Yet Another V-Diet Manifesto

Day 16 -

Ate a meal today - a bit close to my last meal. Picked my son up from his bus stop today and hadn’t seen him in over 6 weeks so we enjoyed dinner together.

Workout today was back and biceps.

Did 45 mins moderate cardio.

Total weight loss since start of v-diet has been 11 LBS of scale weight. As absurd as it sounds I think I have added some muscle on the diet, and I’m confident I have lost more fat than the 11 LBS the scale reflects. I am doing an Andro cycle and have made strength gains and hit new PRs on both squat and bench while on the diet.

Most of my abdominal fat remains in the lower portion of the abdomin now. I also have much improved definition in my arms.

Took some measurements today:

Chest 49"
Biceps 18" (relaxed)
Waist 43"

Unfortunately I didn’t have a tape with me when I started the V-diet. But I can tell you that when starting I was wearing size 38 pants, now wearing size 36 comfortably.

I will be posting pics at the conclusion of the diet.

Day 17

The day started out as a train wreck nutritionally as I had a CT Scan scheduled which required me to drink two bottles of liquid hell - Ready Cat (no not the paper-bolic stuff, I wish). Had to wait until after 9:00 to have my 1st shake.

Workout today was circuit training (cardio used as rest period in between resistance sets).


Deadlifts 20/20/20
Seated pull downs 12/10/8/6
Lat raises 12/10/8/6
Hanging leg raises 12/12/12

Starting to think about the post 28 days, plan thus far is to start a one meal per day V-Diet plan for the first week and transition from there into Berardi type diet.

Day 19 -

Did circuit training again today. Throwing in the circuit training seems to have given me an extra metabolic boost. I have now lost 16 LBS since starting the diet. My size 36 pants I was so proud of last week are getting too loose now. No shit. “Wow” is all I, and those around me can say.

Although, my mother, god love all 68 years of her thinks I have some kind of eating disorder LOL.

I have been reading up on some of the Metabolic Drive recipes and am looking forward to spending some time in the kitchen post diet. I enjoy cooking and am excited to try some of the recipes.