Annoying Things About Having Size!

[quote]Huh? wrote:
3. Relatives and friends who assume that because you like to throw weights around you also like to move furniture for free in your spare time. Yep, I was the go to guy every time someone needed to move fucking house. I even had friends of friends, who I barely knew, ringing me up to ask me. [/quote]

Oh my god. My buddies dad expected me, my brother and his 3 sons to move all the furniture out of his house when they moved. I’m talking EVERYTHING.

We were pickin’ mal fucking beds and huge ass computer dressers. + they were moving into an apartment while their new house was being built, so I had to move some shit up the stairs of their new apartment plus shit out, than back into their NEW house.

Lets see what happens when I move.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
I buy most of my stuff online. I can’t find my size actually in most stores. Dress shirts around here only go up to a size 18. They act as if they have never even heard of a 20" neck. I think it depends on WHERE you live also.

In Texas I never had much of a problem finding my size at stores. Online, though, I do still shop at Old Navy (they go up to a XXXL on the website). Under Armour doesn’t carry my size in the stores around here so that gets bought online as well.

I truly think guys who complain the most about this actually have to worry about it the least.[/quote]

I’m 6’2" and around 270, yet I only wear underarmour L’s or M’s. When I’m wearing tights, I like it to be really, really tight. But still, I can’t imagine why anybody outside the biggest of the big would need more than an XL for tights.

Now, I’m built more like a big mechanic or farm-hand than a bodybuilder or pro athlete, but I doubt that would make a big difference.

…oh wait, I just realized you’re probably talking about UA’s looser clothes. Nevermind.

on the new spellcheck feature, why in the holy hell is the word “obesity” offered as a suggestion for “website”?!?!


[quote]tGunslinger wrote:
Professor X wrote:
I buy most of my stuff online. I can’t find my size actually in most stores. Dress shirts around here only go up to a size 18. They act as if they have never even heard of a 20" neck. I think it depends on WHERE you live also.

In Texas I never had much of a problem finding my size at stores. Online, though, I do still shop at Old Navy (they go up to a XXXL on the website). Under Armour doesn’t carry my size in the stores around here so that gets bought online as well.

I truly think guys who complain the most about this actually have to worry about it the least.

I’m 6’2" and around 270, yet I only wear underarmour L’s or M’s. When I’m wearing tights, I like it to be really, really tight. But still, I can’t imagine why anybody outside the biggest of the big would need more than an XL for tights.

Now, I’m built more like a big mechanic or farm-hand than a bodybuilder or pro athlete, but I doubt that would make a big difference.

…oh wait, I just realized you’re probably talking about UA’s looser clothes. Nevermind.

on the new spellcheck feature, why in the holy hell is the word “obesity” offered as a suggestion for “website”?!?!


I wasn’t just talking about their looser clothes. I wear a XXXL in their tight clothes and a XXL in their loose gear. I wouldn’t be able to get one arm in a medium or a large and wouldn’t be able to breath. You obviously aren’t carrying that much muscle on your frame.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
I wasn’t just talking about their looser clothes. I wear a XXXL in their tight clothes and a XXL in their loose gear. I wouldn’t be able to get one arm in a medium or a large and wouldn’t be able to breath. You obviously aren’t carrying that much muscle on your frame. [/quote]

You obviously like your tights a little looser than I like mine.

I wear an L and an XL (I thought they were M and L, but I was a little off), and they’re supposed to fit like they’re going to burst if you move. They can stretch a lot.

I’ve seen your pics, and you aren’t even close to being big enough to stretch out a triple-X like I stretch out an L. I could wear the larger sized UA tights, but they wouldn’t be the nearly-cuts-off-circulation level of tightness that I prefer.

But whatever creams your twinkie, man. Wear what makes you happy.

[quote]Hack Wilson wrote:
Come on! This is an annoying thread. It’s like someone saying, “Shit. Being rich and great looking is a pain in the ass, man! Sometimes…I’ve got to screw six or eight women in one day! In one DAY! Mostly MODELS!”


Sounds like something you would have said when you first joined.

Whoever said you’re probably Go Heavy Fool returned from the abyss might be on to something.

[quote]BrwnbellyYankee wrote:
Hack Wilson wrote:
Thing is this: I hear a lot of guys who are a LOT smaller than I am bitching about how they can’t find clothes to fit them. Even though I have to jump through the odd hoop to get clothes that fit, I never call attention to it just so people will realize that I’m huge. So chances are if you claim to have a lot of problems finding clothes to fit and you are NOT 6’5" 285…you’re probably just running your mouth.

at my heaviest i was 197 lbs w/ 10% bf and i am only 5’5" and at that height finding clothes that fit you is damn near impossible. it was hard to find pants that were 29x30 and would fit 30" legs in them, the same with shirts.

but if being big is such an annoyance just suck it and lose some lbs. that is exactly what i did now that im 20 lbs lighter i feel alot better and can wear just about anyclothes i want. [/quote]

Obviously your problem is that you’re short.

