Twenty by 40 by 2020 - Journey Back to Where I Was 20 Years Ago

One of the best workouts for speed + cardio is to run “400 the hard way”. This is where you go to a track (or even anywhere with a 40m straight and room to slow down after) - and run 40m pretty much all out (90% - but because it’s short, you don’t have time to get moving all that fast, so risk of a pull is lower) - then walk back to the end of the first 40m - and either run back to start (or if on a track, to the next 40m marker). Like 15s rest, vs. 1-4 minutes. And by the end, you have really slowed down and are sucking for air.

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No time for regular session - so did a cross fit workout at gym today.

  1. 12 rounds every minute on the minute alternating
    A. 45 foot seated sled pull w rope - 100lb x 2
    B. 3x push press w 100#

  2. Metcon - 30-25-20-15-10
    A. 165 Dead lift
    B. Sit-up
    C. Air squat

First pressing in forever. Felt pretty good and crushed the conditioning.


So pleased with how easy (even though light) the push press was - and makes me think my shoulder issues are at the beginning of a press and the little kick start helps a lot.

And the metcon, we’re talking 300 total reps in 520 seconds - including change overs, means I was averaging a rep every 1.4 seconds or so - which is really moving pretty quickly. Seeing as I don’t really do that stuff very often, and I beat the small cardio guys by 3+ minutes, that was actually pretty fun.

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3/16 - day off. Even though weight was low - 100 reps each of 3 movements is brutal


Still sore from Thursday - but did my OL technique day. Am learning a lot about how the movements should work and am doing them from the top down if that makes any sense. Top of the snatch from second pull. First pull to second pull. Overhead positions from rack on the jerk. Front squat to work on getting under the lift. Etc.

In short run, my numbers are going to drop. In long run they’ll go up. Will be good to not chase numbers for awhile.


  1. Snatch technique and high pulls and hang snatch 8x3 w top set at 150 and 12 reps at 115-150 (up a few pounds from last time)
  2. Complex - 4x5
  • Safety bar squat - 165-245-275-295
  • Ring rows body weight
  • Light KB OHP (30 I think).


  1. Walk/jog warm-up
  2. Intervals - 13x130m - with 1’30" rest between each (approximately - a brisk walk back).

Didn’t time today, as it was cold, but felt pretty good. I just really enjoy running. Again, will keep progressing these reps out longer till I get to 200m reps and then start going faster, but doing fewer reps.

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I don’t think you would enjoy your running as much if you weighed 250 lol!

LOL true.


Snow again today in New England. No regular gym time.

Accessory work on biceps, shoulders, triceps, lats. Light weight, a couple hundred reps of volume.


Work from 6a-7p - trying to work a big deal - man it’s a lot of hours.

Swings - 300 w 55#
Some curls and lateral raises between

Plan to get a little real work tomorrow. My new 6 day cycle - I’ve been through 3 rounds + 5-6 extra workouts (so 24 sessions) in last 32 days. Not bad. My body comp feeling a little better

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Early AM workout. Pretty pleased.

  1. Squat to lower box (an inch below parallel)
    Warmup sets 3 at 65-135-185-215-245
    Then 8x3 at 285
  2. Medball throws - 30 throws if various types
  3. 5’ aerdyne

Pleased with this. Upped weight and lowered box vs last squats. Also in the AM.

Ski weekend with the wife and kids. Should be great!



  1. Long drive
  2. Tubing and snow mobiles
  3. Swings - 300x55#
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  1. Snow shoeing and sledding
  2. More sledding
  3. Some KB swings and rows

Tomorrow cross country skiing or fat tire biking

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Snowboarding. Oh man - I suck at that. Legs killing me that’s for sure.

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I’m so jealous! I haven’t been snowboarding since… 2009. I’ll be back someday when the kids are old enough to join us.

Yeah it’s been since 2000 for me. I remembered it being pretty easy and that I was on tough runs. Today was bunny slope and difficult. And expensive!


  1. Aerdyne Warm-up 5 minutes plus dynamic mobility
  2. Muscle Snatch doubles up through 135
  3. Muscle Clean doubles up to 185 (might have dipped a teeny bit here)
  4. Snatch Grip Deadlifts
  • High Pulls x 3 at 205, 225, 235, 245, 265 (this was not very high)
  • Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 8x3 at 285

Pretty happy with today’s session. Muscle snatches and muscle cleans are a great exercise to work on the second pull and full extension. Deadlifts up 10# on same session 1 month ago.


3/30 - I just miss sessions too often. Forgot my gym stuff when leaving the house this morning, now can’t get a session in - as I’m stuck in office for a few hours before a seder dinner. Lift tomorrow, full track workout - throws, acceleration, and intervals on Sunday.


OL session w a coach. A lot to learn but making some progress on recognizing good vs bad positions.

Probably about 100 reps of light weight snatch position work and high pulls. Then about 100 reps of accessory work on shoulder pushing and pulling.

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