Where needs fixing?

So no waist down shots because I took these in a tanning salon and my lower half didn’t leave much to the imagination. Let me know where the deficiencies are I’m trying to get to my peak as best possible. I’m thinking upper chest needs work and obliques/side stomach area, and lower back (injuries have fucked up this area so I wear a belt when lifting a lot and I’m just weak in the core), but yeah, tell me where to focus next!



looking solid, dude. I’d say Triceps and Pecs could be brought up a bit, from an aesthetic standpoint. Possibly lats (width and thickness) need work, but it’s hard to tell - you’d be a better judge of that than I.

A lot of folks are wide from the front and thin from the side as they’re lacking density. I can’t tell with photos so you’ll have to be your own judge.

Clarification: is this for bodybuilding or simply aesthetics?

Simply aesthetics. I do not want to compete…. As I own a TRT clinic optics would be no bueno (though I stay within medical range on everything and am not getting high on my own supply) all I am on is TRT & Sermorelin but still wouldn’t want to go down bodybuilding road due to the optics.

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I’m generally pretty thick on chest/back. I can’t pose for shit so that doesn’t do me any favors.

Upper pecs is hard for me, I think I need to work volume for pec growth but damn I feel like i work them to death whenever I train chest so not sure on best approach to promote growth… maybe I’ll try upper chest first instead of last and push off inclines etc till end of set for a change. Triceps may be smaller as yesterday was arms day,‘o work them pretty well but will also try some volume over intensity there to see if it yields more results

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Are you training to failure each set? I’ve done pretty well with TBJP modified to have one heavy pec exercise and one light one (Incline DB Press and a flye variant).

I like to train the biggest muscle first, but my coach recommends first training the muscle you want to grow. I would go Pecs > Triceps and maybe vice versa in following mesocycles.

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Training to failure, yes definitely. I am capped out on dumbbells at my gym (only go to 125lb) and I really don’t like barbell for chest so I rarely work barbell press. I think volume is the key for me to grow that area so will do more volume work. I need to get more blood into the chest, I may also try some more paused reps at various heights just to keep load under tension more, plus switching up order to hit upper chest first. I’ve always gone with the ‘work biggest muscle first’ approach but will definitely try another approach to see if it unlocks the next step! Looking for that Arnold chest sweep :grimacing:

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That is what needs fixing! You have one of the worst back lat spreads that I have ever seen. And your back double biceps show absolutely no biceps.

You are much better built than your pictures present you. You manage to hid what is some fairly good muscle thickness.
But seriously, what really needs fixing is just add more muscle everywhere.

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Squeeze press!

Thanks, working on it! I’ve moved upper chest to front end of chest day and I’m also starting to try shrugs in the dip station to work the level minor

Some updated pics. I still can’t pose whatsoever

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I think chest may be a little fuller, plus I’ve been working on traps. I got a small tear in my shoulder 3 weeks ago that I’m still rehabbing so I’m 50% weight at best on my right shoulder right now, it’s really fucked with my training schedule