[quote]BarneyFife wrote:
Hack Wilson wrote:
DON D1ESEL wrote:
As Hack demonstrates, the #1 problem of having a stick up your rear end is that no one likes you.

Be that as it may, if I had posted this, people would be all over me. Wait. Or is THAT also because ‘no one likes me!’ Damn. That hurts because, deep down, I really want to be liked.

Weren’t you the idiot that told someone on here that they didn’t even make enough money to look at a hotel that you once stayed at? If not, my sincerest apologies.[/quote]

Yeah. That was me. I don’t know if I’d call it a joke…well…it’s hard to explain. Let’s just say that you probably stay at most of the same hotels I stay at. But you are too dumb to understand satire.

First off, I have no other log in but the one I use. Believe that or not. I don’t care. But, there it is.

Second, Think about this, fellas. You see study after study after study that we are a nation of fatties. Yet all us big muscle men are bitching that we can’t find clothes to fit us. Yeah.

Sometimes a 50-regular jacket can look odd. You just have it tailored. Sometimes you get a pair of pants that’s a little loose in the waist. Deal with it. Tighten your belt. I wear a 36 waist in some pants, even a 38 in others. But my waist - when measured is around 34.5 inches. Boxers. I wear XL and they ride down my ass if I’m too active in them but they fit tight around my legs. Very tight. I’m used to it. Boxer-briefs are the same deal but they stretch. More comfrotable in the legs but less so in the waist. Seem to be bigger.

Anyway, I agree with X that the people who come on this board are bitch are probably the one’s with the least problems. I know linemen who are in the mid-300s and are 6’7". THOSE guys need help with their clothes. If I were to say shit like “I’m so big (at 230) that I knock things over when I get up or walk around a room!” they’d cuff me on the back of the head and tell me to shut it!

Thing is, I read a lot of comments on this thread it’s just the swinging dick thing. I don’t care for it. From my perspective (I’m 6’0 and - to update - 231 this morning). My bodyfat’s probably up to 10% right about now (bulking for winter). I do not feel ‘too big’ and, mostly, I don’t feel big at all. I don’t consider myself big. And I’m not compared with X and a lot of guys I just see on the street, guys that don’t even train. Some guys are just big. Born that way. I wasn’t.

But a lot of people go on about how big I am and find if annoying and embarrassing at the same time. I certainly am annoyed when someone posts shit about being so big they can’t find clothes and they are smaller than I am. It’s just juvenile shit-talk.

I’ve seen these threads in other places and they always piss me off. The exception being when one of the mastadonts among us posts this type of thing. THEN it’s genuine. I see these fuckers when I am sheepishly wondering around the Big and Tall. I don’t walk up to them and say, “Tough being huge like us. Huh, buddy?”

The only thing I find annoying (and I’m not HUGE by any means) is that everything in the world is built for dwarfs. Stadium seating, airplane seats, cars, public urinal stalls, etc all only fit 5’3", 97lb people.
My coworkers and I went to a Chinese restauran for lunch the other day. I went to piss and LITERALLY could not fit in the “stalls” set up for the urinal. I had to turn my shoulders almost sideways and piss at an angle.
Anytime I take my son to a sporting event, he is the only one that fits in the seats comfortably (he’s 9). My buddies and I always try to see one UNC basketball game a year. We are all over 200lbs and it feels like we are sitting in each other’s laps at the Dean Dome.
This isn’t just for huge people, though, as most of the people (over 100lbs) in the arena have the same problem. It’s all about packing the most people possible into the space available (read:all about money).

[quote]sasquatch wrote:
derek wrote:
sasquatch wrote:

And if you guys haven’t figured out that Hack Wilson is Go Heavy Fool it’s about time to snap to it. Pro football playing-Metallica roady fool.

No shit?

If that’s true he is the very definition of pathetic!

Just a hunch–but if you have some free time and are looking for something to do–go back and read some of his posts. Let me know if you see some similarity or if I just have a foolish fetish. Some people have gaydar…[/quote]

I think you are right…see the 600 word post above me.

I have said the same thing before, you can take the Heavy out of the Fool but not the Fool out of T-Nation.

I hear ya! I hear ya! When I walk down the street women scream, children cry, and dogs bark. Damn annoying. I sleep walk at night and when I wake up the next morning, all the frickin’ furniture is rearranged. I currently sleep on the floor because I can’t find a bed wide enough for my massive shoulder width. The last time I tried to fly on an airline, I was denied to board the aircraft. They told me I violated some FAA regulation. When I am out partying I usually urinate in parking lots. Who needs the hassle of public restrooms. I outgrew public stalls after I discovered the full body workout. Yeah, life’s a bitch when you’re jacked like myself.

