Weighted Dips And Weighted Pullups

[quote]ZEB wrote:
RIT Jared wrote:
Advanced trainees can/should usually do roughly 2x as much added weight dipping as in pull ups.

So maybe shoot for 90lbs sets on the dips and 45lbs sets on the pullups.

Interesting, where did you get those ratios?[/quote]

Experience and talking to those with experience. It’s not a drop dead accurate ratio obviously, and I’m sure that someone who competes in chins and pulling such as yourself would be much closer to a 1:1 ratio.

Most advanced trainees (another ambiguous term) with suitably low bodyfat %age will be able to complete the same number of pull ups as dips with roughly half the weight though.

RIT Jared

RIT Jared:

Was curious as I respect your opinion. Thanks for responding!

[quote]Soco wrote:
tall tom wrote:
I watched a guy do dips with 45s. He eventually did a single rep with 4 45s.

Saw a guy do dips with 6 45s (saw em at the end though so not sure about form)

he also did 500+ another day on the bench…[/quote]


45*6= 270

Lets say he weighed 200 lbs. Which probably is low.

And considering he doesn’t lift the weight of his forearms technically we should subtract that…but hell at this point its negligible.

He still dipped somewhere around 470lbs.

That’s fucking NUTS.


It is very possible to be small and have big Dip numbers and Chin numbers-
I busted out 5 Dips at 90lbs around waist

I busted out 5 chins at 45 lbs around waist

I am still a skinny guy!!

oh and dude… get one of these:


Any idea how weighted dips tie into bench press strength? I’m 210 and can easily do dips with a 45 pound plate. If I work my way up to another 45 pounder, would that mean I should be benching close to or over 300, which is my goal?


Maybe… Depends on your weak link. If your triceps are your strong point and delts are your weak point, stronger triceps will not change your bench much. Work on your weak links and you’ll get stronger.

My ratio is about 1/1 with being able to add about 120 pounds on each at 235BW. But then I hardly ever do dips as I’m one of those “internet keyboard jockeys” who is interested in raw benching big weight and dips are useless for that.

[quote]jeep69 wrote:

It is very possible to be small and have big Dip numbers and Chin numbers-
I busted out 5 Dips at 90lbs around waist

I busted out 5 chins at 45 lbs around waist

I am still a skinny guy!!

and there you have the 2:1 ratio. If only I were this good at gambling.

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
45*6= 270

Lets say he weighed 200 lbs. Which probably is low.

And considering he doesn’t lift the weight of his forearms technically we should subtract that…but hell at this point its negligible.

He still dipped somewhere around 470lbs.

That’s fucking NUTS.[/quote]

No offense to anyone who dips 6 plates, but where the hell do you put them. I have a respectably sized penis and testicles and there is no way that there’s room for me to straddle 6 wheels without serious damage to the flesh rocket.

Dips = useless for raw bench? I disagree, but I have been known to be wrong before.

RIT Jared:
I use a loading pin. No need to straddle the plates.


[quote]LA wrote:
Dips = useless for raw bench? I disagree, but I have been known to be wrong before.

RIT Jared:
I use a loading pin. No need to straddle the plates.


Or hang the plates from a chain. A long chain.

Just get someone to climb on your back… Not gay at all…

6 plates, eh? I’d like to see that. i know Sergio Oliva would do dips with up to 5 plates. I would like to see where you get a belt big enough to fit 6 plates (and your manhood!), that’s insane. I did see one guy doing about 4-5 reps with three plates yesterday. Let me tell you, his arms are hyooooooge. I’m using both exercises in the ABBH right now. The workouts are ALWAYS very “SWELL” if you know what I mean. I also like them as a gauge for your lean mass gains. If you’re gaining more muscle than fat, then dips and pullups #'s should be going up. If you’re gaining more fat than muscle, then those #'s will go down, way down, trust me I know!
Jon H.


re: weighted chins…i just started throwing these into my routine fairly recently with great results…try doing like 8 sets of 3 with whatever weight you can.

you won’t believe how fast you’ll improve.


[quote]MWcollegiate wrote:
I also like them as a gauge for your lean mass gains. If you’re gaining more muscle than fat, then dips and pullups #'s should be going up. If you’re gaining more fat than muscle, then those #'s will go down, way down, trust me I know!
Jon H.[/quote]

Damn good point.

[quote]jeep69 wrote:

It is very possible to be small and have big Dip numbers and Chin numbers-
I busted out 5 Dips at 90lbs around waist

I busted out 5 chins at 45 lbs around waist

I am still a skinny guy!!

Nice lifts!

I hope to be able to do that at a BW of 200-225, so I need to get ALOT stronger =\

[quote]RIT Jared wrote:
No offense to anyone who dips 6 plates, but where the hell do you put them. I have a respectably sized penis and testicles and there is no way that there’s room for me to straddle 6 wheels without serious damage to the flesh rocket.[/quote]

Flesh rocket lmao

I’d be overly careful if I had that many plates down there. It’d take like 5 minutes to work up the balls to start the set, for fear of my balls…

If you are strong enough to dip w/ multiple 45s attached, you will not be thinking of your nuts. You lift the damn weight. I dont see why there is so much talk of package safety when dipping w/ multiple plates. Get a long enough chain, and its no problem. What difference does it make if you have 4 45s or 1-2? None, you still have plates dangling between your legs.