What Needle for Deltoid Injection? How Much Oil?

Im a cheap Jew… 1 box of 100 29g slins that hold 1ml is only $35
I buy 3ml pins for butt darts only…load with a 18 pin with a 1" 23
so when doing a cycle where I have to say pin 1ml of prop & .5ml of Tren if I allready did my butt darts for week( 1 site 1 time per week) I would pin 1 slin in rear delt, then pin the .5ml in quad… I guess it all depends what your pinning but if its prop you can only hit a site 1 time per week… Unless you got wolverines tolerance for pain

I tried 23g for the quads and after a while it always felt like I was going through nerves to get to the injection point.

Insulin needles to the delt are a game changer.

people call me crazy all the time… but I go 23g 1-1.5" shoulders, glute, and thigh. it’s whatever works for you. gotta experiment to really know. several cycles and God knows how many injections later and I vary rarely have pain or scar tissue. just me though