What to Take with Test Enanthate 250?


That’s my fault for being unclear. I just grow weary of the conversation regarding HCG and AI, so I tend to shorthand things. The reality is that the target of the information usually knows almost nothing about what they’re doing and giving them the whole scenario seems like too much effort on my end.

But if we’re going to be dedicated to telling the whole story then yes, an AI helps because it will stop conversion elsewhere and as such lower the total number. My problem with that is it requires the user to be able to address a few questions that they will under no circumstances be able to answer. Such as “how much higher is your e2 on hcg vs where it was before?” and “how many (whatever units being used) of e2 does your AI dose drop by?”. The reality is that you can nuke your existing e2 completely with letro and then pile up as much hcg as you can get into your syringe to try to make up the difference. Then do blood work and measure precisely how much your e2 rises from hcg alone. But nobody, not even the criminally insane, would do that. So instead you get guys who are probably not experienced and certainly not prepared and you ask them to delicately find this balance by estimating things that are way above their pay grade. I’ve been on trt for 3.5yrs now, I’m a pro in my opinion, and I haven’t the slightest idea how much impact on e2 my hcg use has. So yeah, I go with the whole ‘AI isn’t effective against e2 from hcg’ because it’s mostly true and it has the benefit of keeping them from trying to do something very hard that they will most assuredly fuck up. Anyway, that’s the context


I flip flop on approach. Maybe waiting until the poster asks for the why is better? It is hard to tell often if they want the how or the how and why.

I assumed you would think this (based on the quality of many of your posts). It is why I put that “I inferred”.

Hence the advice of use an AI when you need it. Trying to get someone to understand that UGL AIs aren’t all dosed the same, test isn’t all real or dosed accurately, we respond to AIs differently, etc., can be difficult. They just want you to say take X twice a week. Well that would be irresponsible.

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You are spot on. It’s the same difficulty as someone with tamoxifen mono therapy and high aromatization has, only even more difficult. You would have to get all drugs to steady state and then just change one variable. But then you run into the problem of your body not being always the same regarding enzymes and other processes. Basically impossible to figure out. Still I wouldn’t write an AI doesn’t work for hCG induced aromatization.

hCG is a peptide it won’t get converted to a steroid. HCG induces aromatase

How is that? More test from HCG = more aromatase activity?

Yes, we discussed that in the post I linked. If you got the time in the future I bet you will love it.

You also do t have to read the studies as we wrote what we took from them in the posts. (But I don’t recommend taking anyone’s word for it)

I spent about 20 minutes on it. It would require a lot of time to really absorb the material (and I have a Mechanical Engineering degree, so I am used to nuanced material). Lots of posted studies.

I’ll try this again. I like to really understand things, but it is also a big investment.

I have only heard this asserted. I think it came from a knowledgeable. poster.

Speak for yourself :slight_smile:

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Respect :facepunch:t2:

It’s right up there with view factors and tensor notation. Worse cause tensors always behave. Humans physiology doesn’t seem to across individuals. I have to say it’s pretty fun running into guys on here that have a pretty large bandwidth @lordgains @unreal24278

If @unreal24278 has the fortitude to buckle down and get those degrees, he’s going to be vicious.

That young man will kill pharmacology professors with his knowledge one day. Going into exams without learning for them, because he prepared for it his whole life.

I’m actually very surprised finding guys on a forum that haven’t studied pharmacy or medicine and are more knowledgeable than 99% of students and probably doctors. Especially unreals ability to read and dissect papers at that age and without going to university is admirable.

Also I love that everyone on here basically teaches themselves. There’s so much more input from different sides and so much more enthusiasm than in universities where everyone learns the same 5 things and virtually nobody likes it. I don’t know if it was always the case but students today really don’t have a purpose in life. They are just older children.

Good learning from you guys.

When it comes to injecting myself with hormones, I have a pretty good incentive to try to know what I am doing. I would say more so than trying to get a grade on the test. Additionally, the knowledge obtained from someone who is passionate about a subject is going to keep growing over time. A student trying to pass a class in most cases loses knowledge over time as they don’t keep learning.

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“Everybody wants to undahstan this stuff, but nobody wants to read no heavy ass papers.”
“ain’t nuthin but a peanut”

  • Ronnie Coleman


So I know I’m going back to earlier responses in this thread. But I got my hcg and bac water now. It’s 10,000iu if hcg. So I mixed 9 mils of bact water and 1 mil of the provided sodium chloride with the 10,000iu of hcg power So for 1 mil it would be a little less than 1000iu of hcg correct?

Yeah, it’ll be close enough to 1,000iu/ml that it’ll work fine.