Wierd Pain in My Palm

I hope this is the right place to post this because I’m new to T-Nation and wasn’t sure. If not sorry.

Anyways the other day out of the blue I got a sharp pain in the palm of my hand when I got on my bicicle to go the gym. It happened when I grabbed the handle bars. Anyways I thought it would go away when I got to the gym, but when I tried to bench press the it hurt and I felt like I had no power to hold on to the bar so I stopped.

Now anytime I stretch my wrist and then make a fist after it hurts like a mother******. Could anybody tell me if they have had the same problem or what the problem might be?

Any help would be appreciated! One last note I thought it might be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but haven’t had time to go to the hospital. Anyways Thanks…

Actualy, yes, I have had the exact same problem. My bike was not set up correctly for my size. The handlebars were too far forward and low. I had to over extend to grasp them, and instead of having my wrists neutral, they were buckling under a little.

The solution was to move the bars up and back a little.

[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
Actualy, yes, I have had the exact same problem. My bike was not set up correctly for my size. The handlebars were too far forward and low. I had to over extend to grasp them, and instead of having my wrists neutral, they were buckling under a little.

The solution was to move the bars up and back a little.


Thanks for replying but it sounds a little different than what I was saying. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. I just noticed the pain when I got on my bike I don’t think it was caused by my bike. Now the only time it hurts is if I put pressure on it like when bench pressing. I tried pull-ups to see if that hurt but it didn’t. It’s a really strange pain kind of like my hand has a charlie horse.

Anyways I live in Japan and going to the hospital is really inconvenient, so anymore comments or advice from anyone would be very appreciated…

13 Tips for Mighty Elbows & Wrists


Does it hurt when you press overhead or hold a bar overhead in proper position (i.e., behind the head)?

I’m no doc, so take this with a grain of salt, but I had this problem when I started doing a lot of overhead work really quickly. Many people suggested that it was impingement of nerves in the shoulder. I backed off my pressing and overhead work and worked on my shoulder flexibility, and it went away.

[quote]jbodzin wrote:
13 Tips for Mighty Elbows & Wrists


Thanks actually I read that before this happened and had just started to do some of the stuff suggested.

[quote]Ross Hunt wrote:
Does it hurt when you press overhead or hold a bar overhead in proper position (i.e., behind the head)?

I’m no doc, so take this with a grain of salt, but I had this problem when I started doing a lot of overhead work really quickly. Many people suggested that it was impingement of nerves in the shoulder. I backed off my pressing and overhead work and worked on my shoulder flexibility, and it went away.[/quote]

This just suddenly happened a couple day ago so I haven’t tried any overhead work yet. But I’ve been working out for a couple of years now and do a fair amount of overhead work and haven’t had any problems until now… But I will definetly try and see if working on my shoulder flexibility. Thanks…