World Breaker Brett: Having fun

@sjcimarauder2 just a suggestion but why not keep a log?, so we can all keep track of each others progress. I follow @yargeeboy and @strongmanbrett s log and i just found @j4gga2

Also its nice to see some teenagers around here. I turn 16 in February

Sure, @duketheslaya. I already log in a notebook. Ill start my log on here next time i train.

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SO hereā€™s something. Some shithead kid at my school wants to fight and I know for a fact he canā€™t fight for shit all. So I have a place I can fight him without getting in trouble and I do not feel like being the bigger man. So should I kick his ass? or nah

If strongman is your goal, it may be a good idea to flip these goals.

I say kick his ass, as long as you donā€™t get caught

Iā€™ve never met a admirable man who planned to fight an inferior opponent with nothing but pride as a prize.

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If he does not leave you alone, then sure kick his ass. Or just scare him a little bit so hel back off.

If someone wants to fight and canā€™t fight for shit then itā€™s not worth your time.

Getting my ass back on track here. Getting my ass dedicated again. I have 3 big goals here. Squat 395lbs, Deadlift 425lbs, and Overhead press 235lbs. All of this I will try to achieve while dropping weight. Finally have everything stable enough that I will allow myself to go to the gym. I have already been twice this week. Sorry for being inconsistent with tracking my progress. Iā€™m fired up and ready to jump back in


11/1/17- Overhead Press Day & Tire Flips
Med Ball Push-press throws and scoop throws 3x5 W/12lb Med Ball

Cable Face-pulls x10
Log Strict press running 5/3/1
1x5 @80lbs - 1x5 @95lbs - 1x6 @105lbs

Tire Flips @435lbs 4x5
Box Jumps 4x30sec

Assistance Work
BW Dips- Pyramid to failure and then down

Seated Rear/Lateral Raises 3x15
Hammer Curls 3x15

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11/3/17- ME Deadlifts, Squats, Yoke & Farmers for speed
Box Jumps 3x5

Deadlifts- Work up to 3RM + AB Wheel Roll-outs x8
Hereā€™s how the sets went
1x10 x135lbs
1x5 x225lbs
1x5 x245lbs
1x3 x265lbs
1x3 x275lbs
1x3 x285lbs
1x3 x300lbs
2x6 x225lbs (Beltless)
(Note: I took a big jump and it payed off on that last set, I was arguing with myself because I came in wanting 285lbs for a triple and 300lbs didnā€™t cross my mind until my friend suggested it to me. So big PR there and a very accomplished feeling)

SSB Squats- 5x8 x185lbs- Beltless

Assistance Work
1A. Prowler Pushes 3x100ft x135lbs in plates + Whatever the Prowler Weighs
1B. Box Romanian Deadlits 3x10 x185lbs
1C. Reverse Hyper 3x45sec x150lbs

Event Training
Yoke Partials 3x50ft x350lbs (I pick the yoke up, sprint 25ft, drop it, and repeat)
Farmers Walks 3x100ft x165lbs per hand

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Thats alright man glad to hear things are back on track!

11/5/17- ME Front Squats, Stones & Light Medley
Hurdle Jumps 3x5 over 38in Hurdle

Sandbag Loads to 54in platform x3 EMOM x5min @145lbs
(Note: 115# stone has become to light and the next jump is 195lbs so I used the sandbag instead.

SSB Front Squat to low box- Work up to 3RM + Hanging Leg Raises x15
1x5 x65lbs
1x3 x135lbs
1x3 x155lbs
1x3 x175lbs
1x3 x205lbs
1x3 x215lbs
2x6 x165lbs (Beltless)
(Note: Beltless SSB Front Squats are a extraordinary way to challenge your core.

