UnKillable Kleinhound 2: This time he's more unkillable-er

30 minutes of intervals today
Averaging 9km at low block and 17km at high block

Towards the end I had to reduce my speed to 7 and 12km as I was pretty gassed but I kept the incline at 5% for high blocks.
Was a fun time.
Also listening to David goggins helps

So nearly two weeks ago I decided to take a plunge and actually pay for a program, rather than try to modify ones etc. So I’m running Sb 911 (since last Monday) and I’m loving it. Not changing anything and sticking to it like a T. Something about purchasing something that makes me hold myself accountable.
4 day split, two upper and two lower, 3x3 week cycles, a deload and a testing week. I feel like I have a concrete goal now to smash some PBs


Today was upper eccentric focus

  1. Incline DB ecc
    3x5 w 32.5kg
    1x50 as fast as possible 20kg
    2a. Lat pull down 4x12
    2b. Face pull 4x12
  2. Med delt Massacre 3 sets
  3. 100 curls and extensions for time

There’s challenges each week which are cool and keep my kicking ass, and I’ve been consistently running these hill intervals. This Saturday I’ll do a long flat run and see where I’m at. Maybe a 5km time trial

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82kg this morning
Most complete my physique has looked at this weight


Looking good, good looking haha

Uh this is dumbbell eccentric press right? How do you not do the concentric…?

Nah you still do, just a 6 sec eccentric

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Ecc focus lower

6 second bb bulg Ss 3x4 60kg
Iso hold to failure unweighted each side x1

Back extension 4x10 27.5kg

Cossack squats 2x10 each side

Alti rotation alphabet 2 sets each side

3 minute kb farmers walk for distance
32kg each hand

5k run over a trail. Incline ranged between 3 and 10 degrees and it was a comfortable 35mins. Safe bet my flat 5k time has jumped up… Or down I guess


Wk3, end of first block.

  1. Worked to heavy set of 7 with 95kg
    Then dropped to a set of 10 with 85kg
  2. Dips with 12.5kg added, 4 sets of 12-15
  3. Db rows 4x10 with 45kg
    Super set with iso YWT for 20sec each position. Weighted for two sets and then just the weight of my arms after that. Fuck that was tough.
  4. Defranco Cleans 4x12 with 15kg bb
  5. Pinwheel curls 4x8 with 20kg dbs
  1. Top set of squats 180x5
    Back off set of 160 only got three haha… Proper 5RM it would seem
  2. Bulgarian ss 3x10 22.5kg
  3. DB RDL 4X12 35kg
  4. Rkc planks
  5. calf raises 2x 30 with 10 sec hold every 10 reps

Just a 10km ride today. Legs and back were stiff as a board after yesterday’s squats

Man, you are a weapon. How long have you been training for?

Do you often tell meat eaters that you stronger than them?

Is it true that you once saved a herd of cows from the slaughter and now you only sleep amongst baby lambs as their protector?


I get told I take steroids a bit or people just don’t believe me… But then they see my weak ass bench and it’s all in balance.
Weight training for 5 or 6 years,
Training with a purpose for probably 4?
Last year was when it all started clicking though being around a proper coach and competitive power lifters and strong men/women

Broccoli actually uproots itself and runs away when it senses that I’m near haha :joy:


Thurs ecc focus upper.

  1. Db incline press 3x4 at 35kg with 6 second eccentrics.
  2. Db incline press 50 total reps with 22.5kg
  3. Super set
    Lat pull down close grip 4x12, 87kg
    Cable face pull 4x15, 22kg
  4. Medial Delt Massacre 3 sets 5kg dbs
  5. 100 total curls and press downs
    Weight doesn’t matter, just pump and go
    One more workout tomorrow and then next week begins the ‘mass’ phase.

I don’t know that I’ll ever truly have ‘capped’ delts when viewed from the front, but the depth of my delts has been improving


Final session of eccentric focus

  1. Bb Bulgarian split squat 3x3 with 6sec descent. 70kg, 80kg, 70kg. I was conservative with each set to really get the full six seconds, definitely could touch and go 100kg I think, at least for a rep or two
    Then two Max time iso holds unweighted
  2. Back extensions with 30kg 4x10
  3. Cossack squats 2x10
  4. Anti rotation alphabet 2x
  5. Max distance farmers walks in 3mins with 32kg kettle bells just to recall trash my grip haha
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That looks beastly. I’ve only done BW for 15 reps plus a 20 sec iso hold. It was awful. I was doing 5 sec eccentrics. Longest sets ever.

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Yeah legs feel torched the next day haha :joy:

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Life’s all about balance. Today I pumped some extra arms and rear delts and ran a 5k trail. Tonight I eat lots of shitty food because I feel like it.


5k Flat intervals, 25min 12sec PR for me. 9km/h low, 18km/h high on average. Was struggling to keep the pace towards the end, but good to see some running progression. The first two blocks on 18km/h were reasonably comfortable tbh

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