Your Life?

Career? Musician.

But I’m going to Pomona (liberal arts college) so I can find something I love to do as much as music, as a backup. If I get sick of being broke, if I burn out, or if I simply find out that I don’t like being a musician, I can always fall back on something that I love to do.

It’s only common sense. The best thing you can do for yourself if you don’t know what you want as a career is to keep your fucking grades up and get into a strong liberal arts college so you can further explore your options.

Big universities are great if you already have a general inclination as to what you want to do, but if you have NO clue, stick with the liberal arts.

[quote]grew7 wrote:
What are you doing for a living? Will you do this for the rest of your life? How old are you? How did you decide on what you wanted to do with your life? Did you end up doing it?

i own a gym (with 2 partners) and i work for a small software house.

i think i’ll do that for a long time. may be i’ll change the “quote” given to the 2 jobs but i think i’ll do both…

i’m 29. i have devided to work on software develpment when i was 8. i do my first programming class at 11. i have coded my first “real” software in '85 (i was 8)…

gym is a newer passion. but a great one. i have decided to start with a gym cause i was in the right place at the right time.