudes who look as incredible as he did…

…The dietary discipline is insane, and effects every other aspect of your life. It’s not a sacrifice I’d make.



[quote]TheresaACP wrote:
The guy essentially made a fortune outside of bodybuilding (in the stock market), doesn’t need to lie or promote worthless supplements to make $$$, and is one of the most blunt and straight forward straight shooters out there IMO. He also said that supplemental powders are inferior to real food (instead of shelling out to BS supplement sponsors, like most top pro bb’s), and even recently published his drug stack on his YouTube channel (which I don’t agree with, because it can get you in trouble with the law, but whatever).


you do realise he used to be sponsored by a supplement company and said their products were the best thing ever? Then when they weren’t paying his bills anymore he started bad mouthing them. Don’t you think that calls into question just how much of a “straight shooter” he is? That his stance changes depending on who’s pocket he’s in? I’m not saying he was wrong to do it - dude’s got to make a living - but it seems this is always ignored by fanboys.

but whatever. I’m still convinced this is a troll thread and I’m a little disappointed in myself for responding again

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]TheresaACP wrote:
The guy essentially made a fortune outside of bodybuilding (in the stock market), doesn’t need to lie or promote worthless supplements to make $$$, and is one of the most blunt and straight forward straight shooters out there IMO. He also said that supplemental powders are inferior to real food (instead of shelling out to BS supplement sponsors, like most top pro bb’s), and even recently published his drug stack on his YouTube channel (which I don’t agree with, because it can get you in trouble with the law, but whatever).


you do realise he used to be sponsored by a supplement company and said their products were the best thing ever? Then when they weren’t paying his bills anymore he started bad mouthing them. Don’t you think that calls into question just how much of a “straight shooter” he is? That his stance changes depending on who’s pocket he’s in? I’m not saying he was wrong to do it - dude’s got to make a living - but it seems this is always ignored by fanboys.

but whatever. I’m still convinced this is a troll thread and I’m a little disappointed in myself for responding again[/quote]

Well I’m no “fanboy” nor even a woman whose a fan of the man (just not my taste, nothing personal against Rich). I’m just calling it as I see it.

And are we going to judge everyone for past mistakes, especially something as petty as endorsing a sponsor of questionable supplements? Is your slate 100% clean, have you never made mistakes? If we take that approach then Arnold should never be given his due credit due to his past shenanigans (which are described in detail in Wendy Leigh’s unauthorized biography). He screwed plenty of people over to get to the top when he was younger, but I’m sure he would tell you himself he made mistakes and choices he wishes he could take back. I commend him for that, so it’s what he does now that matters.

So just because he used to promote a supplement company then does not mean he’s spiting the industry now because they are not paying his bills; as I said, he doesn’t need them anyway. So why not give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s just being truthful with no animosity or strings attached?

Also, remember he gains nothing by posting and saying some of the truthful things he does. His channel would make him more money if he did the opposite actually, that’s what most of these guys are doing.

[quote]TheresaACP wrote:
I guess I don’t impress as easy as you then, dear friend. The fact is that Yogi took a blatant cheap shot and cop out in that post against Rich Piana, accusing him of creating controversy and sensationalism to attract attention and an audience.[/quote]

My fault, I was referring ENTIRELY to the ‘dietary/training discipline’ portion of Yogi’s post and not at all to the ‘popular culture/hype’ tangent.

I shouldve made that clearer, initially.

[quote]Bosse101 wrote:
I can’t help but thinking “who cares?” If they want to eat crap, why not let them? It’s not like you can make them change their diets by ranting on page after page on tnation. Also, it’s not like Kali or any one else are gonna change their advice. And if some pro’s lie about their diets, who cares? They are forced to lie about pretty much everything and whoever cannot figure out what the truth is doesn’t deserve to know it.

My personal diet? Normal food. Not clean, not junk. I eat meat, potatoes, bread and pasta every day. I drink whole milk which I mix with cream because it’s cheap and because a high fat diet keeps my stomach fat down. Carps make me bloat noticeably. My go-to fast food is half a fried chicken with fries, which I eat once or twice a month. I only eat candy and cake very seldom, but I do like a coke once in a while. When I have some days off, I often have a few beers but I’m rarely drunk. Pretty normal, but in quantities big enough to make me grow. When I get too fat once or twice a year I cut little.

This approach goes for everyone in my group of bodybuilders/power lifters. None of us are on gear.

Edit: Mostly just hate disguised as public service. They go as far as to claim Scooby is on gear. You know, this guy:[/quote]

you’re right there on here to build mass and muscle you need food food, food and more food, most people I know who eats just the chicken breast, broccoli and some more chickens breasts too never look bigs, just have abs and no muscle. if you want real size you have to eat more than this and the way I know hows is to use more calories and even many more carbs, so eat at whatever place gets you ther.

Many eats at macdonalds even or KFC, Ok for them but for me I like wendys sometime and even go to the macaroni grill near me for pasta, steak and French fries because when I to eats like this I always a have a great training workout, and we always gets big like this way too. eveytime we do this, not chiken breast or plain oatmeal or just vegetables, vegetables and fruits are not the answer to getting the big size like we want so we eat much more than those people and get much bigger.

laugh at those people what are you doing with just dry chickens a that don’t even have taste? you say junk food but not for training reasons when you train in the gym five or six times every week. why else go there is you have no enegrys? have can you work work wit the heavy weight if there is none much cal in you bodt to use and especially little proteins??

no protein and no muscle, that’s what I know for sure so don’t be afraids of the food when you go to eat there, when you want to train harder and bigger. always a better way is to eat and then when you lift you burns the extra amounts too but you still get the proteins and als to become the much bigger person.

never see any body get big without foods all the time maybe even eat seven time or mores each every day, that’s the way even if you need pizzas or burgars or mexican foods like tacobell. It is all you use in the gym so no problems later when you say you get fat because you cant get fat if you train hard and work hard and burn the extra two, no matter what is eaten and you just you get size and that’s how the professional body builder do it to be the way they are and even get bigger every year

you’re right there on here to build mass and muscle you need food food, food and more food, most people I know who eats just the chicken breast, broccoli and some more chickens breasts too never look bigs, just have abs and no muscle. if you want real size you have to eat more than this and the way I know hows is to use more calories and even many more carbs, so eat at whatever place gets you ther.

Many eats at macdonalds even or KFC, Ok for them but for me I like wendys sometime and even go to the macaroni grill near me for pasta, steak and French fries because when I to eats like this I always a have a great training workout, and we always gets big like this way too. eveytime we do this, not chiken breast or plain oatmeal or just vegetables, vegetables and fruits are not the answer to getting the big size like we want so we eat much more than those people and get much bigger.

laugh at those people what are you doing with just dry chickens a that don’t even have taste? you say junk food but not for training reasons when you train in the gym five or six times every week. why else go there is you have no enegrys? have can you work work wit the heavy weight if there is none much cal in you bodt to use and especially little proteins??

no protein and no muscle, that’s what I know for sure so don’t be afraids of the food when you go to eat there, when you want to train harder and bigger. always a better way is to eat and then when you lift you burns the extra amounts too but you still get the proteins and als to become the much bigger person.

never see any body get big without foods all the time maybe even eat seven time or mores each every day, that’s the way even if you need pizzas or burgars or mexican foods like tacobell. It is all you use in the gym so no problems later when you say you get fat because you cant get fat if you train hard and work hard and burn the extra two, no matter what is eaten and you just you get size and that’s how the professional body builder do it to be the way they are and even get bigger every year[/quote]


Just let this troll thread die…

After attempting to read that last post maybe that’s not such a bad idea.