Urologist Follow Up. What Do I Say?

What’s up T-Nation!, so I have my follow up appointment w/ my doc next week. I was prescribed test cyp .075 cc 1x a week…however I’m taking 1.25 cc 1 x a week, I donated blood 3 weeks ago & I’m not taking my dose for the 2 weeks leading up to my follow up because I know they’re going to check my levels… I’m hoping this will offset the additional amount that I have been taking. So I’m just curious as to what should I say if my levels are high and they asked me about it?
If they ask if I’ve donated blood recently do I say yes? I’m certainly not going to say I’ve been taking more than prescribed. So please any advice or help I would greatly appreciate it… also I’ve been doing my Cycles based off threads that I read online for dosage and length of cycle. I’ve been doing 1.25 cc 1x a week for 8 weeks now… is it time for me to take a break if so for how long and do I need to do a PCT?? I appreciate all the threads and posts and information that you guys put on this site it really helps out newbies like myself again any input is greatly appreciated thank you!

so you were prescribed 150mg/wk but instead took 250mg/wk, am I correct? Two weeks off should give you a low normal reading, however my question is, why are you messing around so close to a blood test. If you’re on TRT you don’t need a PCT, if you’re asking this question you aren’t ready to be using gear and need to do a looooooooot more research before you even consider using performance enhancing drugs. No offence, but it is individuals like yourself that end up hurting themselves and giving AAS a bad name because they don’t know what they’re doing. I’m not saying AAS are benign, they most certainly carry significant health risks however many of these risks can be greatly mitigated if the individual knows what they’re doing.

I was prescribed 0.75 ml once a week. However I have been taking 1.25 ml a week, I split that dose…0.75 on mondays & 0.50 on Thursdays. Btw absolutely no offense taken. This is my 4th cycle, within a 4 year span. However the 3 previous times I wasn’t prescribed, just buying gear second hand. & I did pct then. I just wasn’t sure since now I’ve been prescribed test if pct was necessary. When you say why am I messing around so close to a blood test…are you referring to my follow up apt? Or because I mentioned donating blood?..I chose to donate because I suspected my hematocrit was high due to the redness on my chest & neck. I donated 3 weeks ago & since then the redness is gone. Also I tried refilling my test rx yesterday & it’s too soon, I cant refil til the 25th. When i was prescribed test cyp it was for a 6 month supply. 1 vial intending to last 90 days & only 1 vial given at a time. I realize since I’m taking a higher dose than what was prescribed I’ll run out sooner …so I’ll just resume on the 25th. Thank you for your insight & I am actively continuing my research.

Hi Alpha,
Did you give your clinic’s protocol a try before almost doubling it?

I’m guessing you are using T cyp. It comes in two strengths 100mg and 200mg/mL
So with that in mind you should always post your T amount in mg’s not ml’s or cc’s

There is no reason to worry about telling them you donated. If you plan to donate a lot (every two months) you should add ferritin to your blood test. You can crash your ferritin in as little as 4 whole blood donations so be careful. I did it when I started. Took 6 months to get it back to >100
Some guys don’t have an issue with HCT if you are one of them donating would be a bad thing.

Thanks for dropping a few lines hrdlvn,
No, I didn’t try the prescribed dose. My previous cycles were 1.25, So I just ran with that. And the vial was 200mg. I dont plan on donating frequently…maybe once every 4- 6 months unless my levels get high before then. Thank you for the info regarding my ferritin. I’ll be watching out for that.