(Un)Official 2023 T-ransformation Challenge

Non-drinker here as well, not by choice, by medical reasons. In college my drinking spiraled out of control and I was essentially toeing the line of an alcoholic. Had several seizures due to it and then a few others when I didn’t drink anything. Neurologist has me on medicine for the remainder of my life and I avoid alcohol and sleep deprivation as they are my triggers.

Maybe I just live in a bubble but everyone except my mum has been extremely supportive of my lifting and eating habits

As a cook, I like feedback- positive or negative. With that said, I’d never want to push food onto anyone


Fortunately, I left a swath of destruction that still echos loud enough for people to not ever ever ever do that.

Of course now its more about realizing the benefits of life without it, and knowing in a very real way that all of the misery it brought is refundable. With interest.


I get it a lot over diet. I get people with “aren’t you supposed to eat ___”, or “Are you really eating __”.

Getting criticism over how I eat by fat out of shape people is frustrating to say the least. Similar to you my “pushed to far response” has become something like: “It might be beneficial for you if you cared as much about your own diet as you do mine.”


Just back from 3 weeks in Asia gorging on rice and beer and havent seen the inside of a gym in weeks. Ready for this. 209 lbs/ 45 Years.

Thanks for organizing @TrainForPain


I am starting to turn the question around. I get offered crap all the time with the line…“you always eat healthy and you are slim any way”.
So I ask if I would say the oposit it would be ok. Most of the time, I get the deer in the headlight look.
So I say the opposite offer. Here have an apple, you alwaus eat junk and you are fat any way. Would that be ok to say?
Then I follow with shit that make them very unfortable, because it is fun. I once said that maybe I am anorexic and working very hard on eating what I am eat. Ok not true but I enjoy this messing with them.


Love it!

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I haven’t been posting. I started doing kickboxing and MMA. Tore my ACL completely and everything else in my left knee in October, had the ACL replaced October 28th. Was down for a while, but I’m back to doing almost everything. I’m 230ish, sometimes 225, sometimes 233. The goal is to start working my legs again. And get rid of the fluff.


They’re fixed that for you.:wink:

Great starting point and going to look awesome with 5 months of focused effort. Good luck sir.

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Good to see you jump in mate. See you on IG occasionally so know you are training but always nice to see a post or two

As a former drinker from a family of drinkers, well at least on my dads side. I now partake very occasionally but mostly don’t bother. It has become interestingly obvious how important alcohol is in many peoples life and how habitual people are with their drinking.
My dad will nearly always ask a drinking related question or make a drinking related comment regarding things I have done or am doing. As an example we just came back from a holiday with 2 other families and the first thing he asked me was did I have a few beers with the guys. Not did the kids have a good time. The less I drink the more I see how much of an influence it was on me as a younger man and mostly not for the better.


You got this man! Remarkably quick recovery post-ACL; that’s awesome!

Hi Everyone

I’d like to join

Completely new to T-Nation

Was linked by LoganAY

My log here: QLA's Log - No More Messing Around - #5 by QLA

Pics should be attached to this post



Apparently I’m not the only one still writing “2022” in every email today! :joy:


Aww f**k :see_no_evil:

Well everyone you know what I meant :joy:


Glad to have you! Thanks for inviting him @LoganAY !

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Updating my before pic

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You made me LOL!

Have you been stalking me and taking photos :joy:

Jan 6, 2023:

Age: 28
Height: 5’11
Weight: 211

Never done a transformation - but it is as good a year as any with a wedding coming up.

Currently running 5/3/1 BBB and have a goal of 3/4/5 plates by end of 2023.

Edited: Added a side profile.