[quote]tGunslinger wrote:
I wear an L and an XL (I thought they were M and L, but I was a little off), and they’re supposed to fit like they’re going to burst if you move. They can stretch a lot.

I’ve seen your pics, and you aren’t even close to being big enough to stretch out a triple-X like I stretch out an L. I could wear the larger sized UA tights, but they wouldn’t be the nearly-cuts-off-circulation level of tightness that I prefer.

But whatever creams your twinkie, man. Wear what makes you happy.[/quote]

LOL. So you get caught in a lie and then change your story.

You need to create a rehandle, as now everyone knows you’re FOS.

Huh?: If it sucks being so big and poor you can’t take it. Then stop going to the gym.

You sound like a little whiny bitch.

[quote]tGunslinger wrote:
Professor X wrote:
I wasn’t just talking about their looser clothes. I wear a XXXL in their tight clothes and a XXL in their loose gear. I wouldn’t be able to get one arm in a medium or a large and wouldn’t be able to breath. You obviously aren’t carrying that much muscle on your frame.

You obviously like your tights a little looser than I like mine.

I wear an L and an XL (I thought they were M and L, but I was a little off), and they’re supposed to fit like they’re going to burst if you move. They can stretch a lot.

I’ve seen your pics, and you aren’t even close to being big enough to stretch out a triple-X like I stretch out an L. I could wear the larger sized UA tights, but they wouldn’t be the nearly-cuts-off-circulation level of tightness that I prefer.

But whatever creams your twinkie, man. Wear what makes you happy.[/quote]

Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Most sizes for men’s clothing are based on chest size. If the cut off for a XXL in their “Heat Gear” line of shirts is a 51" chest, how are you claiming my size should be two sizes LESS than that if my chest is 53"? You are full of shit.

Their sizes are:
L 41-43
XL 44-47
XXL 48-51
XXXL 52-55

Yet you somehow think I need to wear a shirt made for someone with a chest at least 5 inches smaller than mine?

You aren’t anywhere near 270lbs like your stats list you as, are you?

Why lie?

Biggest problem with having size? Definitely when the urinal water is cold. And deep.

My BIGGEST problem (1 is true)

  1. Can’t fit my big ass into some pants that I should and it’s all tight and funny looking.

  2. I can’t find any long sleve shirts that fit. They are too long in the arms and I can’t even get my damn forearms through an arm sleeve anyway.

But I’ll keep rocking on with the XXL short sleeve cotton shirts and wife beaters @ 5’7" short.

I’ve been bulking…

Yeah I really have no complaints to lay here as I am not big at all (6’2 1/2 185-190, 8-9%, although I apparently “look bigger” whatever the heck that means) except for in suits. I find it pathetic that I am at the point in my physical development (I am 19 yrs old and am sure to get bigger based on sheer fact that I enjoy food) where, when I had to purchase a suit this summer, all stores said “you are basically going to need it custom made, both shirts and suits”.

A lot of this has to do with my 37 inch length arms I think, but I’m a 44T, 31 waist, 17.5 neck; much closer to a Men’s Health-y physique than a true T-Nation one. I just really think it is a pain in the ass that most suits are made for a “drop 7” (i.e 44 chest, 37 waist…which in my opinion is not training at all), and all dress shirts have huge space for the gut that is sure to fill them.

Its pretty stupid to think that someone would spend 1000$ on a suit when he looks like well, 44 chest, 39 inch waist. I have no other beefs, if anything, they are about height as opposed to girth, but I remember standing in the store being measured, the salesman scouring the store for something that might fit, my mother shaking her head at her apparently “abnormal” son and me thinking “I wonder what X does for a suit”.b

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Most sizes for men’s clothing are based on chest size. If the cut off for a XXL in their “Heat Gear” line of shirts is a 51" chest, how are you claiming my size should be two sizes LESS than that if my chest is 53"? You are full of shit.

Their sizes are:
L 41-43
XL 44-47
XXL 48-51
XXXL 52-55

Yet you somehow think I need to wear a shirt made for someone with a chest at least 5 inches smaller than mine?

I actually should be wearing an XL, or an XXL, but I bought a Large Heat Gear shirt.

I can’t breath when I wear it - especially after a set when I am trying to catch my breath. It feels like someone is squeezing my chest. I get all claustrophobic, and panic ensues.

As for special clothes - I have never had a problem finding clothes since getting “big”. That is a rite of passage I hope to earn before they bury me though.

I do have a problem with my shirts bunching at the bottom, and looking frumpy around my waste. If my wife could sew - I think tapering them would solve the problem.

One of the best self-masturbatory threads. :slight_smile:

Although my arms are just over 13 inches, I hate the huge bulge in my pants.