UnKillable Kleinhound 2: This time he's more unkillable-er

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Body armour

8 rds 10-15 reps
On a torsonator

Single arm row L
Full contact twist
Push press R
Single leg lunge L
Single arm row R
Full contact twist
Push press L
Single leg lunge R
Chin ups

This was a good time and had a real good sweat going


Shit thats going some! Been tracking my pace in km, calculated yours at 3.37 per km!? Fuck me.

What’s your 5k pb?

Not great. A smidge over 20mins

I struggle to maintain a 4min km pace for over 3ks but I’m working on it

I’m working on the same thing, goal is to get sub 20 minutes. It doesn’t seem to be getting easier!

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Well my the cough I’ve had this week turns out to be a chest infection lol. So I guess I’m happier about the run times and makes sense why I’ve been a bit drained

Upper body

STRENGTH 3 rounds
BB row 10x82.5, 8x95, 6x110kg
Floor press 9x82.5, 7x95, 3x110kg
Leg raise 3x10
Heavy kB snatch 3x3 per side

TECHNIQUE 10 min emom
3 OHP at 45kg
2 bw man maker

Floor press
kB pullover
80kg BB and 16kg kB for pullover

Good session considering. I was fatiguing quick during the rounds but my recovery was still good. Happy with the weight for the floor press assistance


It never does you just get used to blocking out the pain. :joy:

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You guys aren’t selling me on the benefits of running.


20:26 according to my watch. I had a significant dip on the final KM too from memory

Great time, if I can run 21.30 tomorrow I will be buzzing.

Are you aiming for even splits when you are running a fast one?

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I just try to run as fast as I can for as long as I can maintain it haha. I have zero running strategy

To be fair I have read that on a 5k forum as being an actual strategy! :rofl:

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Lactic endurance

King Beast

1km run
10 db floor press/10 chin
2km run
20 press/chin
3km run
30 press/chin
4km run - cut short at this point as wife was ready to call it.

She’s a beast, she’s got a badly broken toe (school camp student misshap) but is still working around it at the gym.

Average HR was 160bpm over 48 mins

I wasted a bit of time moving between exercises but the goal was really just to elevate the HR and keep it up. 20kg dbs were nothing crazy


I would love to make a day of this and push all the way to the 10km run 100 rep round. That’d be cool.

Also I normally just do pushups for this but felt like doing floor press, dunno why.

Can easily sub any exercise you want so long as you’re prepared for the nasty spike in volume after the second round haha

That’d be gnarly dude. 550 reps of chins, probably generate some growth there.

Just a casual 55km day, no big deal.


Right? It’d be a hell of a box to tick


Bonus MetCon


5 rounds 60kg barbell

5 clean
10 Front squat
5 jerk
20 chin up
90 seconds rest

…that 90 seconds rest might have stretched out a touch on the last two rounds.


Felt like I was gonna black out after that haha. Reminded me of the first time I REALLY sent Fran

PS. Traps


550 chins

Really ?


Monday squat focus

See if I can knock out 50 burpees per day min this week for the man @ChongLordUno