Back into Shape with Limited Equipment

To conclude the speech, the reason I post here, because I trust to be able to receive a competent opinion from people with greater experience in the field of training. And I am eager to accept these opinions, with humility. But as a matter of fact to receive coherent answers I need to be honest about HOW I see training


Totally on board, i just thought it would help to lay out where your mind is with these things.


Based on the equipment you have, I agree with the sentiment here. Just my 0.02c but depending on your current levels of strength it is going to be hard to make a productive muscle building program with the equipment you have available.
Have you considered looking at barbell and dumbell complexes. You could make some really effective sessions with your barbell and 50kg of weight and end up a whole lot stronger, faster, leaner and with a little more muscle in the process.

Example barbell complex might look like:
Front Squat
Military Press
Back squat
Good mornings
You complete 8 reps of each movement without putting the barbell down and then rest for a couple of mins and then repeat this 2 more times.

If you think this is something that interests you, then search up Dan John barbell complex’s and you will find al sorts of good information online.

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I run in the park 2 or 3 times a week. But, for bad weather have a treadmill. It’s an effective way to increase heart rate to a healthy level. It’s also extremely effective as a warm-up activity.
I joined the forum to know more about muscle building. Going to use it as a warm-up before at the start of the workout.

Your plan will be fine for what you’re trying to do. For me, I’d probably run with @dagill2 ’s suggestion, but it doesn’t mean doing what you want will be to no avail. @ChickenLittle posted a “fun” option that’s more in line with what you’re thinking.

Honestly, take any movement with any weight:

  1. Do as many reps as you can
  2. Take 5-8 breaths
  3. Repeat
  4. Do that until you can’t do anymore reps

That way you don’t have to let go of what you want to do and you’ll still at least fatigue some fibers. I think I’d get bored, or throw up from the lactic acid, but you can get a good pump at least. It sounds like you’re injured, so there’s probably even some benefit in this having built-in governors.


Honestly there is no reason to overthink what to do.
You want to look better, that’s great. You don’t need to worry about which particular exercise is best because you’re not trying to be stage ready.

SOME pushing
SOME pulling
SOME lower body
SOME cardio

Use weights, use bodyweight. Have fun.

Do what you feel like you will enjoy on the day, and maybe keep a log book with notes, so if you hated a workout but got a good pump, make a note or vice versa. Maybe you liked the workout but you didn’t get any stimulus from it, then you’ll know you’re spinning your wheels.


I really like the idea

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