Bagsy's Training Log

Is your diet anything notable - low carb, low fat, xx-free, xx-heavy, or anything?

I don’t track anything precisely besides protein intake. Most of the year I would say I am very moderate carb and moderate fat, so nothing special. I don’t eat gluten, soy, or legumes. I’ve been dairy-free in past years but have been having some Greek yogurt and whey protein lately. I definitely do not shy away from eggs and red meat. I eat a lot of fish and, of course, vegetables.

That is honestly a great baseline for a healthy diet. I like it.
I’m relatively low carb but I do consume some, and in occasion I even consume a little bread. Nearly eliminating bread and sugar changed me dramatically.
Edit to add: and alcohol.

Heheh, you guys are doing good. I’m not low anything, although I don’t go out of my way to eat sugar. I’m lucky that my digestive system is pretty much fully omnivorous, I haven’t found anything I can’t tolerate. My son has issues with gluten and lactose, but it doesn’t stop him from eating pizza, pasta and ice cream, he just pays the price afterward.

Thanks. Late high school/very early college I jumped the typical runner’s diet: lots of oats/sprouted or whole grain breads/white meat/whatever, few eggs, and no red meat. It was awful. I went 100% paleo for a little while after that, which changed everything, and a lot of those habits have stuck with me. I think I have a gluten allergy, but I’m not willing to start eating it again to get an official diagnosis. I think that says it all.

Soy is so controversial. I err toward it being not so great, but I’m also biased. I avoid it not only for that reason but also because consuming it does not sit right with me ethically.

I genuinely believe that among super active people, men handle low carb diets better. I could go low carb if I really wanted, but I feel better not swinging toward any extremes. It’s remarkable how dietary trends are like religions nowadays.

I should have said this, haha. I can count on one hand the number of times I have sipped alcohol in my life. I don’t get the appeal, honestly. That helps a lot.

Yeah, I rather not feel awful after eating something. I believe in the whole “anti-nutrient” a little bit, too. I’m not a big foodie in the first place though, and most cuisines I like are not gluten- or dairy-heavy.


Is this because of environmental destruction/monoculture farming or something else?

Yeah, I think we’re on a dangerous path environmentally. I also don’t believe in replacing meat in public school lunches with soy-based alternatives, but I will avoid getting political here lol


Hilly, hot, and humid 2 mile run 16:46
50 band pull aparts


As someone who is relatively low carb (less than 120 a day is a good day) for medical reasons (diabetes) I would agree with this. The less carbs I consume the better I feel and try to get my carbs from only whole foods now. I could consume more and still keep my blood sugar in check but there is no need for me to do that right now.

I think there are definitely some medical situations that warrant low carb and even ketogenic diets. Glad it’s working out for you.

Honestly I have been putting on muscle faster than I ever have before, which is a weird but useful side effect of the diet and drugs I am on.

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I’ve been in such a terrible mood lately and lo and behold my vitamin D is just shy of being under the test’s normal range despite religiously supplementing and getting what I think is a decent amount of sunlight exposure. Frustrating. Hoping that increasing my dosage for a little while will help. Maybe it will even help my thyroid labs.


Do tell

I believe it’s mostly due to the insulin and metformin with a small benefit from the prescription grade Omega 3 I am on for high triglycerides (Vascepa is the brand name).



70 pullups


Standing ab wheel progression 3x9
Lots of lateral + front raises and band pull aparts

Pressing remains frustrating. I wish 60 measly pounds would for once feel easy.

It’s weird that I’m already kinda close to finishing two cycles of this. I don’t know what I’ll do next (probably need to figure out soon), but whether or not I change course, I think I’ll throw in some push presses somewhere.

I won’t be able to lift this weekend because I actually have life plans to look forward to for once. I debated cramming the week’s lifts into a few days, but I figured Jim would say to just do things correctly. So, front squats on Thursday, and I’ll resume lifting next Wednesday.


I stand in solidarity with the pressing struggle.

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I exaggerate a bit, but it’s like the bane of my existence. More frustrating for me than squats.

Same. I also have issues with squats lol. If my torso is upright I don’t have any pain (hack squat) if I have to bend over a little (barbell squat) I can barely do the empty bar.

We can be struggle buddies.

Misery loves company lol

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Great song :joy: