Why is Saudi Involvement in 9/11 Not the Main Story in the US of A?

Can someone enlighten my why this is not the main story in all US media?

So it’s now public knowledge that Saudi officials working from their embassy organized and coordinated the 9/11 attacks, the attacks that caused invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, leading to thousands of civilian lives lost, two failed states becoming hotbeds of terrorism, billions and billions of US$ spent and several thousand US servicemen dead.

And it’s seems it’s the main story only in a tabloid:

Honestly, I’m amazed - a foreign country planned and committed the biggest terrorist attack on US soil and the US officials simply play down this, while the country in question threatens to sell of US assets if their role in the attacks becomes known to the public?!

“So a lot of the money, the seed money if you will, for what became Al Qaeda, came out of Saudi Arabia,” he added.

“Could that happen without the government’s awareness?” Axelrod asked.

Rhodes said he doesn’t believe the government was “actively trying to prevent that from happening.”

But he said that certain people, within the government or their family members, were able to operate on their own which allowed for the money flows.

“So basically there was, at certainly, at least kind of a insufficient attention to where all this money was going over many years from the government apparatus,” Rhodes said.

To me, this is simply mind-boggling… Admission by the national security adviser of the POTUS that the Saudis financed it and… nothing? Why isn’t there a general outcry over this?