12 Month Progress, 17 Years Old

YOu look good. Way to go. Keeping eating and working hard. And no you do not have to be super size. Peace B

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
This is exactly what I figured this forum would turn into. People post reasonable physiques and get torn apart for the “angle”.[/quote]

How the hell did you figure that?

No ones getting tore apart.

I think the only definitive means of judging his arm and chest size and proportion would be with a “shoe shot”…take a picture while you’re holding a shoe to set the reference.

You’re doin great kid, really. Like FightingTiger said, do not neglect the back and legs if you are. Where do you live in Michigan BTW?

[quote]vunguyen wrote:
it’s not photoshopped!! It’s the angles… my arm is closer to the camera than the rest of my body so it is bigger. Not much i can do to prove it, but believe what you want…i have no reason to lie.[/quote]

I can vouch for this guy. He is also on bb.com. His pics are legit, no they ARE NOT photoshopped.

[quote]LevelHeaded wrote:
What exactly is your knee problem? Is this self-diagnosed? Or have you been seen by certified medical staff? It is highly unlikely that your knee will “dislocate” by putting more weight on the bar during squats.

And unless you’ve had a specific traumatic incident which injured your knee, if there is any kind of popping, it is most likely something that can be fixed very easily with some mobility work and strengthening of proper muscles around the knee joint.


vunguyen wrote:
i agree that my legs are unimpressive…i have a knee problem that is stopping me from pushing my limits. I know that this is not an excuse, but i’ll try to get it check. My parents are just too stubborn. They say just stop lifting and u wouldn’t have the knee problem…


you know how I fixed my knee problems? squats.

So… at 5’4, 120lbs (55kg), he is smaller then me. For all you guys saying his photo was chopped/his arms look hyuuuge get real, how big are the arms on a 55kg male? FFS. lol.

There’s a reason he never posted leg shots, cos he has none. He’s top heavy - classic mindset.

And that one shot of his back looks pretty meager, doesn’t look powerful at all. I’m guessing he’s never done a compound lift in his life before.

Being in the same boat myself (60kg 5’5) all I can say is don’t waste your time doing isolation exercises cos they aren’t going to do shit until mass is gained through eating and squatting, squatting, more squatting, deadlifting, snatching, chining and pressing. (My best bodypart is my legs, I’d rather walk around with no pants on then no shirt lol - but that’s just me, I never was a fan of the beach)

Good luck to you OP, I hope one day you find the same love for training legs as I do, cos it will take you far with an upperbody like that already, it will only make it even better in years to come.


He followed Waterbury’s book, every program in that book has leg exercises. Either people don’t read or just like making blind assumptions.

it’s not photoshopped. you look very good. you don’t have to weigh a ton to look big. weight is meaningless in the face of muscle shape and conditioning. i’m about 160 and people swear i’m more like 185. then there are guys who are tall and tip the scales at over 250 and still don’t look that big. shape and proportion make a huge difference.
great work…keep training hard and consistant and EAT!

[quote]GHOSTrun wrote:
So… at 5’4, 120lbs (55kg), he is smaller then me. For all you guys saying his photo was chopped/his arms look hyuuuge get real, how big are the arms on a 55kg male? FFS. lol.

There’s a reason he never posted leg shots, cos he has none. He’s top heavy - classic mindset.

And that one shot of his back looks pretty meager, doesn’t look powerful at all. I’m guessing he’s never done a compound lift in his life before.

Being in the same boat myself (60kg 5’5) all I can say is don’t waste your time doing isolation exercises cos they aren’t going to do shit until mass is gained through eating and squatting, squatting, more squatting, deadlifting, snatching, chining and pressing. (My best bodypart is my legs, I’d rather walk around with no pants on then no shirt lol - but that’s just me, I never was a fan of the beach)

Good luck to you OP, I hope one day you find the same love for training legs as I do, cos it will take you far with an upperbody like that already, it will only make it even better in years to come.


Why are you hating on this kid? Because he got better feedback than you? Drop the superiority complex man, your legs aint even big. At a buck 30, dont be telling other kids how to get big. This kid put in allot of hard work and did amazing things giving his hight n bone structure.

nebody say PHOTOSHOP?

You look great for 12 months of work; impressive body fat levels and the guns are looking mean. Like most of the other guys in the forum said, work on your balance and bring your lagging parts up to par (legs, back) and the effect on your all over physique will be awesome. Nice work so far though.