What Weight Should I Stop Bulking?

My goal is 200-205 lean (approx. 10% or less body fat). I’m currently 205 at around 15% bodyfat.

Well…I think I’m around 15%.

Anyway, the whole time I have gained weight, my body fat percentage has stayed the same, so I think I can keep doing that until I get to 220, and then cut. Is that enough of a bulk?

Mathematically it would work (220 * .15 = 33 - 15 = 18, and 18/205 = .087 or ~9% body fat), but you lose water weight and some muscle mass as well, so I’m not really too sure it all works out that way.

If you were my coach/in my shoes, how high would you bulk before you started the cut?

If your body fat is truly at 15% and staying the same as your making consistant weight gains, why stop at 220? I would keep going while your gains are coming, especially if they’re coming what seems to be fat free. If your fixed on 205 as the number your want to be, then I’d stop at 225, then cut (the extra five pounds for safety). Keep in mind, this is all assuming your at 15%, people usually underestimate how much fat they need to actually lose.

I agree with elusive. Why limit yourself to a number, 220 in your case, when you are still making good progress? Why not see how far you can go with it?

I guess as an alternative, you could always try to just maintain your current weight for a little while and just keep training hard.

I mean I don’t really know if it’s 15%. I’m basing this on what I’ve seen from the Jeremy Likness pictures. I understand where you guys are coming from, but I just don’t see myself wanting to get much bigger than 225, but I think that’s the number I’ll shoot for. Thanks!

how old are you? if you are 18-25 you can make very good gains in muscle, without adding too much fat. just eat clean, plenty of protein 4-6 per day, train your abs, and do cardio 2-3 times per week.

Once you get to 205 though lean, you would have wished you kept bulking a little longer. Everybody who really wants to gain mass always regrets cutting too early.

I don’t understand the mindset of ‘I only want to be this big’ fuck just keep gaining and getting as big as you possibly can! Why do you want to stop getting bigger? Are you afraid you’ll end up looking like the next mr olypia?

[quote]shizen wrote:
I don’t understand the mindset of ‘I only want to be this big’ fuck just keep gaining and getting as big as you possibly can! Why do you want to stop getting bigger? Are you afraid you’ll end up looking like the next mr olypia? [/quote]

I agree with this statement.

But at what point do you go, “Shit man, I’m huge and strong and HELLA fat!”

You gotta drop some fat sometime, right?

BTW, what are you lifting?

[quote]acelement wrote:
My goal is 200-205 lean (approx. 10% or less body fat). I’m currently 205 at around 15% bodyfat.

Well…I think I’m around 15%.

Anyway, the whole time I have gained weight, my body fat percentage has stayed the same, so I think I can keep doing that until I get to 220, and then cut. Is that enough of a bulk?

Mathematically it would work (220 * .15 = 33 - 15 = 18, and 18/205 = .087 or ~9% body fat), but you lose water weight and some muscle mass as well, so I’m not really too sure it all works out that way.

If you were my coach/in my shoes, how high would you bulk before you started the cut?


until either A) i got too fat. B) i summer came around and i had enough muscle mass to have a GOOD physique while cut down.

right now neither scenario is applicable to you so keep going for it. i dont see any reason why you should stop at all. adding mass seems to be the last of your worries, what’r you like 6’2?

[quote]acelement wrote:
My goal is 200-205 lean (approx. 10% or less body fat). I’m currently 205 at around 15% bodyfat.

Well…I think I’m around 15%.

Anyway, the whole time I have gained weight, my body fat percentage has stayed the same, so I think I can keep doing that until I get to 220, and then cut. Is that enough of a bulk?

Mathematically it would work (220 * .15 = 33 - 15 = 18, and 18/205 = .087 or ~9% body fat), but you lose water weight and some muscle mass as well, so I’m not really too sure it all works out that way.

If you were my coach/in my shoes, how high would you bulk before you started the cut?


What is your target BF%? 9%? Most people under estimate when they figure how much fat they want to lose. If you are looking to get super lean, I would ball park 15-25lbs.

Cutting is for pussies.

…sometimes i look back at the grammatical errors i make and think wow, i sound retarded.