Leg Press (Quad Focus)
Not going to go into too much detail because who really cares about leg press
Ramped up to top set of 8 x450lbs + 40lbs of band tension
Then I ramped back down with little to no rest

Assistance Circuit thingy x3 Rounds
1A. Backwards Sled Drag 100ft x 235lbs
1B. 4in Axle Deficit Deadlifts 10 x 155lbs (Double overhand)
1C. Reverse Hypers x15

Strongman Medley x2 Rounds
Prowler 25ft x 255lbs
Flip 330# tire out of way
Farmers Walk 25lbs x 185lbs per hand
Flip 455# tire out of Way
Sandbag Carry 25ft x 185lbs
Sandbag over 48in bar x60sec


11/6/17- Overhead Press & Incline Bench + Accessories for back
Box Push-ups 3x5

Overhead Press W/Axle- Work up to 3RM + Pull-ups (to Match Reps)
1x8 x75lbs
1x5 x95lbs
1x3 x105lvs
1x3 x125lbs
1x3 x135lbs
1x3 x145lbs
1x3 x155lbs
2x6 x125lbs

Dumbbell Incline Bench
2x6 x55lbs
2x12 x45lbs

Low Cable Rows 3x15
Lat Pulldowns 3x15

Iso-hammer Single arm Rows 3x15

Snatch Grip Shrugs 3x15 x265lbs
Back Extensions W/3sec Pause at top 3x15 W/Light Band

11/6/17 Re-cap
Today was a bleh kinda day. I wanted to hit 165lbs for 3 but 155lbs moved too slow and the last rep was a grinder. Volume went pretty well for me though. I have a question, why do I feel Incline Dumbbell Bench on my chest soooo much more than on barbell? I have no upper chest doms when doing incline and really donā€™t feel it, but when I switch to log for incline bench I also feel it way more than a barbell. What am I doing wrong with the barbell? Also I set a new PB for my 50 freestyle at 30sec so I have felt pretty good today. Conditioning with the prowler might have given me my first taste of prowler flu tooā€¦ I did a few 100ft suicides with the prowler and then low rest 100ft sprints and it was absolutely disgusting. Sadly I have to skip training on wednesday because our next swim meet is on thursday but oh well

Well with a dumbell, its a better range of motion,you can stretch/contract the muscle better( makes it easier using dumbells tofeel the pecs working instead of just moving the weight like on a barbell),higher chest muscle activation. Better mmc etc

Have you started wrestling yet, Brett?

Coach said it was too late to join in (especially if I didnā€™t have any prior training) so Iā€™ll try out next year

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11/10/17- Deadlifts & Skwaats
Seated Box Jumps 3x5 @48in

Deadlifts- Work up to heavy-ish single
135lbs x10 (Beltless + Ab Wheel x8
225lbs x5 (Beltless) + Ab Wheel x8
245lbs x5 (Beltless) + Ab Wheel x8
265lbs x1 (Beltless) + Ab Wheel x8
275lbs x1 (Beltless) + Ab Wheel x8
285lbs x1 (Beltless) + Ab Wheel x8
295lbs x1
315lbs x1
255lbs 3x1 Paused + 4 Regular Reps

Back Squats
185lbs x5
200lbs x5
215lbs x5
230lbs x5
165lbs x17

Accessory Work Circuit x3 Rounds
Sandbag Carry 150lbs x100ft
Box RDL 185lbs x10
Reverse Hypers x15

Conditioning Today was
As Many Rounds as possible in 15minutes
Prowler Sprints x50ft High - 50ft Low
Sandbag over Shoulder x10 @150lbs
Prowler Sprints x50ft High - 50ft Low
Log Cleans x5 @200lbs

Dropped some bricks on my leg last week and Iā€™m waiting to get the pocket of fluid above my knee drained so no lower body work UGHHHHHHH.
11/15/17- Pressing Workout
DE Seated Overhead Press 5x3 @95lbs W/Tempo-- 3 - 2 - 1
Note: First time actually using dynamic effort method and it felt pretty good, bar speed stayed pretty constant (At least I think it did) Everything moved well

Seated Behind the Head Presses
75lbs x8
85lbs x2x8
I am a huge fan of behind the neck presses, I feel them in my shoulders so much more than other presses, I credit these to a my half-ass decent overhead press.

Close-grip Pin Presses
1x6 @135lbs
1x6 @145lbs
1x6 @155lbs
Very new movement for me, felt it a hell of a lot in my triceps and to be honest they kinda kicked my butt. Had to feel out the weight but 145lbs - 155lbs is a good working area for me.

Assistance Work
Cable Push-downs 1x20 (Rest Pause Method) at 110lbs
Band Push-downs 1x100 ā€“ Unreal Pump in my Triceps

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