Advice for Wider Lats?

My back day for the past 7 weeks has been:
Pendlay Rows 5x5
L up 8x3
Facepull 10x3
Curls 8x3

Before that:
Weighted pull ups
T bar row
Pull Downs

I’m seeing lat development, but they seem to get thicker and not so much wider. It could also be my waist line has gone from a 32 to a 33 and its making my lats look less wide?

Here is a pic from about 5 weeks ago. I de-loaded for a week since then so I’m ready for some slight changes and extra effort. Any suggestions in where I could use some improvement would also be nice. I know the lower portion is pretty dark, so I’ll take a new picture if needed.

It looks like you’re contracting your traps maybe showing a relaxed back shot or even a lat spread. What are you training for?

Get them full of blood with rows and then stretch the crap out of them with pull ups, chins or pull downs.

Pre exhaust your back with pull ups before your back workout. Really focus on contracting your lats and rhomboids.

Spend about two years doing 10-30 reps of pull ups no matter what you do in the gym that day.

Seriously. My back had been wide ever since we did that.

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
Pre exhaust your back with pull ups before your back workout. Really focus on contracting your lats and rhomboids. [/quote]

Precisely this. HUGE stretches. Don’t use a wide grip, au contraire. You may need to lighten up the load as well (how much weight? Are you 8-10+ on all sets?)

Lat width isn’t always about just moving heavy weight.

I would actually recommend a wide grip.

[quote]SSC wrote:

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
Pre exhaust your back with pull ups before your back workout. Really focus on contracting your lats and rhomboids. [/quote]

Precisely this. HUGE stretches. Don’t use a wide grip, au contraire. You may need to lighten up the load as well (how much weight? Are you 8-10+ on all sets?)

Lat width isn’t always about just moving heavy weight.[/quote]

One thing that helped me really contract my back is imagining I’m doing a back double bi pose throughout the rep. I snagged that from a Kai Greene video.

OP, one more thing I just thought of - do absolutely not dismiss rack chins. They may look like kind of a ‘ninny’ exercise but I can guarantee it’s not as easy as it looks. Superset these with deep dumbbell pullovers (with straight arms obviously) for a few months and feel free to let me know if that doesn’t put a little width on ya!

[quote]Professor X wrote:
I would actually recommend a wide grip. [/quote]

Interesting, I’ve typically heard closer grip for lat width (edited,) and seems to work for me. But that’s the key point - everybody is built differently! The guy (as you mentioned) I’m thinking definitely needs to start thinking in higher reps to start reaping some benefits.

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
One thing that helped me really contract my back is imagining I’m doing a back double bi pose throughout the rep. I snagged that from a Kai Greene video.[/quote]

Never heard this one before, seems pretty fun. I’ll have to keep that in mind for my next session - thanks!

[quote]SSC wrote:

Interesting, I’ve typically heard closer grip for lat width (edited,) and seems to work for me. But that’s the key point - everybody is built differently! The guy (as you mentioned) I’m thinking definitely needs to start thinking in higher reps to start reaping some benefits.


I always go for close to medium grip under hand just because it puts the lats through a greater range of motion, similar to how Yates did his rows.

The guys I know with extra wide lats…use a wide grip. Mine flared out visibly even though that was a result of everything I do.

I have always done tons of rows and high rows. Those high rows buld those lats just like pull ups if not better in some case.

More than anything, the key to a big back is heavy weight and VOLUME. No one gets a giant back from two exercises alone.

Pull Up’s is the way to go, changing up grips regularly for lat width BUT do them right!

Now feel free to ignore the following info but if you plan on knocking out a shit load of pull ups, over time and in the usual internally rotated and hyper-extended position be prepared for a gammy shoulder and sore elbows!

The thing about pull-ups is a lot of people do them wrong sacrificing stability for junk reps. I know because I used to do it and ended up with a clicky shoulder in the deadhang position (btw the deadhang position is equivalent to going slack in the bottom position of the squat)

On the pull up bar, you want to get your pinkie knuckle over the bar and then wrap your thumb around the bar grabbing your middle or index finger. Though it may not be the most comfortable, this automatically puts you in a good starting position for pull ups. Meaning, there is no need to concentrate on bending the bar or pinching your shoulder blades together. This grip will encourage external rotation (armpits pointing forward with arms overhead) doing away with internal rotation that will eventually cause elbow and shoulder pain (again this happened to me).

With arms overhead pull the ribcage down, breath through your abbs, point your toes keeping them just ahead of your body, contracting your abs. If you use a fat grip with the hook grip I described you will feel your lats contract on every rep

No chicken necking either

Currently I can bang out 24 reps tight! Elbow and shoulder pain no more!

I had to change my rom quite a bit and stop the rom when my back is dont contracting. Some pull ups but pulldowns are good too. Reverse pulldowns are a nice variant. Use different grips. Straight arm pulldowns are good as well. Learn to contract your lats in all movements. Drop the weight to what is needed for it.

Lots of volume and medium/high reps, along with good ROM exercises. Try starting your back workout with stretchers (A John Meadows thing if you don’t already know) and dead stop dumbbell rows, then pick another 3 or so exercises that hit back overall well, and see how that feels.

[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:

[quote]SSC wrote:

Interesting, I’ve typically heard closer grip for lat width (edited,) and seems to work for me. But that’s the key point - everybody is built differently! The guy (as you mentioned) I’m thinking definitely needs to start thinking in higher reps to start reaping some benefits.


I always go for close to medium grip under hand just because it puts the lats through a greater range of motion, similar to how Yates did his rows.[/quote]

Is that all you do for width? I’m impressed with the width I saw in the check-in thread.

Maybe you mentioned it in your prep thread… but mind sharing your back routine here?

[quote]LoRez wrote:

[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:

[quote]SSC wrote:

Interesting, I’ve typically heard closer grip for lat width (edited,) and seems to work for me. But that’s the key point - everybody is built differently! The guy (as you mentioned) I’m thinking definitely needs to start thinking in higher reps to start reaping some benefits.


I always go for close to medium grip under hand just because it puts the lats through a greater range of motion, similar to how Yates did his rows.[/quote]

Is that all you do for width? I’m impressed with the width I saw in the check-in thread.

Maybe you mentioned it in your prep thread… but mind sharing your back routine here?[/quote]

Pretty much dude. Never done wide grip pull ups/chins as I just find them a pain in the ass and hit my mid back more.

I do 3 sets of deads, 6 sets of some form of single arm rowing, 3 sets of chins and 3 sets of trap work.

Close grip chins seem to be doing just fine for width for my skinny self.

[quote]RATTLEHEAD wrote:
Close grip chins seem to be doing just fine for width for my skinny self.[/quote]

Yeah… they seem to be doing all right.

Since we’re on width of grip. I’ve been doing L ups. It’s a neutral grip. I come all the way down till it’s physically impossible to go any lower, and then i come all the way up, chest is touching/right by the bar.

Lats were a bit bigger than I thought. Not 100% sure I am doing the lat spread correctly, but whatever.

And here is a relaxed pic. Shit, maybe I should cut soon